I know i have good judgement. i know i have good taste
call me whatever you wanna idgaf, he pronouns only if you use they ill cry
minor dont talk sexually, aroace, questioning — prolly genderfluid prolly not
esfj 2w3 sp/sx 269 mentally ill. be nice to me i dont care if i was rude first
obey me and we'll be the bestest of friends in the entire world (not rlly but)
no dni idc if ur a horrible problematic person just talk to me i need friends
terrible case of apathy and very low levels of empathy its not my fault tho
bad person ill admit dont be surprised if you c me doing devious evil stuff
add me on discord maybe. add mappishiina on discord maybe. maybeeee
i'm boring and bland with little to no personality and i only talk about myself
congrats on finding the rentry where i relentlessly talk shit about myself. this rentry is basically a warning to anybody who wants to be my friend