Use an adblocker like uBlock Origin before visiting any of the linked sites.
► Torrents / P2P Sites
- rutracker.org [.org, .net, .nl] - General Russian public tracker with an extensive music catalog (any format). Currently the best public source of music
- nyaa.si - Anime OSTs
► Private Torrent Trackers
Introduction to private trackers
- [Semi-Private] en.metal-tracker.com - A very nice tracker for metal music.
- jpopsuki.eu - Aka JPS. Music tracker for various types of music such as Japenese, Korean, Chinese, Thai, etc
- animebytes.tv - Aka AB. Anime OSTs
- Redacted.ch - Aka RED. FLAC, mp3, m4a. Best music private tracker. One of the harder trackers to maintain ratio on.
- Orpheus.network - Aka OPS. FLAC, mp3, m4a. Second best music private tracker, after RED. Much easier ratio economy compared to RED. In addition, there is a thread where you can request any torrent available on RED, without putting a request. This provides full access to RED without the hard economy. It is highly beneficial to have accounts on both trackers.
► Desktop Apps
- Soulseek - Desktop app that connects you to a P2P network used for downloading music (any format). Unlike bittorrent, the protocol used here is direct P2P i.e. downloading and uploading is not done with multiple users simultaneously but with a single user (like downloading a file from a website). This provides more security than public trackers as there is no swarm for copyright trolls to stay in and monitor. Though there is no quality control here, the chances of encountering low quality files is still quite low. For people wanting to share their libraries, soulseek is the easiest and fastest way.
- yt-dlp - (their own description) yt-dlp is a youtube-dl fork based on the now inactive youtube-dlc. The main focus of this project is adding new features and patches while also keeping up to date with the original project
It's advisable to use this as a last resort. The quality from youtube is bad and there is no metadata.
► Android Apps
- Spotify and Deezer modded apps to allow full ad-less streaming available at Mobilism.
- Fildo - Android app for downloading and streaming music.
- Newpipe - Watch and download youtube videos. Also offers ability to download from soundcloud.
- Youtube Vanced - Ad-free youtube, supports background play. Modded version of the official youtube app.
- YMusic - Youtube Music player and downloader
► DDL Sites (Direct Downloads)
- Slavart (on divolt) - Deezer, Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, Qobuz, TIDAL & SoundCloud Download Bot. The link takes you straight to divolt invite. There you can get direct download link by pasting the url for the supported streaming sites in the appropriate channel. Bot responds fast and download is fast Site
- /r/MusicalBootlegs - Broadway bootlegs
- Jimmyr mp3 search - Custom search and downloader to find mp3 files on google.
- free-mp3-download.net - High quality music downloads (mp3/FLAC). Uses only unintrusive banner ads.
- mp3juices.cc - Searches for audio on several sources, such as YouTube and soundcloud. Allows downloading in mp3 and streaming.
- khinsider.com - Mp3 streams & downloads. Video game scores/soundtracks.
- squid-board.ru - Video game, anime, and TV & Cinema scores/soundtracks.
► Sheet music
- dl-librescore - Download sheet music from MuseScore for free.
- IMSLP - Petrucci Music Library - Sharing the world’s
public domain music.