I'm just a stupid kid, and stupid is as stupid does!!! XP
Title bc i wanted to put a title
I'm a minor so plz check my DNI!, i nono want disturbin momentz online X(
Languages i understand: portuguese, english and spanish(bad/learning) X3
You can come up with names 4 me if u want, i LUV 2 recieve new nickz :3
I don't start conversations unless i consider u a fwen, i'm real shy XPPP
I talk A LOT abt gasa4 n everything remind me of gasa4 (my fwenz suffer) X)
I luv 2 comment in art posts so if u get a crazy comment it's bc i love ur art :333
I'm lazy as hell so i always disappear n come back from nowhere posting art XP
My favorite keyboard facez r X3 XD XP :D :3 :> :] X-x O-o ^_^ i use them a lot!!!
U can add me in dc @xxp13rc3th3p4rtyxx//Luzara#2183
but don't expect mi bein social :P
I spend tonz of time of mah day in call w/ Kiwizette cuz we get eachoter lotzlotz!!! XD<3
I <3 ptv so much n if u ask me a LIL question i'll b tellin u abt their whole discography
I'm a begginer drummer ^_^ I just wanted u 2 know cuz kewl, i liek drummin
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I wanna leap when u want mi 2 fly!!! >:3