i am watching you, watching the way you watch people do

image description

¡¡ rules !!

@ bfyi ! ? image description

im an emo edgelord, pls use tone tags, im white, ablebodied and an athiest, i make kys/kms jokes,
i sometimes use double letters, im in est time

@ dnfi ! ? image description

basic dni criteria, infantilize / sexualize me, 21+, gore enjoyers, r slur users or "reclaimers", transmed, dsmp fan, proshipper, homos /j

@ meow ! ? image description

pls add cws for earrape, eyestrain, veins, and tics (not the bug) and add tws for csa and fresh sh

image description

profile . . . home . . . links

Pub: 08 Oct 2022 08:23 UTC
Edit: 08 Oct 2022 23:14 UTC
Views: 198