Whoah, hi there!
I see you've decided to find out more about me, huh? Well then, again, hii!! Az you've seen, I'm Kiya! I'm just the local Clarith kin on the side of the road! I'm a yumejoshi/self-shipper, though I do share all my yumez so if you happen to have the same onez, feel free to talk 2 me! Chronic oc maker since the start of my existence, but I focuz more on fandom ocz now! I usually do that on fandom wikiz (mainly fansekai, hi fansekai silliez!!)

Here are some funny lil descriptorz of me (that pertain to either just myself, or any of my self-insertz)

  • The starriest songstrezz
  • clockworker'z daughter real
  • The most down bad meta kisser to ever kizz meta
  • saki'z sillie wifey
  • abyssmare'z wayyy better producer
  • unpaid babysitter
  • the absolutely obsessed one

Unfortunately, a lot of the things I can say here are in other sectionz, so feel free to look at those, lol-

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Pub: 13 Aug 2023 21:44 UTC
Edit: 23 Jan 2024 23:56 UTC
Views: 309