Kio Hanak (JADF) x PoV


You are an explorer on an expedition to a newly discovered forest area. You have been venturing for several days so far, taking notes on interesting local plants and wildlife deep in the forest.

As you approach a small clearing, you see a large tree that looks like it could be suitable as a shelter from the elements. It is also very close to some other trees which look almost identical. The only difference between them is their size. You decide to camp out here tonight since there is still daylight left before nightfall.

You take the time to set up camp and create a small campfire, securing the area to discourage any animals from coming near after you eat. You lie down under your tent and fall asleep quickly, as you are exhausted from the day of trekking.

The morning light pierces your skull as you groggily open your eyes. Everything seems to be in a daze for a while, you feel like you've been up all night drinking.

You find yourself a short distance away from the tent. You have been tied to a tree with some vines, with your legs spread wide. Whoever did this to you also took off all of your clothes, leaving them in a pile over near your tent. You are completely at their mercy.

You look around desperately for something to help you, but you only see more trees.
Then, though the trees, you see a figure approach. In the shade from the leaves, it appears to be a short girl with long blond ponytails and green eyes that approaches. She doesn't seem to be wearing anything but stockings, gloves, and a somewhat concerning axe.

She has a neutral expression on her face, so it doesn't seem like she's angry or wants to hurt you. However, the one feature you didn't catch makes your eyes wide in surprise: from her crotch hangs a massive pair of testicles in a kind of a sling, each nearly as big as her head. She also has a flaccid but thick cock tucked into the sling as well. The effect is that of her having a huge bulge between her legs while still being nearly naked. She continues to approach wordlessly, dropping the axe on the ground once she gets closer to you.

She points at herself and says "I, Kio. Kio Hanak." She seems to have figured out the basics of your language after reading your journals and diagrams, which is convenient, as you don't know any of the languages of the reclusive local elf tribes. She then looks down at your crotch, then looks and points at you and says "You, breeder." in her same matter-of-fact tone.
She seems to have her own ideas on what you are though, as she lifts up on the leading edge of the sling that her testicles are in and steps towards you.

The sling begins to come loose and her cock and balls flop out. You can see a small amount of steam come off her large ballsack as it it exposed and hangs low in the morning air. She's naked underneath it.
She looks down at your tied-up arms and legs and seems to consider what she could do. She walks around you, inspecting your shape and taking notes.

As she inspects you, the strangeness of the situation as well as the lewd display before you causes you to start getting\ hard. But, you now notice that your cock erects to a much larger size than usual, seemingly even larger than Tio's. She must have applied some mixture of plants from around the area to grow your cock to its larger size.
Kio looks down at your oversized woody and then sits on the ground in front of you.

She starts rubbing a thick, green liquid into her balls, and then all over her cock as it begins to grow erect. She pays special attention to her cockhead, covering it with several applications. The process of her preparing her and her oversized member while you stand there in violation of your bindings has you throbbing in no time. Your cock begins to leak precum from the display, as you haven't cum since you started your expedition.

Kio lifts up her oversized member and walks over to you, as you're helpless to do anything but watch her approach.
You wince as she kneels in front of your engorged member and begins to pour a slick, pink liquid directly onto the head of your cock. She looks at you as it begins to ooze down the sides of your dick and begins rubbing your member with her hand.
She makes sure to rub plenty of the lightly tingling liquid into your shaft, your balls, and especially your cockhead, centering around your cumslit at the very tip. She looks to you with her bright green eyes and continues to work your member as you begin to breath heavily, with a blush starting to form on her face as well. You begin to try to fight your bindings but find yourself unable to due to the pleasure.

She then suddenly stops when it seems that your cock has absorbed all the liquid, and puts a finger at the tip of your cock. To your surprise, her finger begins to slip inside of your urethra, your cock stretching around it. That feels weird. In a good way... She continues to push your cock around in your urethra with her finger, wiggling it around, and then shoves another finger in, with little resistance and no pain.

You gape at how much your urethra is stretching and at the sensation, as she inserts a third finger into your cock.
She begins to slowly pull her fingers out of your cock one by one and massages the head of your cock in the process.
Suddenly, she stops and stands up, taking her fingers out of your cock.
She says, "Kio is ready to breed you. Make new hunters for clan. Great honor." She then turns around and grabs both her and your cock. The next thing you know, your eyes widen. You wince as you begin to feel the head of Kio's cock press against the entrance to your urethra.

With her huge sac close to your face now, you can feel the heat coming off of it. You think you can almost even hear a faint liquid sound of them, likely pointing to what has to be be gallons of thick, hot spunk.

Kio slides her cock into your specially prepared cockhole, which stretches around her prick. The sensation is like her fingers, a pleasurable stretching, but with the pulsing heat of her cock added in. You see your cock bulge out with the outline of hers as she slowly sinks her penis down into your urethra. She eventually hilts her dick within yours. You can feel the heat of her cockhead almost down to the root of the inside of your prick.

She begins to slowly pump in and out of your urethra with her own, wiggling her hips to get a better angle.
As she gets into a rhythm of slow thrusts, a pleasured expression spreads on her face as she pants lightly. The sensation of having your urethra fucked is entirely alien, but extremely pleasurable. You even have the additional stimulation of Kio's fat, heaving balls moving and slapping against the top of your dick. To make it even better, you can feel your cockhead rubbing her pubic bone with each stroke.

However, you don't feel that an orgasm is coming. Despite the intense new sensations and a week of not touching yourself, something in the liquids she used must have slowed your ability to orgasm. All you can do is enjoy the slow pleasure as Kio thrusts away. It's only a minute before you feel something else happening and Kio begins to grunt in the process of shifting her weight slightly.

Her thrusts begin to go faster and harder, her dick now pistoning in and out of your urethra. Her huge sack begins to tighten towards her body right before your eyes. The sight is just as enjoyable as the feeling. You can feel the walls of your urethra begin to pulsate and contort in time with her thrusts. She begins to grit her teeth as she pounds into you while her sack begins twitching. While you are in pleasure more than any you've felt before, there's no way you're going to cum before she does. Thus, you have no other choice than to brace yourself as best you can.

You feel a sudden rush of something enter your urethra. Kio doesn't stop thrusting, but her movements become erratic as her balls lurch all the way up. You see them begin to force her giant load down towards her cock, filling it with an extreme heat until the first deluge finally enters your urethra. You grunt as your urethra is suddenly flooded with her spunk. Kio continues fucking her cum down into your urethra, the force and the gravity helping her thick spunk push easily down into you. It leaves a throbbing heat as it passes thru the base of your cock.

You groan as she continues to wail on your urethra, an extremely powerful feeling that makes you grunt each time one of her load smears against the sensitive walls. Her semen begins to move thru your internal plumbing, eventually forcing its way into your prostate. The heat of her cum bloating inside of it sets of new waves of pleasure, each nearly an orgasm by itself, but you have no release. Your dick throbs in time with her thrusts, and you can feel the heat of her cum as it moves down into your groin.

When you feel your prostate near to bursting, you suddenly feel something give, only giving a seconds repreive before Kio's load begins rushing towards your testicles. Every time you see her balls tense and fire another jet, you can see your own epididymes swell further and further towards your balls. You can almost see them tightening down on their own, and the feeling is incredibly intense, but you have no release.

Her load finally reaches both of your balls, filling them with an immense, tingling heat. The cum begins to pour into your septa, visibly filling your nuts with each pulse of her member. You can feel the cum deep inside your urethra, filling your prostate adn other tubes with its warmth.

Kio continues to pump load after load down into you, and as she does you feel something further after a few seconds.
Her cum entering your balls seems to have set something off. The waves of pleasure start hitting much harder, and you let out a long groan as it finally seems like you properly orgasm. Kio takes notice, and begins practically jackhammering her cock into your urethra.

Suddenly, you feel your own orgasm hit, and you moan out in ecstasy as the most intense orgasm you've ever felt hits.
But, the release is not to be. The sensation of her cum in your balls did set you off, but any chance of actually cumming is halted immediately by Kio's immense fluid pressure. All it does is open your tubes wide, welcoming in instead of resisting her load. The intense pressure forces her load into you in a heavy pulse, forcing you to gasp and groan as it hits your urethra.

After several more seconds of frantic thrusts, Kio lets out a quiet sustained moan as her balls tense up more than they have before, pulling completely taut and even appearing to shrink a bit. This is followed by an immense torrent of cum as she bucks down one last time, burying herself in your cock as deep as possible. Your welcoming balls and prostate take in the flood, and your testicles immediately balloon with her seed. Your cock throbs and burns as the thick white dickhead begins pulsing out more and more of her warm and sticky seed, filling you completely.

While she continues having what appears to be a double orgasm, her balls are visibly shrinking, albeit slowly, as yours swell out. You can't even begin to describe your pleasure, your mind and body overwhelmed by the most intense feeling you've ever had.
You begin to feel an intense tingling in your balls as a change happens, though you won't know for several weeks. Kio's potent sperm have done an expedition of their own, completely filling every inch of your balls right down to the sperm creation at the deepest part of your testes. Each one of your sperm gets swarmed and completely surrounded by her forceful swimmers, eventually pressing together enough to create clumps of pure, virile DNA. Much like a sperm fertilized by an egg, your sperm have been fucked into submission. These clumps begin to implant themselves into the walls of your testicles, each tube forced full of them. They will begin to grow, taking nutrients from any new sperm you create as your testes change to be able to support the new elven life beginning to grow inside you.

Tio pants after a successful breeding. Not just her first breeding as an adult, but the first true orgasm, due to the clan's sacred rules on futas saving all their cum for their destined breeder. A successful and happy ending for her.
Kio yawns as she pulls out of your now deflating cock and stands up.
This whole experience has left you completely unconscious. Kio takes a moment to bask in the afterglow, and then packs up all your things. She makes a sled out some vines and wood, and begins to pull her new breeder back to town to begin their new life together making new elves for the proud clan.

Pub: 19 Jul 2021 18:33 UTC
Edit: 21 Aug 2021 22:18 UTC
Views: 1520