enjoy making will make wont make
animal related terms, marine life related terms, gore cannibalism and violence related terms, creepy cute/morbid cute terms, vulture culture related terms, lovecore terms, terms related to bright colors, terms related to the supernatural, terms related to kikuo, maretu or vocaloid in general. most other things, ask! terms related to real life people, dsmp, jojifuku, babycore, agere/petre, sexual nsfw terms (besides just sexuality)
xenic, kenochoric, twistute, mortelum, misapocalypec, fantasium, macarshric, luxine, aetherine, furrean, briscenic, gesneriad, feruvel, esperkyn, dimensen, cuteseyic, aquarine, cringern and altumen aligned terms ask! none for now :0
alteraffectis sublabels, tertiary attraction stuff, vesil, omninouns, alderns, genders, xenonatures, otherkin/alterhuman flags, aspec stuff ask! transID, transX, paraphilias, objectum, conceptum, objectix, superorientations
gender[thing] systems, custom palettegender flags, inviane, emojigender, OCD neurogenders, rock/metal musicagenders, vocaloid musicagenders most other neurogenders, ask! unreclaimable slurs (you can ask me), culturally exclusive terms, terms built on or related to exclusion or hate
Pub: 09 Dec 2022 22:12 UTC
Edit: 18 Mar 2023 14:32 UTC
Views: 172