
  • NSFW account, under 18 DNI
  • More retweets than tweets
  • Not spoiler free

General Information

  • 22+, she/her


  • ORV
    • Joongdok, all kinds (Plotja SPOD etc.), no reverse
  • TOG
    • bamkhun, reverse ok
    • allbam & allkhun, reverse ok
  • Other media & their ships e.g. CSM, GI (not a player) that fits my taste, I retweet without hesitation


  • Infidelity regardless of any ships
  • Poly ships in ORV that aren't Joongdok only / its variations
  • Ships in ORV that involves only either YJH or KDJ
Pub: 05 Dec 2022 17:07 UTC
Views: 3364