animal related terms, marine life related terms, gore cannibalism and violence related terms, creepy cute/morbid cute terms, vulture culture related terms, lovecore terms, terms related to bright colors, terms related to the supernatural, terms related to kikuo, maretu or vocaloid in general. |
most other things, ask! |
terms related to real life people, dsmp, jojifuku, babycore, agere/petre, sexual nsfw terms (besides just sexuality) |
xenic, kenochoric, twistute, mortelum, misapocalypec, fantasium, macarshric, luxine, aetherine, furrean, briscenic, gesneriad, feruvel, esperkyn, dimensen, cuteseyic, aquarine, cringern and altumen aligned terms |
ask! |
none for now :0 |
alteraffectis sublabels, tertiary attraction stuff, vesil, omninouns, alderns, genders, xenonatures, otherkin/alterhuman flags, aspec stuff |
ask! |
transID, transX, paraphilias, objectum, conceptum, objectix, superorientations |
gender[thing] systems, custom palettegender flags, inviane, emojigender, OCD neurogenders, rock/metal musicagenders, vocaloid musicagenders |
most other neurogenders, ask! |
unreclaimable slurs (you can ask me), culturally exclusive terms, terms built on or related to exclusion or hate |