Kiyo, Cassie, and Bean


Male Keo Keo (Alolan Vulpix), native. He's a bit cold, bold, and smug, but if you get to know him, you'll start to uncover affection and care disguised under a protective layer of snark and teasing. Ultimately, his main goal is to become powerful and famous, even if by dubious means. He's not above stealing, and has difficulty sympathizing with strangers, but to those he'd call friends, he's loyal to the grave.

He avoids talking about his past, except that he comes from a family of esteemed warriors, and he's been an adventurer since childhood. From his time on the road, his senses and awareness have sharpened, but he's also become untrusting, though he's trying to be 'better' about that while he's in Capim town. It's hard for him to relax or have fun; usually Cassie has to force him to unwind.

He hates appearing weak more than anything, so good luck getting him to admit he's hurt. He goes the extra mile to affirm his strength and masculinity, in part because he's mistaken for a (cute) female constantly. This includes partaking in extreme violence and claims of laying many many women.

He can play the harmonica quite well. Bean enjoys his music very much.

Kiyo is a skilled fighter, having trained for battle most his life. He's quick on his feet, and a crackshot with special moves. His defenses aren't great, so he relies heavily on dodging attacks or bursting down opponents before they can fight back. His typing makes him inherently fragile, which he hates to admit. He loves using ice fang, even if it puts him at risk.

Ability: Snow Warning (Negated via nullify bandana)
Moves: Ice Fang, Ice Beam, Confuse Ray, Tail Whip (?), Sheer Cold


Female Sandshrew, native. Despite being friendly and optimistic at heart, she delights in causing mayhem, fighting other Pokemon, and stealing. She fancies herself an explorer, but thanks to her thrill-seeking nature and disregard for property laws, she's seen as more of an outlaw. Still, she tries to only steal from those who deserve to be stolen from.

She comes from a very big, happy, and poor family of bricklayers and carpenters. She was taught the family craft, making her a competant construction-mon. Given the paltry slums they lived in, she's used to fighting and breaking the law. She still loves her family, even if it took years to convince them she was strong enough to go out on her own and be an adventurer. She mails money to her folks after every heist.

Cassie is obsessed with cute things, including cute pokemon. Her unbridled enthusiasm to adore and pet potentially unwilling pokemon can make her seem condescending at times. She used to be very very handsy when she first left home, obsessed with every new adorable pokemon she saw, but after spending time with Bean and Kiyo she's mellowed out a bit.

Cassie is a competent fighter. Thanks to her huge defense, she can shrug off a lot of attacks, unless they're super effective. Her physical attacks hit hard, too, but she's useless at range, and depending on the terrain, she's not particularly fast. In a team setting, she usually insists on going first and taking hits for the others. On occasion, she finds extremely contrived, yet effective, ways to defeat opponents.

Ability: Sand Veil
Moves: Slash, Dig, Harden, Rollout, Iron Claw


Fletchling. Amnesiaic, doesn't know he used to be human. Not a 'protaganist' type. Quiet. Very shy. Usually scared to speak to Pokemon other than Cassie and Kiyo. Values his friends a lot. Hates being called a feral. He's just thinking.

He keeps most of his thoughts to himself, but when he does speak, it's usually a whisper of great value. He isn't expressive by any stretch of the word.

Awkward fighter. Hit and run tactics nonstop.
Ability: Big Pecks
Moves: Ember, Quick Attack, Peck, Acrobatics

The three strangers

Together, the three have commited numerous crimes, against both good and bad pokemon, making a few friends and more than a few enemies. Currently, they're following a treasure map stolen from Captain Ironjaw, a ruthless pirate lord. The map points towards a mysterious, invaluable treasure somewhere below the Clover Guild building. In order to search the building unimpeded, the three join the guild, going to almost-comical efforts to hide their outlaw status.

Pub: 17 Apr 2023 15:53 UTC
Edit: 01 Mar 2024 10:54 UTC
Views: 729