Honestly the basic dni criteria (racist, homophobic, transphobic, proship, etc) , DSMP fans.... , xenogender and neopronoun antis , 11 or younger, 20 or older (unless i interact first) , people w problematic interests in general.... , people who say slurs they CANT reclaim , people who romanticize + glamorize mentall illness and/or disorders (thats just so fucking gross and weird oh my god bro) , PAST CLASSMATES AND/OR FRIENDS (unless i interact first) just dont be a weird or bad person and we'll b fine!!! :D


MOST INFO R IN MY INTRODUCTION PAGE !!!! but i do make kms/kys jokes (depending on how comfortable i am w you!!!!) , i use + need tone indicators,,, i have a hard time reading tones , itz difficult for me to continue + start conversations (so if i just stop responding or leave you on read i just dont know what to say!!! but i swear im interested) , i get overwhelmed / anxious by constant (angryish) yelling , or just by constant loud noises in general !! btw, if i ever do or say any weird shit, lmk!! and if i make you sad or uncomfy just lmk as well,, i rlly wanna get along with everyonee!!!!! DONT HESITATE TO BE MY FRIEND!!!!! :33 I LOVE MAKING NEW FRIENDSZ!!!!! >w<!!!!!

navigation ! 彡 I. () ৲ II. () ৲ III. ()

Pub: 07 Jun 2023 01:58 UTC
Edit: 08 Jun 2023 04:25 UTC
Views: 224