guys im not donwe with this yet!!! hold on!!


spoilers for the ENTIRE show and movies btw

-> 1) they made their debut together in the same episode, dethwater
2 ) they both die
3 ) dick gets knocked out, charles dies, dick dies, charles gets knocked out :3
4 ) their robes are green and red, which are complementary colors
5 ) before nathan went up to where charles was in the church at the beginning of aotd they were making out btw
6 ) blondes x brunettes are the least likely ship to be cannon, therefore they are cannon
7 ) they both have eye issues
8 ) their paring is the only one in the show, aside from maybe nickles, that would be non-toxic
9 ) dethstaff x dethklok pairings are all either toxic or dont work out (dickface, nathan and abigail), therefore knubdensen on TAWP
10 )

50 ) and finally, in the LAST EVER APPEARANCE OF THESE CHARACTERS, in the credits of aotd, theyre next to eachother <3

take me back!!

discord @ barney_calhoun

Pub: 10 Dec 2023 02:57 UTC
Edit: 10 Dec 2023 03:22 UTC
Views: 53