❜⠀⠀⠀to⠀the⠀loml⠀,⠀cornelis⠀,⠀happy⠀16⠀♪ ⠀ ⁺⠀⠀⠀⠀08⠀⠀﹕⠀⠀13⠀⠀﹕⠀⠀22⠀⠀⠀⠀⏔ ⠀ ⠀✯⠀


oh my god how do i even like begin? first of all , HI!
it's your birthday ! 16 and wild (!) , wow you're like
so old now :O like wow you're basically a grandpa ..
(said with lots of love) , i wanna start by saying that
i love you the most no matter how much you deny ,
i love you to the moon and to saturn (!) , i love you
to the point where no words can even begin or get
close to describing my feelings! but !!!!! you're the
bday boy so i'm going to try. i love everything about
you, your face , your humor , your sweetness , your
loving nature, like seriously you are the best thing
that's ever been mine (!!!). i love you sm omggg i'm
using love so many times in this already, but you're
going to have to get used to it , because i cannot
stress HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU! i am already trying
to plan an exchange student program to your home
where i can give you cheez-its and milky way bars
(which are better than mars bars btw) and you just
mean so much to me and i never realized that you
could have this kind of connection online but i hope
that you know the moment i see a notification from
you i try and open it as quickly as possible ( even
though sometimes i miss it because i am blind asf )
i don't know how anyone could ever dislike you , in
my mind , your flaws aren't flaws , they are a part
of you , which means they're perfect. i know this is
not as sweet as your beautiful bouquet but i'm not
as creative and amazing as you , i wanted to give
you a new playlist as the us playlist is quite retired ,
since the new rerecords came out , so that will be
at the end and i was so excited to tell you that ,
that now i've spoiled the surprise. i can't wait to
share many more birthdays , valentine's days ,
christmases , channukahs , anniversaries , and
more with you. i swear throughout my day when
anything is happening i think of you. if it's fun ,
then i wish you were there to join in. if it's sad ,
then i wish you were there to give me a hug and
we could hold each other and never let go. i've
never had a dull conversation with you and you
are literally hilarious. we have so many inside
jokes that it's so hard to keep track !!!! i am so
devoted to you , my proof is that entire summer
when i literally turned nocturnal for you , my
grandma still thinks i sleep too much because
she thought i was sleeping all day and night, but
really i was talking to you all night.. <3 because
you're so important and i love doing anything
with you. you make everything special. i can't
wait to share your stupid last name with you <3
this is me trying (!) to explain all my feelings
for you but lord knows i'll never be able to fully
write it down in words. i feel like we were lost
in translation (!) when god put us so far away
from each other. you're one of my favorite ppl
in the whole wide world (you're tied with taylor
swift.....<3) but even if someone said , never
see toby again and meet taylor swift , or keep
it the way it is? i'd say keep it the way it is , i
wouldn't trade you for anything. you're always
there in my heart , you will never leave >:) i'm
literally gonna hold you hostage in there so
have fun. i'm fastening myself to you with a
stitch (!). i hope that we will spend a lot of
cruel summers (!) together in the future , and
btw summer is june - august , deal with it.
you make me fearless (!) you make me feel
like i can do literally anything.. i just want to
make you happy , that's my one mission in
life right now , no thoughts just rowan <33

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ yours⠀,⠀sophie⠀


⠀⁾⁾ ⠀ the⠀new⠀" us "⠀playlist ⠀ ﹔ ⠀ i love you

Pub: 29 Mar 2023 17:18 UTC
Edit: 19 Dec 2024 04:00 UTC
Views: 351