Chapter 4: Bona Fide Third-party
Iroha: Mito-chan, Kamira-chan... Theres something urgent I want to ask to ask you about...
Mito: W-what's wrong, Iroha-chan...?
Kamira: WHat's up, you sound super serious.
Kamira: Ah, have you forgot to do your maths homework again?
Iroha: Maths homework...!? W-what on earth could you be talking about!?
Kamira: For real!? I definitely thought you did it, this is crazy bad if you haven.t!
Mito: Eh, this is troubling... Let's do it together later, alright!?
Iroha: Thank you very much, Mito-chan... Kamira-chan...
Mito: S-so, what did you want to ask about?
Iroha: Ah, right!
Iroha: Um... Do you guys know anything about whats going on with Tsubomi-san?
Kamira: About senpai?
Mito: Umm... Sorry, I don't really know anything. I haven't really been together with everyone during practice either...
Kamira: Hmm, well I can't say that nothing comes to mind, did something happen?
Iroha: It's not like theres something definitely going on, but how do I put it, it seems like shes been more distant than usual...
Kamira: Ahh. So it is that. I just thought that she was just nervous about the audition for the lead role.
Mito: Is Tsubomi-san not feeling well...?
Kamira: It's not that she looks like she's not feeling well, how do I put it, she looks like shes worrying about something?
IRoha: That's it! I think "Different than usual" is the best way to put it...
Iroha: I hope she's not pushing herself too hard or anything...
Kamira: But even if you go and tell her to not push herself too much, she's not the type to be honest anyways~.
MIto: Yeah... But it still makes you worry..
Iroha: Lets say that you guys know that theres something going on...
Iroha: What would you do...?
Kamira: Hmm~, You ask that but~.
Mito: ...
Kamira: Well, pthat being said, why don't we go see how shes feeling? Theres still some time during our break, right?
Mito: Alright...!
Iroha: ...
Mito: Iroha-chan? Do you not want to go...?
Iroha: N-no! I'll just stay back!
Iroha: It'll be bad if I don't do my maths homework, you know...!?
Mito: Eh? In that case, we can do it together later--
Kamira: Ah, lets just the two of us go! Irocchi, good luck~.
Mito: A-alright...
Mito: What's with Iroha-chan all of a sudden? Is she alright?
Kamira: Well, surely she's just being considerate.
Mito: COnsiderate?
Kamira: Well the two of them are rivals in this audition, if senpai was really acting strange, wouldn't it be easier to speak to her without her around?
Mito: I see... That's true. They're rivals after all.
Mito: This is quite the situation...
Kamira: Truee. But I do understand it from the boss' perspective~. But our troupe isn't cut out for competitions to decide a winner.
Mito: Couldn't they both be the lead...?
Kamira: Ahaha, imagine if there were 2 lead role!? That would be very like us.
Kamira: And here we are, the 3rd years classroom.
Kamira: Excuse us.
Kamira: Sorry, is Nekoashi-senpai around~?
Student A: Nekoashi-san went to the school infirmary.
Mito: Infirmary...!?
Student A: Her face was looking pale, it might've been anemia? No idea. I wonder if she'll be alright for the mock exams this weekend?
Student B: Ahh, the mock exams really sucj. I haven't even studied one bit.
Mito: Eh...!?
Kamira: Theres a mock exam!? This weekend!?
Student A: Just for the 3rd years~. IF we screw up, then they're gonna call our parents, so it'll be trouble if we don't do our best!
Student B: Did you want ud to tell Nekoashi-san you guys dropped by when she comes back~?
Kamira: Ah~... DOn't worry about it! Thank you so much~! Excuse us~!
Mito: K-Kamira-chan... This weekend, thats the day before the audition, isn't it?
Mito: It seems like she's not feeling well... M-maybe we should speak to Kaname-san about this...
Mito: Maybe we should push the audition to another day, might not be possible, but...
Kamira: Hmmm...
Iroha: Ah, Mito-chan, Kamira-chan! Welcome back!
Iroha: ...What's wrong?
Mito: Ah, ...umm... About....
Kamira: Don't worry about it~! It was bad timing so we didn't get to see senpai, couldn';t tell where she went!
Mito: (Kamira-chan's hiding the fact about the mock exams...)
Iroha: Ahh, so thats what ahppened!
Iroha: Hopefully, theres nothing wrong with Tsubomi-san...
Mito: Y...yeah. Hopefully.