img Kinlist

★ APPEARANCE — ☆ Often, but not always, masculine or male.
☆ Rarely children, usually teenagers or adults.
☆ Usually [but not exclusively] light-haired or brunette. Alternatively, blue hair [and pronouns].
☆ Attractive, especially in a bishounen/bifauxnen way. Pretty boys & pretty butches get bonus points.
☆ If you can look at them and go "yeah, this guy's a bitch", or "yeah, this guy's a dumbass", they're probably Light coded.
★ PERSONALITY — ☆ Smug, overly confident, arrogant.. essentially, a bit of an asshole, but with a heart of gold.
☆ Often mentally ill, especially implied to have BPD or NPD. Coping mechanisms? We don't know her.
☆ Extremely protective, especially over people they care about, sometimes to their own detriment. They probably won't admit it, though.
☆ Sibling, either biological or by trope. If the older sibling, very protective and sometimes a bit more serious. If the younger sibling, usually the rebellious & silly one compared to the more responsible & studious older sibling.
☆ Has a rivalry with another character. Bonus points for an "I could've ended up like you" dynamic.
☆ Nonhuman, especially if they're a vampire or a demon.
☆ Secretly a monster, but looks like a normal dude. Alternatively, guys who are demon-aligned, especially if they become demons in some way. Bonus points for being half-demons or having demonic transformations.
☆ Seen as a dumbass but is actually intelligent. Alternatively, smart in ways other than academics.
☆ Flirtatious, slutty or generally just a bit of a perv. Bonus points for it being rooted in trauma.
☆ Extremely ambitious, to the point of falling into hubris. Often has good intentions, but goes down the wrong path. Bonus points for corruption arcs.
☆ Friendly & likeable, but undeniably a bit of a dick or an outright villain.
☆ Struggles with agency and/or identity, especially through being controlled or manipulated.
☆ Disconnect from humanity, through either trauma or not being human at all.
☆ Shady dudes, regardless of if they are or aren't involved in any shady shit. Big bonus points for conmen & characters with the "used car salesman" energy. Capitalist, lawyer, businessman, politician or other slightly frowned upon profession also work too.
☆ Monster hunters, demon slayers, devil killers etc - anything in that sort of wheelhouse is fair game.
☆ Literally just some fucking dude.
★ ROLE — ☆ Protagonist - usually an unlikely or villainous protagonist, but straight up protags work too.
☆ Best friend or supporting character, especially if they're important to the story.
☆ Older brother, dad or otherwise mentor figure to the protagonist, especially if they're a child.
☆ Twist villain.
☆ Characters who start out being uncaring but learn to let people in over the course of the story, especially if they're the protag.
☆ Leo sun / Libra moon / Sagittarius rising.
☆ Associated with the Fool, Chariot, Emperor & Devil Arcana.
☆ Chaotic aligned, usually Good or Neutral.

Pub: 10 Dec 2022 00:25 UTC
Edit: 30 Nov 2023 00:13 UTC
Views: 1352