
none of the following are listed in any particular order
i do not condone anything problematic done in any of these

  • games: genshin impact, ace attorney, persona, final fantasy, danganronpa, minecraft, call of duty, fortnite, cookie run kingdom, fnaf, valorant, roblox, overwatch 2, legend of zelda, yakuza, resident evil
  • animanga/manhwa: death note, danganronpa, devilman crybaby, monster, beserk, banana fish, serial experiments lain, tbhk, nge, aot, kny, jjk, bsd, csm (i'm very on and off about this one... sometimes i like it, sometimes i don't), studio ghibli animes in general, lookism, goodnight punpun, viral hit, 19 days
  • series: modern family, grey's anatomy, the good doctor, train to busan, the office, young sheldon, the big bang theory, brooklyn nine-nine, friends, never have i ever, vincenzo, extracurricular, all of us are dead
  • misc: medical sciences, ukagakas, psychology, user interface web design, frutiger aero, graphic design, horror media, art, religous symbolism in media

go back?

Pub: 05 Jul 2024 20:28 UTC
Edit: 06 Jul 2024 11:33 UTC
Views: 189