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Greetings〜! I'm Langxi. I'm described as "rational, kind, passionate, charismatic, cuddly, and warm" by my friends whom I cherish. I'm a freelance artist, student, and hobbyist writer. I mainly study art, draw women, and write letters to seniors. I'm an aspiring child psychologist. I want to spread awareness on mental illness in youth and help those with it!

Other than that, I'm akin to Christ, rabbits, and an idol. I enjoy spreading love and healing those wherever I go. I am extremely loyal to my friends and mutuals, I enjoy helping and gifting them. Please don't be afraid to talk to me or ask for advice regardless of how close we are!

INFJ 1w2 2w1 6w5 sp/so EIE SLOAI Neutral good The Star tarot Fairy type trainer Jirai kei and sweet lolita Capricorn (Jan. 2nd)

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Pub: 05 Sep 2020 21:26 UTC
Edit: 07 Sep 2024 00:53 UTC
Views: 10601