"I have emotional motion sickness"

mental health page + abt stuff , pls read fully

Image description my mental health is rlly bad rn so pls dont do these things:

vent to me (ask if close)

make fun of me but ur srs

seriously flirt with me (do not pls :c )
joke about self harm

im usually sitting with mt friends in the spiderverse area, but if im alone PLS interact with caution unless its c+h noir skin, i get really shy.

if you want to talk WHISPER!! i most likely wont see your message because im off tab / afk

when im with my friends we tend to use party chat to interact with each other. if were all sitting together DONT!!!! just sit with us if ur a random, if someone asks you to move SUCK IT UP and MOVE!! if you dont, we'll move or just hide you. Image description

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Pub: 12 Jul 2023 23:03 UTC
Edit: 17 Jul 2023 03:18 UTC
Views: 51