Chapter 8: Sworn Oath
Chisa: ...
Kathrina: yawn...
Shizuka: Oh my, Kathrina's yawning, how rare.
Shizuka: GO ahead an sleep like Sasuga if you want, I'll wake you up.
Kathrina: I'm not going to sleep!
Kathrina: I-It can't be helped.... I was moving about all day.
Shizuka: Haha, thats true.
Kathrina: Aren't you tired?
Shizuka: I'm fine... I guess I'm still pumped from earlier.
Kathrina: Pumped?
Shizuka: Yeah. Usually I'm always performing in front of Kokona, there's not really many opportunities where I can perform in front of other people...
Shizuka: And also, I was able to express myself in ways I usually don't. So thats got me excited.
Kathrina: I see...
Shizuka: Haha... Today was fun.
Kathrina: I also see you in a new light now. I never realised you could express yourself with such nuance.
Shizuka: What's this all of a sudden.
Shizuka: Well, I'm Kokona's partner, I exist to make her a World Daistar. So of course I can.
Kathrina: I guess that's true. Your performance was truly spectacular. Hopefully one day we can perform together on stage as Sirius.
Shizuka: ...
Shizuka: What's with that serious response, it's embarassing...
Kathrina: Huh? What do you mean serious.
Shizuka: Wait... Nevermind.
Shizuka: But I had fun. The etude, the pantomime. You're really quite the rival, I have a lot to learn from you.
Kathrina: I'm glad I could meet your expectations.
Shizuka: You're a reminder that I'm still quite immature. I need to keep working hard for Kokona's sake.
Kathrina: ... It's always about Kokona with you.
Shizuka: Eh?
Kathrina: Nothing. Maybe I should take a nap... Wake me up when we arrive.
Shizuak: ALright.
Shizuka: ...
Kokona: "Nee-sama... The bamboo blossoms are quite lovely."
Shizuka: Kokona...
Shizuka: What an applause. You've taken another step towards your dream.
Shizuka: ...You managed to do it, Good for you...
Shizuka: (This is a story of Kokona's dream coming true. Where Kokona is the lead.)
Shizuka: (And so, I am just Kokona's Sense. Just a supporting actor...)
Shizuka: (But...)
Shizuka: To leave it as is or not, that is the question.
Kokona: So, lets make a new promise. Someday, we'll stand on the stage together.... and perform together.
Shizuka: (I was glad to hear that. Just hearing that gives me strength.)
Shizuka: (I am happy just to be by your side and play your ideal actor.)
Shizuka: But...
Shizuka: But...
Shizuka: (If that day comes... what kind of happiness will I experience.)