Nana — Nico she/her | legal | estp

my account is unlabeled, mostly talk abt my animanga daily consumption

before you follow
not spoiler free, harshwords & keyboard smashing 24/7, very loud abt my fav(s), proshipper, nsfw A LOT, sometimes i just randomly twt abt theory inside my head

do not follow
minor, heavy anikpop/kpop acc, fanpol, islamphobic, hates my fav(s), disrespectful to others

my fav(s) and mostly talk abt ; yana toboso works (esp black butler), shinohara kenta works (sket dance, astra lost in space, witch watch), hirohiko araki works (JOJO)

ask me anything you want through my dm and check my anilist if you want to know my watchlist/readlist, thank you!

Pub: 31 Oct 2023 04:09 UTC
Edit: 12 Apr 2024 04:36 UTC
Views: 1434