Chapter 7: Collapse

Koyomi: ......This Mactbeth is...... completely different to what the director wanted.

Stage Director: Hold up, Renjakuno.

Stage Director: What kind of feeling are you trying to portray with Macbeth?

Hatsumi: Macbeth is not lacking in ambitions. After consumed by greed and going through with the assassination, there is no turning back.

Hatsumi: After the adrenaline rush of killing the king, along with the expectation of him becoming the king, he's filled with a mixed feeling of elation.

Stage Director: ......I see. A Macbeth that is insane and delirious, but still has high expectations for his future.

Stage Director: But that isn't the Macbeth that was in our plan. Try again, this time with the same vibe as we described.

Hatsumi: ......What did you just say?

Stage Director: I'm pretty sure the description of the role was written in the script. Don't go off script from the scene we've set for you.

Hatsumi: But, it's the actors themselves who play the characters and set the scene.

Hatsumi: Don't we get a say in how the characters should be played?

Stage Director: You bring up a good point. But here, we have a responsibility in maintaining our pride.

Stage Director: The actors should follow what the Director and the screenwriter sets out. In order to fully flesh out the performance.

Hatsumi: ......

Stage Director: That Macbeth you played right now, is not the Macbeth that Gingaza is aiming for.

Hatsumi: ......Tch.

Koyomi: (This isn't good, if this keeps going......!)

Hatsumi: What the masses want is to be able to see the soul of the actors, they want to see something new and refreshing.

Hatsumi: This performance is way too cliche.

Hatsumi: I'm sick of this old-fashioned "Macbeth"!

Stage Director: You don't get to decide what goes on here. The power to change the play is all on us.

Stage Director: You are an actor, not the screenwriter or the director.

Hatsumi: There are an unlimited number of ways that plays can be intepreted! For the play to be this set in stone and stiff, there's no way that will be able to be moving, for both the actors and the viewers.

Troupe Members: Hang on, isn't this......

Troupe Members: fight getting bad?

Koyomi: Ah!

Koyomi: ......Just stop, Renjakuno-san......

Koyomi: Please stop......!

Koyomi: Otherwise, I'm going to lose another......

Stage Director: Cut it out! How long are you going to continue with this!? If you don't plan on following Gingaza's Macbeth, then get out of my sights!

Stage Director: If you're not going to follow instructions, then there no need for you to be at this audition!

Hatsumi: Why won't you understand the need to progress forward.......?

Hatsumi: ......Ahh.

Hatsumi: I'll quit the audition as you wish.

Troupe Members: Hold on, that person is really trying to leave!?

Troupe Members: She's giving up on the audition.....?

Koyomi: Hold on a second! Where do you think you're going?

Hatsumi: Don't touch me.

Hatsumi: ......It's frustrating,

Hatsumi: but it's just like you said.

Koyomi: Renjakuno-san......

Hatsumi: I will never follow anyone's orders.

Hatsumi: I'll make my dreams come true myself.

Koyomi: ......

Koyomi: That girl never came back to the audition stage. And a few days later...... it was announced that Renjakuno-san was expelled from the troupe.

Koyomi: She was punished for the times her interruptions were overlooked, sounds like it was a major hassle for upper management.

Koyomi: Since then, I......

Pub: 11 Dec 2023 23:32 UTC
Edit: 11 Dec 2023 23:59 UTC
Views: 150