hi cam ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ it is 12:04am and i kind of miss you. tomorrow i have school so i should be sleeping but...... nah. and my old letter is getting too cluttered for comfort. and i want to write on a fresh page. (this also gives me a chance to hoard more urls but. shh. dont tell anyone.) i was ghinking about this wednesday and i'm Really Really Really excited. its actually crazy how hyped i am ... mostly because we'll get to call. and we havent called in a while. i'm a little scared of calling with your parents around and them "meeting" me but i'm sure it'll be okay i think. and if this "date" goes well then that means we can call anytime (including when theyre around too!!!!) except thatd be a little awkward calling with them around .. id have to watch my mouth and stuff and i woukdnt ramble as much i dont think. but thats okay too. id sit in front of prison guards if it meant i could talk to you (okay that was really weird tora) i really lovr you. i cant wait until your birthday. IM SO SAD WE CANT CALL ON UOUR BIRTHDYAY its a on tuesday uuuhahshhsah. but its okay. because the next day will be wednesday aaaand.... then we can call!!!! and ill sing happy birthday for you!!!!! even though i cant sing sorry. and we can do whatever you want on that day. just. um. no meowing video. i lobe you but i have morals :blush: also it just occured to me that if we both didnt like vocaloid we would have never met ?!?!?!? i know youve said that before but it only just clicked in my head ?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? because the only reason why i dm'ed you anyways was because you had a miku pfp omg ... if i hadnt been recommended that stupid miku (anamanaguchi) song on spotify i would have never looked into the scary hellhole vocaloid was. and i would have never met you. and id probably be um. really sad. or dead. :4tbh_cry: sometimes i wish we'd met even earlier in our lives ... or even some stupid shit like childhood friends. so maybe we could be dating longer or something ... but even if not itd still be cool to know you for longer. because you're really cool. but it doesnt matter i think. im grateful to know you for 1 year and be dating you for 5 months. im grateful to get the chance to know you at all!!! and i really appreciate you staying up for me and being patient with me even when i'm acting weird. i hope you know that i will always always ALWAYS!!! love you!!! and only you for like. The Rest Of My Life. cuz youre the only one that really gets me. and i get you too. its like you said before, we're a lot more alike than we think. and even if i act like i dont like you (which honestly L to me. and i really am sorry for that day) i DO!!! i'm not gonna list eeverything here cuz its kind of private but i think you know what i'm talking about. umm. i dont know what else to write im super sleepy. thank you for everything you do for me and showing me neverending patience and kindness. i;mgonna have to repay you for that one day. and i hope you know i will always always ALWAYS!!! do mybest for you!!!! and treat you the same way you treat me. now and forever. i promise.

Pub: 07 May 2024 04:47 UTC
Edit: 07 May 2024 10:34 UTC
Views: 135