"Can you hear me now?" You couldn't see, only hear. The sensual and melodious tone of >Kronii's voice echoed in your right ear. You're on the bed seated and blinded. A sleeping mask covered up your eyes.
"Am I coming in good?" She's whispering, you can feel her exhaled breathes as they brushed your face tenderly.
"Yeah you are" Without sight you resorted to touch, you felt the springs under the matress shifting alongside Kronii's bodyweight, she's crawling around you, you could feel her presence, the slight touching of her flesh with yours.
"Alright, does this sound nice?" You hear something, something solid striking against a wooden surface. You tilted your head in contemplation. "Isn't that your pencil box?" You hear soft and excited clapping. "Good boy" She whispered into your ear with such a sensual inflection that your dick twitched.
"Okay now how about this?" You flinch a bit, the warm feeling of Kronii's hands cupping around your ear. The Warden blows a gust of her breath directly into your ear drum. You could feel her chest brushed against your shoulder, she was wearing your white dress shirt, soaked in her sweat.
"Y-Yeah that's nice." Your loins raged against the wool fabric that contained them, it screamed for a release. "Now...what about this?" You felt something land on your crotch, squishy and gelatinous fat pressing themselves on your cock and balls.
She was sitting on it. She was doing this on purpose. Your dick shot up, striking the top of her pubis mons. You heard a loud giggle as it happened. "Now now behave." Kronii's palms held your head, she lowers them and then guided your face towards her chest. Your ear is touching her bare chest. You felt the heaving rising and lowering of her sternum.
"Listen...it beats for you." She held your head in an embrace. "You have no idea how much I appreciate you..." You felt something wet on top of your scalp. It was a wet and sloppy kiss.
"I love you."

Pub: 08 Aug 2022 03:23 UTC
Views: 262