Chapter 5: Probatio Diabolica

Iroha: Phew, Mito-chan, Kamira-chan, thank you for your time during the break...!

Mito: B-break...!?

Iroha: Yep! Thanks to you two, I have finished my maths homework!

Iroha: If it was just me, I definitely wouldn't be able to do it...

Kamira: Ah! Yeaahhh! If you hadn't have shown us then it would've been full of mistakes and that would've been totes bad!

Mito: Ah, y-yeah!

Mito: It's a good thing I was able to answer the questions from class.

Iroha: Thank you so much, Mito-chan. I'll never forget this favour!

Iroha: Ah! Speaking of never forgetting, this weekend-

Mito: T-this weekend!?

Iroha: ...?

Iroha: Yeah! The new volume of "Shinkutsu" is coming out this weekend!

Kamira: A,Ah~! You're talking about the manga!

Iroha: The limited paperback edition is going to come with a booklet! I have to go get it...!

Mito: I think there's also a bonus gift for the online version too...? I have to go and buy both.

Iroha: Let's go get it together!

Iroha: Ah, I've got to go to work now. See ya tomorrow!

Mito: A-alright...! See you tomorrow...

Kamira: Bye-bye~! See ya tomorrow~!

Kamira: ...Phew~~~~. Crap, that was exhausting.

Mito: ...I wonder if it would be better if we told her about Tsubomi-san... Iroha-chan has probably figured out that she's hiding something...

Kamira: But if we tell her, then she would definitely know~.

Mito: Yeah...

Mito: ...But,;'s not good to keep things like this....

Kamira: ...but thats why...

Kaname: Hmmm. You guys say that but... We can't just be like "Alright, we're moving the audition to next week", you know?

Kaname: It's not like the mock exam dates were decided recently, right? It's not like Tsubomi herself even brought it up either...

Mito: B-but...

Kaname: You guys say that, but...

Mito: ...

Kaname: Have you guys spoke to Iroha about this?

Kamira: No, only Mitorin and I know about this...

Kaname: I see... Hmm...

Kaname: In that case, the schedule will--

Towa: Good morn-...

Towa: What the hell is this tension

Kamira: ...Ah, umm, ahaha.

Tsubomi: Good morning.

Mito: Ah...

Tsubomi: Hm? Whats up, Shiromaru? Is something troubling you?

Mito: N-no...

Kamira: ...

Kaname: Tsubomi, have you been busy lately?

Tsubomi: No, same as always.

Tsubomi: ...Is there something wrong?

Kaname: Nah, We were just talking about the schedule for the audition.

Tsubomi: Is there a change in the schedule planned? To accomodate Machiko-san? Or Senju?

Kaname: Nah, its fine for Iroha and the boss but...

Kaname: Is the schedulefine for you, tsubomi?

Tsubomi: Yeah.

Kaname: I see. Right~...

Mito: ...

Towa: ...Hey, whats with this tension?

Kamira: Ah, nothing! Sorry for disturbing!

Kamira: Senpai, you're going to do somem self-practice right? I'll help you out!

Tsubomi: Hm? Sure, if you don't mind.

Kaname: What's up, Towa? Strange of you to drop by like this.

Towa: What? You were the one who told me to come in and sign some "Alice' goods.

Towa: Come one, lets get this over with, Kaname.

Kaname: Ahh, I did say that didn't I. Alright, lets go to the meeting room.

Mito: ...

Towa: So, Kaname.

Kaname: It's Kaname-san, right?

Towa: What was going on back there?

Kaname: There was nothing wrong. I was just hearing out some worries the others had.

Kaname: What is it? You're suddenly all interested about this.

Towa: Not really... But if you're gonna be like that then fine.

Kaname: Sorry. I'm not trying to exclude you or anything, but this isn't something you need to worry about.

Towa: If thats the case, then you should've tried to lighten the mood. With that sort of tension, it's obvious that somethings going on.

Kaname: Well I mean, you just came out of nowhere.

Kaname: But thanks for your concern, Towa.

Towa: It's nothing.

Towa: Haah, it's probably just some unnecessary worries~... '

: If the schedulefor the audition does get shifted, that might be for the best.

: But, that doesn't change my decision

: I will become a Daistar, that was my pledge to the God of Acting. I have to walk down this path and cheer up my parents.

: I just have to keep it "same as always". No, I have to do better than always.

: I didn't mean to cause for concern and worry. I was just secretly working towards my goal.

: We must never relax around the Organisation and ensure that our fate doesn't make a turn for the worse. We must push through the struggles.

Tsubomi: Haah... Tired once again.

Tsubomi: I studied late into the night last night, missed 5th period and practice even though it was just anaemia.

Tsubomi: But, I don't plan on stopping now.

Tsubomi: Let's continue as planned. I have to get a good outcome out of this.

Tsubomi: To make them glad,... to make them at ease. I can't have them worrying about me.

Tsubomi: Mum, dad...

Tsubomi: I'm doing well here in Tokyo. Studying, and theatre is all going well so don't worry about me.

Tusbomi: ...

Tsubomi: ...Still no contact, huh.

Pub: 20 May 2024 07:00 UTC
Views: 54