Koto has been in the wrong many times.. here's why. please take this into consideration So I do not have evidence of these first two in the list of bad jokes Made Jokes about Suc!d3, Cutt!ng, R@p3 and more..

before anything, this is a ss of the skin he mainly use.

Koto making a r@p3 joke I was having a pretty normal convo in my friend group, and one particular friend of mine jokingly made a death threat. (Note, they do these sort of jokes often, its really normal atp), saying will rope kotos neck. then koto made a r@p3 joke by saying "replace the o with an a"

Said smthing abt stealing Bat's IP from that "message" koto said something about stealing bats ip, which seriously made me concerned. so i asked if they had a ip tracker or not. Asking that they didn't have one and said they were "afk" after koto saying he was afk i decided to ask again. afk again.. after asking him alot more times cause he kept saying he was "afk", he "broke his glasses" , his mouse was "stuck", and it was getting to the point where I couldn't help but get even more and more concerned. and sorta pissed off cause he could've went back at chat and checked what i said, but no. he didn't.
(eventually he finally stopped saying he was afk and said it was a joke "or not" which none of us found funny at all. unfortunately bee didn't had time to ss it)

Insisted we we're lecturing when we were advising him to stop with the jokes he was making cause it could trigger anyone here, he told us to stop "lecturing" him and told us he got lectured by his teachers and mom alot. then all of a sudden he started venting about it. we aren't. after he told us to stop lecturing him, which by the way, we weren't. and was just telling him that wasn't okay at all and advised him to stop with those jokes. he aswell constantly kept making exuses about it, even started with sudden venting too, and going far as to say "we learn r@p3 at school" (no shit, we all do at some point??)

Joking Helps me! he said joking about the problems he have is what comforts him and just overall makes him feel better, and was somehow upset we told to stop.
(i understand people take comfort in joking about their problems but you have to be considerate about other people cause not everyone is the same and will just laugh it off. and yes, dark humor mumbo jumbo exists, but r@p3 jokes? dude. be foreeal.
uhm I can't remember the context of this image. but I think its the fact of 'the lack of knowledge' which tbh... idkk... how is that an excuse? if you know what it is you wouldn't joke about it. it's clear that he has never learned about respecting other peoples boundaries/nobody has ever told him about all of it or someone has and he could just be stubborn, and never learns his lesson.
he'd then all of the sudden started 'breaking down' and screaming in all caps, assuming the worst and putting shit in our mouths like us calling him 'stupid and dumb' when none of us clearly said any of those. we just wanted him to know that the things he has said might be uncomfy to some people etc.

Astro I'm Sorry after a long time of mentioning how saying astros name triggered him, he even had the nerve to scold me for saying goodnight to her. and after i asked "doesnt astro trigger you?" he claimed that he was too angry or already triggered to worry about it. or something like that (also astro doesn't like him.) replacement image of koto saying sorry since old one died after saying he was going to hide me and block me on everything, and then he apologized. but by that time i hid him, and eventually blocked him.

Pub: 13 Mar 2023 06:54 UTC
Edit: 06 Mar 2024 05:45 UTC
Views: 707