1. Please be kind to each other!
    This event is meant to bring people together, so please treat others how you would like to be treated!
  2. Age
    Do not lie about your age. If you are found to be lying about your age to get into NSFW chats, you will be banned from the server and blacklisted from the event.
  3. Guidelines
    We do not tolerate pedophilia, zoophilia, racism, homophobia, transphobia, or any other kind of hate towards a minority group.
  4. Discourse
    Please keep ship discourse out of the server and event. Harassment of any members and users, regardless of views, will not be tolerated.
  5. Tags
    Please use the respective SFW and NSFW tags when posting content for the week.
    (#kirabossweek2023 for SFW & #kirabossweek2023AD for NSFW)
Pub: 26 Jun 2023 21:18 UTC
Views: 49