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hello sleet, hello parkoomfs (ㅅ´ ˘` ) yap session inkoming..
currently very, veet far from home @_@ so ill use this as a
travel journal-esque thing — in the meantime; feel free to
request to follow me on twitter OR send me an ask
(@leisure) for my discord!

8.07.24 — hello from utah !! i am currently about 18 hours from home,, we still have like 8 more hours of driving before reaching san diego. last night we were in montana, the drive has been oh so scenic so far !!! its a nice change from the sightseeing in the prairies, as theres nothing much to look at besides flaaat, flat land as far as the eye can see.. i am very excited to pass through las vegas tomorrow, we wont get to go down the strip but we spend a night there on our way back! i am very very excited to go to universal studios soon, and am looking forwards to the nintendo section! ( i ❤ nintendo ) im hoping that tomorrow we'll arrive in san diego early enough to do some shopping, as id like to check out a record or a manga/anime store to try and find stuff for my best friend and i. i bought her a cutesy sanrio keychain blindbag, i hope she likes it •u• its currently 23:37 and i am exhausted from travelling and swimming today, i will update when i am in san diego! 🎵 (◠‿◠)

8.08.24 — hello from California!!!!!! today was a looong day filled with much driving. I think I spent about ~14 hours in that car. ;u; it was quite nice though, I finished watching why women kill (peak fucking show actually. Id say it’s a must watch) and spent a lot of time sightseeing. I think the neatest thing I saw today were the red rocks and Las Vegas!!! wow wow wow. we didn’t get to drive down the strip — we spend a night in New York New York on our way home, but we got to see the hotel, the mgm pyramid, the sphere, the home of the golden nights (I geeked out cuz I fucking love hockey •u•), the trump hotel, and also a bunch more that I can’t recall cause I’m super tired.. I think today’s been my favourite drive so far. The scenery is absolutely incredible and I was in awe for a majority of the trip. I am super excited for tomorrow!!! we’re going to do some sightseeing, I like looking at big houses and nitpicking their designs, it gets me excited for university as id like to go into architecture. we’re also going to swim — the hotel we’re in is super fancy, it’s like that one Roblox game hotel and it’s super neat. it has an outdoor pool for crying out loud!!! I hooopppeee we get to do a bit of shopping, id like to pick out some more stuff for my best friend and also maybe a vinyl record or two 🎵 (◠‿◠) I also cannot wait for Los Angeles and the beaches!!! goodnight parkoomfs.. more updates after sightseeing tomorrow

8.09.24 — hello from California, again!!! It was soo so nice getting to sleep in today after waking up early for long days of driving. today I got to see so very many fancy houses, so many of them also had very beautiful views! we also got to drive past the Pacific Ocean, I’ve only ever seen it one other time! it was sooo so pretty, I love water!!!! there were also so many people there and we really struggled to find parking. I got to see a cyber truck the first time and I have to say that they’re even ugly in real life than they are in pictures.. I’ve never ever seen so many teslas before @_@ I think there’s about 2 total in the city I live in, so it’s incredible to see hundreds of them, let alone freaking cyber trucks!!! after the beach we did some more cruising around, sightseeing downtown and all that. we saw some beautiful restaurants, but ended up eating at Olive Garden. regardless, the food was extremely yum! My mom offered me a sip of her drink, it was a spiked strawberry something, but the vodka was VERY VERY potent and I learned today I did not like the taste of vodka. ;_; my mom didn’t end up liking the drink that much either, she agreed it wasn’t diluted well. I had a raspberry lemonade to drink and it was really good! Their chocolate lasagna is suuuperr good, id say it’s a must have ( ´⤙ ` ) though admittedly I am a sucker for anything chocolate.. after lunch we came back to the hotel and everyone napped and relaxed.. we swam in this really nice outdoor pool and afterwards my dad and I set out to find a gas station for snacks but that turned into a total gongshow ;_; regardless we got drinks and snacks but it could’ve gone a lot smoother! tomorrow we go to sea world and honestly I’m most excited for the jellyfish and the build a bear.. I could care less about everything else but my mom is extremely insistent that we go.. but oh well! My best friend really likes jellyfish so it’ll be nice to get some picture for her.. I MISS PLAYING FORTNITE SO BAD OH MY GOD. I’m so sad I’ll miss the start of season 4 and all the live events ongoing. oh well, I’m hoping they bring back the bear hug emote soon. anyways, that’s all I have to say for now, it’s so nice to be off of the road and having long drives and to be able to just sit back and relax for once. Goodnight parkoomfs!!!!

8.11.24 — hello from Los Angeles!!!! apologies for no entry yesterday, I wasn’t feeling too well @_@ we didn’t do much at sea world besides the dolphin show and getting food,, I was feeling extremely bitchy and didn’t wanna be there and my mom wanted to leave as well but the weather was nice at least.. after sea world we drove around and looked at massive houses and also got to see apart of the ocean! today we drove to la and it was gorgeous. we stopped at Oceanside and saw freaking sea lions!!!!! they were super cute and the beach was soooo sooo nice. I wish we would’ve been able to go down to the waters but we didn’t have the time and had to keep going, though I did get a lot of pictures! the town of Oceanside is absolutely gorgeous,, beautiful scenery,, beautiful houses,, maybe I’ll live there one day.. we accidentally drove onto a fucking military base. I have no idea how we got there but we had genuinely never turned around faster oh my god it was so scary 😭😭😭 as we continued to la we saw a navy base and a massive navy ship!!!! I don’t think I was able to grasp how large it truly was because of how far we were but even with the distance it was still massive ;u; it was super neat to see regardless! I ALSO SAW THREE FUCKING CYBER TRUCKS TODAY THEYRE ACTUALLY SO UGLY OH MY GOD WHY WHY WHY CAN SOMEONE MAKE TJEM ILLEGAL PLEASE Anyways. Tomorrow we go to universal studios and I am sooo so excited!!!! I cant wait for the Nintendo world and the trolly ride thing.. I’ve wanted to go to universal for so long — it’s hard to believe im actually going tomorrow! I will update with pictures tomorrow.. sorry for the shortish update tonigjt,, goodnight parkoomfs !!
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Pub: 07 Aug 2024 00:30 UTC
Edit: 12 Aug 2024 06:41 UTC
Views: 302