Chapter 3: What should I Do

Hatsumi: ...

Hatsumi: Whew...

Nikako's Voice: Ren-san!

Hatsumi: Nikako.

Nikako: pant... Oh good, you're still here.

Hatsumi: ...What's wrong, you're all out of breath. Did you forget something?

Nikako: No. It's just...

Hatsumi: ...?

Nikako: ...

Nikako: I just had something that I definitely needed to ask you.

Hatsumi: What is it?

Nikako: During the performance of "Salome", after you sealed away Irurun's Sense, both of you were fighting with each other, right?

Hatsumi: ...What about it? We all have times where our idea clash don't we?

Nikako: I think so too. I think that's what happened,

Nikako: It just surprised me...

Hatsumi: What do you want from me? In any case, this is between me and IRuru. IT doesn't concern you.

Nikako: At that time, you said that if the performance failed, you would do something.

Nikako: If something went wrong, you would do something about it. IF that was the case then Irurun would know the same.

Nikako: So why didn't you give Irurun another chance?

Hatsumi: ...

Hatsumi: Because there was no other chance. This was all on her.

Nikako: But you still wanted to believe in her, didn't you?

NIkako: The truth is that you...!

Hatsumi: That's enough out of you. I told you this has nothing to do with you.

Hatsumi: I still have work to do. I don't have any time for all your questions.

Nikako: wait, Ren-san...!

Daikoku: ...

Nikako: Haah...

Nikako: HOld on, Daa-chan?

Daikoku: I'm sorry... I was secretly listening to you two...

Daikoku: I just watned to do some self practice.

Daikoku: And then as I was about to leave, I heard you two and couldn't leave...

Nikako: Ahh...

Nikako: I'm sorry about just now...

Daikoku: DOn't be, it's alright. I get it. Iruru is much more suited to this tole than me.

Nikako: That's not what I meant...! I didn't mean for it to sound like that...

Nikako: You haven't done anything wrong, Daa-chan. You're doing your best.

Daikoku: Don't apologise. You're the one thats doing her best.

Daikoku: ...But.

Daikoku: OCcasionally, I do get envious of Iruru-san. To be seem like that by my Master...

Daikoku: Am I not good enough?

Nikako: Daa-chan...

Daikoku: I know that my master's hurting. She's been all over the place lately. Just look at what happened today...

Daikoku: That's unfair, Iruru-san. AFter all the support you've given me... And not wanting to quit...

Nikako: Not wanting to quit...?

Daikoku: ...

Nikako: I'm sorry, Daa-chan...

Nikako: ...There, there.

Nikako: ...

Nikako: I guess its fair to not light this Eden.

Nikako: What should we do...

Daikoku: Nikacchi?

Nikako: I'm gonna go.

Nikako: I'm scared... But I don't want to keep things like this.

Daikoku: Eh...?

Daikoku: Hold on...!

Nikako: Ren-san!

Hatsumi: Why are you still here? Knock it off.

Hatsumi: I really busy, don't bother me with such trivial things.

Nikako: ...

Nikako: I have something very important to talk about.

Nikako: It's been on my mind all this time. But it looks like you haven't been enjoying yourself lately.

Hatsumi: Huh...?

Nikako: Surely, you want Irurun to try again once more, surely you want her to come back, don't you?

Hatsumi: I've already completed the new "Salome". I don't need Iruru anymore.

Nikako: ...But. I can see that you're not really serious about this.

Hatsumi: What did you just say...?

Nikako: You've already wanted to see Iruru act, didn't you?

Nikako: And the current lead, Daa-chan already knows that, the poor thing...!

Hatsumi: ...

Hatsumi: What would you know. DO you plan to disobey me?

Nikako: I'm not disobeying you.

Hatsumi: Not disobeying...? I'm instructing Eden right now. I'm the creator of this troupe you know?

Nikako: DId you ideal troupe look like one where everyone is depressed, like Eden is right now?

Hatsumi: ...

Nikako: I hate the way Eden is right now.

Hatsumi: If you hate it, then leave.

Nikako: Eh...?

Nikako: Are you being serious?

Hatsumi: Who knows.

Nikako: ...

Nikako: Ok.

Nikako: I really looked up to you.

Nikako: But the way you're acting now is too cruel...

Hatsumi: ...

Pub: 04 Oct 2024 04:12 UTC
Views: 37