"Miss Ouro?" You sat there dumfounded, your latest patient just lied there. Blue eyes half closed, mouth forcefully opened with a clamp to ensure it wouldn't be an impediment during the procedure. This was the first time in your career someone actually feel asleep during wisdom teeth removal.

You only used localized anesthetic.

"Miss Ouro?" Your latex gloved hand shook her thigh vigorously for a minute, her only reply was a quiet and low groan asking her mother for more minutes of sleep.


You stared at your Rolex, the nurse was gonna be out for at least 45 minutes to deal with the paperwork. You were gonna be alone here during that time with a comatose patient. You lowered your face mask, breathing in some fresh but sterile air. You wiped off the sweat that built up around your forehead. Congratulating yourself at another good job done as you stared at the two bloody wisdom teeth on the tray.

5 minutes passed.

You're bored, you tried flicking her on the forehead to wake her up and it did nothing. You've resorted to moving around the office with your swivel chair like some child. You stared at her, taking note of her appearance now that you had nothing much to do.

She was pretty. She had a pale and tall face. She had short and lustrous dark-blue hair done up in a pony tail. She wore a very plain grey hoodie and jogging pants that were tight enough to contour around her body, her very curvy and meaty body. She was a true beauty even with her slack jawed face and severe expression.

Well fuck it, you've worked long enough in this profession. You've got money to burn. You could probably weather a lawsuit and medical malpractice fine if you get caught.

You further reclined the dentistry chair she was on, to the point that she was now lying parallel to the floor and then stood up. You removed your gloves and replaced them with new ones. One must practice proper hygiene even when violating the Hippocratic Oath.

Your hands delved into your trousers and extracted your dick. A little limp but that was gonna change soon. You glide it over her face, brushing her soft cheeks with the tip. You stroked your dick, being careful not to give your shaft a latex burn. You wet your tip a bit with her excess saliva, caressing her moist lips with your john. When the pre-cum started leaking you took that as your que to act.

You shoved your dick very carefully into her mouth, taking care to not make contact with the sore gums. You weren't going to undo all the work you just did. You aimed mostly at her inner cheeks, punching them with your dick and enjoying the warm sensation of her numb mouth.

You quicken and lengthen your strokes. For a moment you panicked when her facial expression changed, but that quickly turned to amusement when she pursed her lips so that they ended up wrapped around the neck of your cock. She was unconsciously sucking and licking at your tip with her tender tongue, maybe she was dreaming of eating a lollipop. Your lower muscles tensed up, the soft suckling on your member that she was doing had been far more effective bringing you to climax than your jacking off. The tension broke and soon you were expelling copious amounts of semen into her mouth. This was the moment of truth.

You were methodical and careful .No cum was to escape. You had to make sure it would all be in there.t this you succeeded.

Your lungs were burning a bit from the breathing. Your heart beating quickly once you realized you might be actually getting away with this. You extract your dick, slathered with semen and spittle. Using some nearby gauze to wipe it all off.

You sit back down, inspecting the state of her mouth. Most of your milk was on her inner cheeks and tongue. Very minimal amounts ended up around the gums. You were damned precise with that ejaculate maybe you should've been a surgeon instead of a dentist.

5 minutes later she was coming to, a little groggy but completely fine.

"W-Wher" You immediately shushed her, explaining to her she needed to be careful not to talk. She nodded.

You had her a cup of water, instructing her to wash out the buildup of "saliva" in her mouth. She complied, drinking, gargling and then spitting it all out into the drain. Then you finished the final parts of the procedure, applying the gauze and then from there it was all just paperwork.

She had no idea you had just cummed in her mouth.

Pub: 13 Sep 2022 17:07 UTC
Views: 373