How to Watermark Photos For JanitorAI Using Canva

A visual learner's guide by JJHallisey/JohnnieBoy A chibi of an alternative man holding up a peace sign

Step One: Getting Your The Image For Your Watermark

If you don't want to use an image for your watermark, skip to Step Six

This is a fairly easy thing to do! You can generate it using services such as MidJourney, PixAi, Tensor, etc. or even have one specifically commissioned for you! I generated mine by using MidJourney.

Picture of a plague doctor holding a lamp

Once you have this image, you'll want to remove the background. I personally use Remove Background, however if an image has a more intricate background I will use Krita to have more control over what gets removed and what gets left. You should have an image that looks like this once you are done.

Picture of a plague doctor holding a lamp with a transparent background

Step Two: Open Canva

If you don't already have an account, you're going to want to create an account on Canva. Do not worry, for this tutorial you will not need Canva Pro.

Once you have an account you will be greeted by your home screen. From here you will want to go to the "create a design" button in the top left corner.

Picture of the canva home page

Step Three: Opening The Image You Want To Watermark

From the "create a design" menu, you want to select "upload" and upload the desired image from your computer. Once you get the popup with the image you want to select "Use in a new design" and then "custom sizing". The sizing there should already be the exact fit for your image, click on "create a new design" to confirm and be taken to the workspace.

Video of above steps

Workaround if sizing is not correct

Once the image is uploaded, instead of clicking "use in a new design" you'll want to click "edit image" and then in the top right corner you should see "use in design" this will take you to a workspace where the canvas is already sized to your image.

Video of above steps

Step Four: Adding Your Watermark Image To Canva

This is a similar process as above! In the workspace you want to click "uploads" and then "upload files" to add your image with the transparent background to your canva library. I already have mine in canva, so once you do it it'll always be there!

Canva Upload

Step Five: Adding The Image to Your Canvas

For this, all you need to do is click on the image you uploaded from your library and drag it onto your canvas. It may be a little big so make sure to resize it to something you deem fit!

If dragging is not working

You can simply click on the image and it will import the image you clicked on to the canvas. Sometimes dragging from the library will replace the entire image on the canvas.

Video of dragging image onto canvas and resizing

Step Six: Adding Text to Your Watermark

If you want to add text to your watermark you can do so by clicking on "text" and then "add a text box". You can add as many as you want, and even change the font and color from the top bar! It's best to use a legible font and the color white though. This allows the watermark to be seen well regardless of what background it is on.

Adding Text

Watermark Examples

If you would like a watermark that looks similar to mine you will use the following format. This is the same format that IO uses for their watermarks as well.

Carrd/Website (If you have one)
Watermark Image
only on janitor ai
do not repost

My Watermark Image

Aatroxie's Watermark Image Aatroxie had a similar layout but overlays his text over his watermark image!

There is also another common format below

Watermark Image
generated using ai by

Example currently not available

You can also just watermark using your username and no image!

Username Watermark Credit goes to Godricrandom on JanitorAI.

Step Seven: Grouping & Opacity (Optional)

If you wish to have a more "overlayed" look, you're going to want to lower the opacity! This can be done easily. First, you're going to want to group all elements of your watermark together. You can do this by holding shift and clicking on each element individually, once each element is selected let go of shift and a small tooltip should pop up. On this tooltip you're going to want to select "group".

Once your elements are grouped together, you're going to go to the top bar and click the checkerboard icon. This is the transparency slider. From here you can change the transparency to whatever you like! I find 50 to be the best, but find what works for you!

You can also move the watermark around to find the best positioning once they are grouped together!


Step Eight: Save the Image

Click on share in the top right corner, then download. You'll now have the image on your computer and ready to upload to Janitor!

And you're all done!

Pub: 19 Oct 2024 13:08 UTC
Edit: 03 Nov 2024 05:15 UTC
Views: 422