little space dedicated to sua
hi dude. u get special url bc yeah and its rare kinda (i lied) ok
i have so much to say idk where to start honestly LMAO but um. Hey. I really really really enjoy your company...... and you've been my fav person for like a year or more possibly?? actually im not sure but Ya. when i first met you i actually HATED your ass so much .. dat 2022 phase where everyone kept saying deez nuts jokes were crazy and i actually thought u were 17 and THIS immature ts crazy bruh... its been 4 years since we've been friends and i have to say . I never got tired of you like idk but everytime i play with u or hangout wit u my whole day is now Happy:) i appreciate you so much even if i dont say so, youre the bestest friend someone could ever have. i think about you alot because we cant be active as much with school starting and personal problems rising, so im really looking forward to next summer where we can reunite again!!!!!!! this is U because i said so and you're sua and im till and we're so bffs.
< look its yoy!!! ITS Y!!! dyk yan tian is like my only comfort character because of how similar you guys are in personality and i just associate her with you. is that too corny to say. ok. guess illjust Kill myself heh :) talking about yan i Really like how we're now the duo ever in faulty programming..hehehe um ok Sorry im weird as hell i might end myself haha Just kiding. also? Faulty programming. art. that reminded me of us DOWN BELOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
btw this is us forever (you cant say no)
wow that took like half of the fucking screen but its ok idgaf. um ok ... usually at school i draw yan alot because, again, she remindsme of you, and i havent even seen your face so..... thas great......... this also really reminded me of our friendship dynamic and how funny ir was HELP . whenever we play daybreak or any other game im like actually rlly ecstatic you have time for me because i understand we both have a busy schedule and youll be tired so i dont wanna stress you out at all; I REALLY like how you sit with me through almost everything. my hyperfixations my slowness my retardedness my cringe phases and support my TIKTOKS!!!!!! NO WAY!!!!!!! AND MY ART TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIKE WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T-thankyou... arigato
no but really i still dont know how you havent left me yet and honestly. im really glad you didnt. youre my geng geng forever and i will probably like have a really bad mental breakdown if u ever left! i do NOT want that. youre a very relatable person overall and i LOVE you SO MUCH DUDE . I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE I LOVE YOU YOURE THE AWSOMEST PERSON EVER I HATE YOU I HATE YOY !!!!!!! all platonic haha. Haha....Im going insane arent i? There ar ebugs in my.broom. i care about you deeply and if you were to ever experience something bad please let me know so i can try to soothe whatever problem you have and try to help you get through it; you were always there for me when something shitty happens and you were there to help me cope so i wanna do the same . even if u bully me after for it, i know youre just joking and if it was out of the line you'd stop for me and. knowing that makes me think. think about how underappreciated you are . i dont have any gifts for you most of the time but if i ever got a SPARE nitro or some leftover robux id give it to you. which is a really rare occurance because i dont like sharing at all if im the one sharing.... id give up anything for you in a HEARTBEAT . anyway this also reminded me of us LMAO um actually i just realized almost everything reminds me of you wow this kinda suck Doesnt it. but im not complaining cuase it basically means im thinking about you the whole time. ive never rlly been an overly affectionate person but youre an exception, youre ALWAYS the exception; if i didnt like something but lets say you wanted to do it, ill do whatever you ask if it makes you happy!!! um . wow i kinda sound like a hypocrite with the 'overly affectionate person' thingy bc i write stuff for you alot but i promise im just writing it for uwhenever i think you deserve a gift but i dont have money so thats all youre getting Unfortunately.. i think its kinda funnt how normalizing mimicking eachother for us is, like whenever i invent a new word youll copy, and whenever you invent one ill copy you. but we both get mad when someone copies us and Its. Its rlly corny thinking how we dont get mad at eachother, its so??? ITS SO SICKENINGLY SWEET IF I THINK ABOUT IY HARD ENOUGH LMAOOO.............. i think im repeating words because this MIGHT be the longest thing ive ever written for anyone yet
dyk i also associate you with pink. like the color. every tint every shade if i see pink im like "sua would probably like tat" and im probably right too because youre like a freak for pinkish stuff... i see a pink character, i point and go "Holy shit is this SUA from DISCORD" like actually idk// do u want a rentry btw ill make u one if u want ok just let me know. I like how i beg for you to match avatars on roblox with me when i get a hyperfixagion and youll be like "ok sure" and then we go in stupid fucking games like bedwars and start playing . which is normal but i just think its funny because its Us and we're better than everyone ykwim.... i feel like we fit a family dynamic like. father daughter or older brother younger sister FOUND FAMILY type shit like idk but youre like family to me and ill always prioritize you over EVERYTHING.
text break bc ik ur eyes will get Distracted
i think about your art sometimes, and when i do i start foaming at the mouth. you render so perfectly and sometimes i ask myself how you arent famous yet like holy fucking shit???? your art is MAJESTIC. ANGELIC even. draw more daybreak and my LIFE will be yours like im not even kidding (even if you dont draw more db my life is still urs just to be clear) i hear the word DRAW come out of ur mouth and i start tweaking, shaking, GRIPPING the fucking table excitedly like bro imnot kidding im going to DEVOUR whatever you make. this is NOY a threat i think
its kinda weird watching u actually draw bcs im pretty sure you went on art hiatus for like a year?? and the improvement is FUCKING INSANE?? LIKE WHATT HOW CAN SOMEONE DRAW SO GOOD IN SHORT TIME ohGOD im going to DIE. Go like and support yawntian on tiktok guys ok You strangers reading this please folow and boost her posts ok? Ok. im so real when i say im probably the most... 'myself' when im with you, knowing i never truly had an original personality
i just adapt to peoples personality to please most of them cause i can NOT handle criticism... but like when im wit u im like. ok no filter mode ON or wahtever hELP..... i also really like how we still use stupid petnames as jokes or like saying weird things knowing we'll NEVER be into eachother like we were just built PLATONIC and im SO GLAD we are going to stay this way forever. or not. if not i will cry probably! this isnt re-read or betaread whatever the fuck you call it so this is just all of my honest feelings . i apologize if its repetitive i didnt notice and um i forgot i already said it probably???? ... ok i just woke uo and reread all of this and jesus christ i didnt understand anything LMAOOOOOok hello jmat school rn and im bored so. do u ever wonder why whenever u introduce me to domething i start liking it so much fkr no reason?? yeah idk the answer to that too but im guessing ts because were #TWINFLAMING !!! originally i never really listened to tyler the creatir but u said he made good music and added it to the shared old trio playlisr so i wanted to check him out. HOLY shit yoi were so fucjing right his music is godly idk how i didnt listen to it esrlier bruh... alsp im sorry if i make you mad or sad ir like anything negative, its unintentional most if the tjme (unless in petty and you made me mad) and i porbably dont know what i did wrong. PLEASE tell me if i am foing something u dont like!! ii also associate you with the color white and just bows in general. i feel like youd be a coquette person tbh with all the pink and cutesy stuff... also this hairclip reminds me of you because youre a fat fucking cat and. im gonna learn to crochet a small black bow and sitck it on top of the ear so it looks like yan tian and i will be reminded of you because youre yan tian and i see you as her. heh. im so attached to you its insane if you were to ever be offline for more than 5 days id kill myself and my suicide note would be a drawing of yan. was that too edgy
um k idk IM REPAYING YOU with edits and occassional bad art and awesome texts okay?
i miss our shower and sleep vcs ok :( when are you giving me nitro. i want nitirooo. Okay sorry hi im back to normal . I think i text alot even if you dont reply when im free because i have so MUCH to say its unbearable. my irls know about you btw, i told many good things abt u to them...... hha.a..a... im probably insane for you and im not afraid to say it because i know youll be happy!! or . i hope youd be... i am a huge cornball when im with you and its crazy knowing we're all just platonic.. #PLATONIKSOULMATES 4EVERRRRR BRUH we are so found family core i swear. also im buying data just to talk to you whenver i can in class. I hope you realize how much i care and how grateful i am for yew... actually that was a trick question because the amount is so big you wont even be able to comprehend it! iknow we bully eachother as a love language but just to lyk; i never meant any of it. NOTHING was factual because youll always be my amazing AMAZING girl.. idk if i can day its been 4 years because if im being honest time fucking FLASHES when im around you, it goes by so fast and i never ever seem to want to leave that current moment. i know youre probably tired of me asking if you can stay up or if you can play with me but i genuinely just want to hangout more with yo... and i know that might be selfish of me because i also want you to take care of yourself properly and be physically healthy . idk if those 2 can co-exist. just tell me to shut up if i ever ask something selfish pls i probably did not think that shit through and sent it out of impulse.
text break 2 IGNORE JUN ! ok
ending this with final umm big text oksy. i feel like this wasnt enough but i dont want u to get bored soooo.... here we go gangalang.. if you were to ever like actually leave me speaking realistically, just know in my heart there will always be a very fucking fat space filled with you and suaalien stage. and yan tian idk. i headcanon you as yan tian and sua alien stage. brenda saw you and said lets make a self insert of sua ok trust me im not lying! although u never send me face pictures and idk how u look like, im sure you look absolutely MAJESTIC, ANGELIC. HEAVENLY EVEN!! youre probably like 'is this ho ok' and if imbeing honest NO IM NOT OK I MISS YOU TEXT ME PLSS. erm no i actually miss u
this is not a joke ok? Ok. clear or no clear. yhmmm ok so basically Icare about you alot and youre the awesomest person EVER and youre so supportive and nice and im rlly grateful to be in your presence like whenveer i see u online i do a little happy dance even if we arent talking . it just gives me a source of comfort like i know ur out there alive somewhere.... haha.... putangina mo ... or somethin.g... you make me feel ecstatic and uoure like. a little Bitch that lives in my head rent free:( I DONT LIKE! I DONT LIKE! Why is this happening? Um. Ok. i genuinely think something is wrong with the both of us but we're together so i couldny really careless about said problems. also im like so geekedOut rn liek. im seeing ghosts bruh. OK i love u so much dont ever stop being my friend pls i beg . . , , ,
btw im sorry for sometimes bothering you and being emotional cos i kno its corny as fuuucckkk and novodu likes corny shit . a simple "hi" from you makes me alot happier and i feel very comfortable in your presence, knowing youre.. 'spiritually' there really helps me cope. im really glad youre still here with ne. Hi again