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"Okay Kronii, follow me"
"Wwwait, which one are you again?"
"I'm “pleasurerider69” the guy jumping, see?
"Oh, wow, sick name bro"
"Thanks now follow me. Jump up on this ledge, then run and jump over to this one"
"Okay I got it. Oh heeeey, look, it's a little campsite! How cute!"
"Over here are our sleeping bags, see?"
"Oh yeah! Hey, what if I put my sleeping bag next to your sleeping bag? Just kidding haha, unless?"
"Yeah, nice meme. Hurry up and watch the left side while I watch the right."
"Wow okay! So pushy!"
"Just lie down on your bag, okay?"
"Uh, how do I do that? What button is it?"
"Hold "B" if you're on controller"
"Okay, I think I got it. Now what?"
"Just wait for someone to walk by and shoot them"
"Okay. Is this supposed to be fun?"
"No, it's supposed to be funny. We're doing a bit."
"Well, no one's com- OH MY GOD! Why did I just explode?!"
"Oh someone just blew us up with a predator missile. He probably saw us grouped up in the corner of the map."
"Wow, this game's so violent!"
"Yeah, I mean, what do you expect from a game called "Modern Warfare"?"
"Haaah, maaaan"
"Whatever, this joke sucks… wanna go smoke in the woods behind Fauna's house?"
"Oh heck yeah let's go!"
“And maybe this time don’t start eating random plants you find growing around?”
“Aw c’mooon, what’s the worst that could happen!”
“You could get your stomach pumped again…”
“Aw pshhh, it's fine. You’d save me again anyway, right?”
“I’d do anything for you, Kronii”

Pub: 07 Jan 2023 01:07 UTC
Edit: 07 Jan 2023 01:15 UTC
Views: 94