<-- Gurashi had just finished influencing moths in Mysrai's realm and was trading ikons with Caioliahali in the park when...

(Order): Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart says, "A-Ah! Beloveds!"

You blink.

You perk your ears up as an errant topic catches your interest.

(Order): Tonatiuh says, "Beloved Aschwar, how are things?"
(Order): You say, "Beloved Aschwar?? Good morning!!"
(Order): Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart says, "It is going very goodly! The Shofets said that is almost time!"

You have emoted: Gurashi seems ready to talk, but instead they sit up abruptly, bumping into Calioliahali as they do. "Oh! S-sorry, my love. Oh! Ah!"

(Order): You say, "...ah - t-time? Oh! You mean the ..."
(Order): Mysrai says, "Indeed, My Beloved, the time is close at hand for My plans to come to fruition."

Calioliahali draws away from you reluctantly, gazing down at you with sudden concern.

You have emoted: Gurashi's gray eyes widen and they look at Calioliahali, smiling with a nervous excitement. "Oh! I-I need to go! The things we have been working towards..."

Bright and clear, you say, "Fruitions! It is ah, ready for the Beloved! They are calling us!"

(Order): You say, "Shall we, ah - meets up?"

Calioliahali's eyebrows lift, and then she nods slowly. "Ah, I understand, ah..." She leans forward again to press her lips against your cheek. "I love you. Ah, be safe, please."

(Order): Mysrai says, "The flow of power which I now direct to Her offers Me little room for error. Be prepared, as I shall summon you shortly."

You have emoted: Gurashi throws their arms around Calioliahali, drawing the trill to them. "I loves you so so so muchly. I will be safe. I gotta go!"


Before the Monastery of Orange Thieves.
Throughout the location, small dancing flames flicker and spark. Sharp aromas hang in the air in the street before the monastery, rising up from scattered heathens, the entrails of kneeling shaddocks and the blooming hearts of tangerines. Porcelain shingles crown the tall, sun-burned walls of the building, avoiding snow-capped cupolas and skewed oculi that overflow with stains and the smoking exhalations of stolen orchards. Pools of molten metal have been tended like sacred fires outside the monastery and from their churning liquid hearts grow tall and branching trees of obsidian and glass that hang heavy with brindled brass feathers and swollen jewels. Idols of cast-off rind and copper bones have been hung from the branches of the forge-copse; dozens of mutely screeching monkeys and a single, unreachable, terrified puss. A pair of broad, coppery doors rest here, panels emblazoned with devices of mantra-adorned oranges. A selcouth sand djinn languidly levitates in mid air, liquid gold pouring from his eyes while incandescent sparks trace chaotic orbits around his floating form. A black phoenix perches here, his fiery plumage illuminating the area with black fire. A voidcopper-chapleted hierophant chants quietly here, thick plumes of smoke rising languorously from the strands of resinous incense bundles that sway hypnotically from his wrists.
You see exits leading east, south, and west.
A selcouth sand djinn twists abruptly within chaotic orbits of incandescent sparks, presenting hollow eyes dripping liquid gold towards you.

You pant like a dog.

Bright and clear, you say, "Here! I yam here! Oh my goodness."

Tonatiuh's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.

He is a fierce dracnari selcouth demigod and gleams like fresh ivory, minute triangular scales rippling with pearlescent flame-kissed shimmer along a slender, serpentine body. There is strength there despite the lean, half-starved appearance, the corded muscles of endurance rather than raw power. Maze-like reticulations in deep indigo and gleaming gold trace competing labyrinthine patterns across his entire body, but there the illusion of relative normalcy ends. His head is a naked reptilian skull, bereft of flesh or scale. Too many yellow eyes crowd where only two should be, seven in fact, fighting for space and focus. Some blink, some stare, some roll back in their sockets as if stuck in a terrifying trance. Languid coils of burnt citrus and crushed eucalyptus incense trail him like a faithful hound, exotic and raw in their sharp perfume. A chaos butterfly is resting on his shoulder. Tattooed on his hands is an illustration of obscure indigo imagery upon the palms.
Menacing horns twist upon themselves like crooked spires on his head, their dully reflective circumferences rigid enough to accommodate silver wire criss-crossing to either side in a wretched dreamcatcher. Bent and cracked bells abuse their clappers betwixt these, a disharmony brought to life with each twist of head or subtle movement.
He is wearing:
a resin-streaked mark of the Paragon of Paradigms glinting with voidcopper upon his forehead
a shifting, living poppy of copper petals pressed into an empty eye socket
a smouldering dragon pin fixed haphazardly to the dreamcatcher between his horns
a vibrant saffron festival cape wound tightly around his left forearm
a lively tangerine festival cape wound tightly around his right forearm
a voidcopper stole of metal-spun keys and spiced resin sachets hangs from his shoulders, chiming and rattling with ominous portent as it releases wafts of intoxicating fragrance
a macabre shawl of eyeballs preserved in bubbled glass following your every move

The being standing before you exudes friendly energy, standing several inches shy of six feet tall with an athletic build. They are an ordinary human kindly demigod changeling. Their arms and legs are sinewy, the muscles in their upper body evidence of recent training efforts. Their calloused hands are constantly in motion, either loosely balled into fists at their side or resting on their instrument. Their most prominent three knuckles of their right hand are faintly scarred, pale star-shapes etched across their flesh. Their sandy skin has been tanned from repeated exposure to the sun, causing an array of tawny-colored freckles to appear upon their round cheeks and thin, upturned nose. A hint of discolored flesh can be seen near the center of their sternum, mostly obscured by their clothing. A moderately-sized, crescent-shaped scar mars their right cheek. Perhaps the most noteworthy thing about them is their untamed mop of fiery red hair, complete with a few strands at their part that fail to obey the natural laws of gravity. A shock of bone-white hair has grown in along their temple. A pair of kind gray-blue eyes gaze out from below red bangs, their color striking against all the surrounding warm hues. Two tendril-like scars akin to burns wind their way up the humans's arms, marring their knuckles, the backs of their hands, and ending finally before the elbow.
They are wearing:
a starry wreath of celestial light set atop their head like a halo
a circlet of crystal thorns resting loosely atop their head
a vivid red-orange poppy tucked lovingly behind their left ear
a sunset cloak of the darkening sea which hangs off of their right shoulder asymmetrically
the Mantle of Starlight which flows dreamily about their shoulders and back
a simple deep blue tunic which hangs loosely from their form
mercurial Mysraian prayer beads pulled taut against their right wrist
minty citrus incense beads pulled taut against their right wrist
aromatic cedar and cinnamon incense beads pulled taut against their right wrist
a shifting, living poppy of beige petals worn delicately upon their left wrist
a charming wedding ring bearing a miniature white ghodak stone fitted securely to their left ring finger
a pair of black trousers bearing silver stars which fit their shape nicely
Refined Boots of the Paladin, worn and weathered from use
a bright red poppy tucked lovingly behind their ear

Hand over their heart, you say, "The floating stands ... where do thinks means? Uhm, there are a -lot- of floating things, uhm."

Bright and clear, you whisper, "I struggled to find stairs that one time so."

You look at Tonatiuh hopefully.

Bright and clear, you ask, "Should we go inside?"

A shadow briefly passes over your face, of a platform floating high overhead.

Sultan Tonatiuh al-Saaoud, Oracle Thousandfold says, "There are.. perhaps the floating island, or the alleyways."

The Shifting City fades around you. Your stomach drops into nothingness, falling endlessly before the surrounding buildings and streets recondense.

A warm wind filled with the scent of oranges washes through the monastery doors as they creak open.

Bright and clear, you whisper, "The Vaults."

The Courtyard of Broken Citrus.
The entrance to the Monastery of Orange Thieves is filled with vibrant life in the form of manifold strange trees that grow here in a large orchard stretching forward a good fifty feet, their bark a bizarre shade of indigo and their leaves a faded saffron. Tiles of jade in hues of pale ivory and emerald spread across the ground surrounding this orchard, surfaces swept immaculately clear whilst figures of the Hermit Clad in Saffron line alcoves in the wall, each expressing a separate mudra. Dishes of incense float languidly in thea ir before them, cones disgorging orange-scented plumes of smoke: sand trickles upwards from the ground to catch snapping sparks. The archway leading into the orchard itself violently disagrees with its surroundings, blackest onyx and inky obsidian rising on the left and right in enormous wings to meet with a blossom of palest ivory in the shape of an owl's face, saffron eyes staring down at all those who enter. Steps lead north and easterly both, though neither rises near high enough to meet the platform hovering far in the distance to the northeast. A pair of broad, coppery doors rest here, panels emblazoned with devices of mantra-adorned oranges. Robed in ivory and orange, the Saint of Broken Citrus tends to the affairs of her grove.
You see exits leading north, east, and out.

You begin to follow Tonatiuh.
You follow Sultan Tonatiuh al-Saaoud, Oracle Thousandfold east to atop the roof.
As Tonatiuh gazes up towards the sky, his eyes swim over with voidstruck darkness. Stars bloom within the field of nothingness, and a faint hum precedes the arrival of a disc of strange, alien metal to the edge of the roof. Moving assuredly, he steps forward onto it, the platform quickly ascending and carrying him skyward.
You follow Sultan Tonatiuh al-Saaoud, Oracle Thousandfold to a floating platform above the orchard.

Bright and clear, you say, "Up up, up and a-way!"

You hands fly to your mouth as you give a short gasp of elation.

Radiant gold and inky black compete for prominence in the thick fur that covers this enormous tae'dae's body, the silky hair shifting like fields of wheat and clouds through the night sky with each movement. Though clean, there is obvious signs of clumping and strange knots that show a lack of recent grooming. Despite their thick limbs and eleven-and-a-half feet of height, an aura of muted serenity radiates off of their body in soft pulses of colour, though its weak beat is only further made prominent by the absence of what was once an everpresent smile upon their muzzle. Glittering mis-matched eyes, the right brown and the left green, stare with a gentle warmth at the world around them in spite of the dark and heavy, crescent-shaped bags beneath, only inches below a pair of fuzzy ears with several notches missing from them. They are nicely dressed in a comfortable pair of deep grey trousers, held up by a burgundy belt of leather, and a three-layered tunic of bright red-violet cloth that fits them nearly perfectly. Light tan, a pair of strap boots are a stark contrast to their fur and have been decorated with little, hand-drawn moths. In their left hand, they wield a ten foot long scabbard covered in vines of living, scarlet poppies.
Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart has an air of extreme strength.

Tonatiuh clacks his jaws with an eerie rattle.

Tonatiuh greets Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart with a sincere smile.

Rubbing their arms, you say, "Ah! Good day! Hello! Beloved! Hi!"

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart smiles softly, bowing almost regally at the waist before rising back to their full height once more. "Beloveds!" Though you can hear the telltale strain of worry in their voice, they yet attempt to sound hopeful and cheerful, beaming broadly at each of you in turn.

Bizirik, the leothin snorts in greeting, tail slap slap slapping the ground behind it.

You have emoted: Gurashi smiles back up at Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart with an expression reflecting their anxious-excitement, their chin quivering as they hold their own smile. "We are here! I have the jitters! Look, look," They stick out their hands, which tremble the barest amount. "But we are here! Are you boths well?"

You beam broadly.

A ruffle of incandescent sparks dances through the dreamcatcher between Tonatiuh's horns. "A moment resting on a very fine edge. I hope we've done enough to tip it one way and not the other."

You think to yourself: their mind races in spite of themselves even as they will their shaky limbs to be still, be still - is this their own anticipation? or that of the collective Beloved?.

You think to yourself: ... I hopes the sparkler does not cause problems.

You have emoted: Gurashi's lip twitches, and they nod quickly towards the nearby dracnari, anxiously tapping their fingers together.

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart nods as they turn towards the stairs leading into the Vaults gesturing for you to follow. "Oh, am! The Shofets is filled with Love and happy, so am too." They pause, briefly, at the lip of the entrance and turn to offer Tonatiuh an anxious nod, almost apologetic, before they take a small hop forward and slide down the inner path leading into the Vaults.

The world seems a little less pleasant as Aschwar departs to the down.

Bright and clear, you say, "Ah! Off we go!"

You follow Sultan Tonatiuh al-Saaoud, Oracle Thousandfold down to the entrance to the Vaults.

You bounce up and down.

You think to yourself: Full of Love and happy ....

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart slowly straightens themselves from the messy sprawl which they landed in, and can still be seen brushing themselves off as you hastily descend the stairs.

Quickly, you ask, "A-are you O-K?"

You blink.

You have emoted: Gurashi shuffles a little faster, surpassing Tonatiuh upon the stairwell only after Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart has already righted themselves, lifting a hand.

You think to yourself: their heart pounds so loud in their ears - are they happy? is this happy? that delirious giddiness that comes before something anticipated? it makes their elbows itch.

Above the Vaults, a fantastic sight may be seen: that of what can only be described as a whirlpool of visible aether, crackling and surging with unmatched power before being forced and choked to a still as it threatens to breach the upper roof of the Vaults. Barely visible over the Wall, the slowed movement can be seen flowing smoothly, and assuredly, to the southeastern portion of the Vaults.

Bright and clear, you whisper, "Ah..."

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart slowly nods as they turn, looking towards the gates before back at Tonatiuh and you, "Oh yes. Is very long to walk, so took slides. Funner, faster, but messy."

Your shoulders bunch as you let out a short giggle.

Four of Tonatiuh's bright yellow eyes swivel in their sockets to catch sight of the whirlpool, the rest remaining fixed on his companions.

You have emoted: Gurashi scans Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart's form before turning their attention upwards and to the southeast, their brow knitting together and smile waning somewhat, expression twisting into one of curiosity instead.

Like a peal of thunder, power rushes across the sky, throwing into disorder the whirpool and causing it to nearly double in size. Even as it moves to roar towards the Vaults, the brief scent of anise touches your nose and a warm heat brushes your neck, leaving you weak in the knees as the flow of power is once more directed and controlled.

Softly, Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart says, "The Shofets has been carefuls, but is...is all Theirs. They wants to put it all in, but are scared. Do not want to mess up."

Tonatiuh breathes in deeply through a sun-kissed nose, taking in the scent of his surroundings.

You have emoted: Gurashi's grip tightens over a peacock psalterium lyre as they watch the vortex, exhaling quietly and moving to stand closer to their companions. Their shoulders bunched, they seem like they have something they want to say but don't quite know how to speak. As the priest speaks up their attention turns swiftly to Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart, and their frown deepens. "...i-it is scary, when you get to the end, a-and is still a chance it goes wrongly. But - we believed and, prayed and offered and helped, right...?"

You look at Tonatiuh hopefully.

You look at Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart hopefully.

You think to yourself: they mull over the words again - put it all in - all, the essence? the prayers? the desserts, the many offerings - Their Love?.

A dazzling flash of gold and indigo ripples through Tonatiuh's tiny triangular scales like lightning, leaving ghostly silhouettes in your vision. "We can only hope and pray it was enough," he says, grip tightening on his oracle staff.

Quietly, Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart says, "Is power, the Shofet's, saved up. Put in the Vaults, till was enough. Now, all the Shofet's power is coming out, and called from the Shifting City...is...is so much..."

You think to yourself: their hands feel clammy in spite of their nervous optimism - this is O-K... right?.

Shadows flee from the onslaught of bright power and colour that floods the heavens, seeming to scatter across the wasteland that separates you and the Vaults.

You have emoted: Gurashi knits together their brow. "They are one of the most powerful Shofets ever... ah," They shuffle in their spot, moving a hair closer again to their companions, again gripping their instrument. "W-we are waiting, for Them to call for us? T-to helps? W-with the final parts?"

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart turns and offers a nod, rubbing the thumbpad of their paw against their scabbard as if it were a comfort blanket, looking down at the two of you with a gentle smile. "Can get closer, but is too dangerous to be in there, with Them, and i--" They bite their tongue almost visibly, swallowing hard and meekly correcting, "...Her..."

You have emoted: Gurashi's gray eyes widen, and they stare up at Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart in silence for a time before nodding in understanding. "We will wait with you," They insist softly, looking to Tonatiuh beside them. "Together. Don't worry."

You look at Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart hopefully.

Tonatiuh murmurs softly to himself.

In the face of the storm, the inner light of the Vault's walls are nearly pale, the glyphs which dance off of them exploding in bright starbursts of energy that quickly are sucked back towards the firmament.

You purse your lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as you carefully gather your thoughts.

The anticipation is clearly felt by Tonatiuh as the dracnari sharply exhales a pent up breath, cinders mix with licks of fire from his nostrils.

Almost gingerly, Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart says, "Could...maybe walk to gates...is closer, just in case will be ready soon?"

Tonatiuh nods his head at Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart.

Nodding several times, you say, "Y-yeah! We will be O-K if we go to-gether, yeah, I bet."

A whooping cry can be heard from a distant rooftop, and you see a swarm of thieves descend upon it like birds upon crumbs. The cry is soon amplified into a rousing chorus of raucous crows that echoes throughout the Shifting City before it vanishes altogether.

You follow Sultan Tonatiuh al-Saaoud, Oracle Thousandfold northeast to the Reliquary.

A sense of well-being and calm fills the air and warms your heart as Aschwar enters from the southwest.

You have emoted: Gurashi boldly lifts their lyre as if it might ward off something unexpected, moving alongside Tonatiuh as they do, ready to defend.

You brandish a peacock psalterium lyre menacingly.

Like stars winking into existence, new motes of power slowly rise from within the Vaults, slowly spinning upwards to join in the funnel which bypasses the enormous walls and shelves towards the eastern side of the Vaults.

With a wry smile, Sultan Tonatiuh al-Saaoud, Oracle Thousandfold says, "The thieves still run the rooftops, one thing hasn't changed."

In awe, you whisper, "...all of this power ..."

Reverently, you whisper, "There are so many colors..."

You have emoted: Gurashi rises to stand on their tip-toes, their gaze focusing now to the southeast, as if they might see inside the sorting room from here.

You follow Sultan Tonatiuh al-Saaoud, Oracle Thousandfold southeast to the sorting room.
A sense of well-being and calm fills the air and warms your heart as Aschwar enters from the northwest.

Worriedly, Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart says, "Is...is so old...So much times, longer than can think of."

You have emoted: Gurashi flinches, looking at Tonatiuh with a grimace, following a little less boldly though still glued to the dracnari's side, their lyre still lifted. "What do you mean?" They whisper, barely audible as they address Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart's comment.

"Centuries," Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart says in a cowed voice, almost afraid to be loud at the proximity to the power which visibly brightens the sorting room around you. "Is...is learning about thems, from the Books. But seeing all of its? Is..."

(Veiled): Naralis (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Hare Mysrai, Beloved!"
(Order): Mysrai says, "Beloved. She awakens soon."
(Order): Mysrai says, "Make ready your final preparations."

You glance askance at Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart.

You nod your head slowly in understanding.

Quietly, you say, "It is ...a-ah. Awe-somes. I am." They swallow hard. "Words."

Sultan Tonatiuh al-Saaoud, Oracle Thousandfold says, "Theory is one, seeing the power in action quite another."

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart carefully nods their head, squinting through the curtains towards the northeast with a concerned look on their face.

You close your eyes and inhale deeply, absorbing the scent of your surroundings.

Midnight shadows coalesce around a new day, and Mother Night embraces the land in utter darkness.
It is now the 5th of Shanthin, 600 years after the Coming of Estarra.
There are 2 days until the New Moon

You have emoted: Gurashi wordlessly tucks their lyre to their side, instead reaching out to lay a hand on both Tonatiuh and Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart's arms, their cheeks puffed, expression serious.

Several of Tonatiuh's bright yellow eyes follow Aschwar's gaze. "Is it time?"

You think to yourself: they don't know what to do, what else to do, except -be- here.

You close your eyes and inhale deeply, absorbing the scent of your surroundings.

Tonatiuh jerks slightly as the air fills with sparkling motes of bright light.
You sense Naralis pulling on the strands of aether surrounding Tonatiuh.

Among the sparkling motes of light, a translucent figure appears in the air and then quickly solidifies as Naralis comes into view.
Naralis gives the world a smart salute.
Naralis puts his fingers in his mouth and lets out a high-pitched whistle.

He is a burly tae'dae demigod. He is a burly tae'dae demigod and an intimidating sight to behold. He stands at nearly eleven and a half feet with a rigid posture, every movement tense with an almost feral aggression. His height is matched only by his bulk, every muscle straining against the flesh. His athleticism is obvious at a glance, every perfectly defined muscle amplified by the thick coat of off-white fur that covers him. Eyes of vibrant scarlet peer forth from his features like twin pyres, acting as the only spot of colour amidst his snowy fur and blackened stripes. A long, jagged scar stretches across his upper body from his left shoulder to his right hip, darkened with age. A second visible scar slashes across his right eye, from brow to just below his upper cheek line.
He is wearing:
a smouldering wreath of meteorite and obsidian shards
a gleaming fullplate of solid gold
an embroidered mantle of flickering hope
Wings of Wonder
mechanical goggles
a full body Avechna the Avenger costume
an intricate silver and ruby necklace
a heart-shaped teddy bear nose
a tribal knotwork-and-sapphire ring
a wooden ring
a ring of perverse emanations
a thin sapphire band
a moonlight diamond ring of lacy wind wisps
a star-etched emerald ring
an onyx and pearl ring
a thin sapphire band
a simple ring of bloodstone
a smooth pearl ring
a diamond, spun spider pendant
Boots of the Wanderer
a Multipronged Master Crown

You have emoted: Gurashi nods reverently at Naralis, their expression no less serious than it was moments before.

Raising her hand in greeting, a majestic golden falcon with dusky sunset wings says "Hi!"

A majestic golden falcon with dusky sunset wings peers about herself unscrupulously.

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart bends almost regally at the waist before rising back to look at Naralis, quietly greeting with, "Beloved."

Sir Naralis Siarani, Illuminated Knight says, "Greetings, Aschwar."

You fidget impatiently.

With a bright flash, the funnel overhead surges at last as the protective barrier of scarlet withdraws, rushing down to join the waiting hands of the Divine just to your northeast. Visible even here, He wrestles with it as He glares angrily at His own might - wrangling it viciously into line as He feeds it into the statue before Him.

Bright and clear, you say, "Ah--!"

The fur on the back of Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart's neck rises as they stand on the tips of their paws, looking anxiously past the silk and craning their neck as if to see through the material better.

A heat grows along the back of your neck, your heart beating a little faster as you hear Mysrai's oddly echoing voice ring out, "Ilh Mna Vaaa!"

You have emoted: Gurashi's teeth chatter. "I-is that supposed to happen?" They ask, their voice high and nervous. "Ah--".

(Shadowlight): Lysandus (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Did anyone hear that?"
(Shadowlight): Brynna (from the Aetherways) says, "Yes."
(Shadowlight): Cheliyi (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Ah, yes, was the Shofets... I hope everything is okays?"
(Shadowlight): Juri (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Yes, though I don't think I understood."

Naralis's eyes fade to black, swirling into a vortex of voidstruck pitch. Pinpricks of light sparkle within them as he stares forward in utter rapture.

Tonatiuh clacks his jaws with an eerie rattle. The words are quiet, filled with keen anticipation. "We are gathered to help with a ritual, Beloved Naralis, a working of power centuries in the making." Three bright yellow eyes twist in their sockets, glancing towards the room with the statue to the north east. "They work to see the Thousand-Hued once more among us, Saved. Returned."

Naralis blinks.

These faithful of the Divine Order of Mysrai, the Shofet of Abyssal Scales are online:
Sir Naralis Siarani, Illuminated Knight (Outer Circle)
Herald Gurashi Skydrifter, The Heart's Friend
Sultan Tonatiuh al-Saaoud, Oracle Thousandfold
There are 3 mortals in your Circle (and below) on this Plane and 0 on other Planes.

Sir Naralis Siarani, Illuminated Knight says, "...the Thousand-Hued has a chance to return?"

Sultan Tonatiuh al-Saaoud, Oracle Thousandfold says to Naralis, "That is the hope, Naralis. That is the hope."

Sir Naralis Siarani, Illuminated Knight says, "I recall when She first returned to the First World..."

Silvery cracks break through the air, flashes of scarlet lightning underscoring the oddly-echoing voice of Mysrai as Their words shake you to your core, "ZZAAA MIIIIL NHHHAAAA!"

Speckles of cold stars open overhead, winking coldly in the silvery fog canopying the city.

(OOC CLAN): You say, "AAAA lol."

You have emoted: Gurashi flinches visibly at the sudden burst of lightning, but they do not retreat, their attention turning to the northeast. "Most Beloved--".

Tonatiuh shivers, sparks crackling across his small, triangular scales like lightning caught in aeon.

Naralis begins to murmur in the same foreign tongue as he stares ahead.

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart whimpers like a wounded puppy.

You have emoted: Gurashi looks to Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart, brow knitting together. "T-They haven't c-called us, bu-but don't They need us? Our..."

Sir Naralis Siarani, Illuminated Knight says, "In centuries past, it was never about need, but Will."

You have emoted: Gurashi looks towards Naralis, their hands balling into anxious fists against their instrument. They look again to the northeast, their gray eyes slowly filling with tears in spite of themselves as they set their jaw.

Quietly, in a hushed whisper as if the mere sound could interrupt, Sultan Tonatiuh al-Saaoud, Oracle Thousandfold says to Naralis, "It still is. Their Will and ours."

Naralis nods his head emphatically.

You think to yourself: Will - Will - Love and Will, right? The Most Beloved - Nobody's gots more Will than Them--.

glance ne
A darkened, solemn corner.
Throughout the location, small dancing flames flicker and spark. Glowing with nearly godlike power, a stained glass statue of the Thousand-Hued struggles to rise skyward from the centre of the mosaic. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. A massive storm of black sand swirls around Mysrai, the Shofet of Abyssal Scales, scouring away the very fabric of reality about Them. They wield the Jackal's sceptre in Their left hand.
You see a single exit leading southwest.

Silvery cracks break through the air, flashes of scarlet lightning underscoring the oddly-echoing voice of Mysrai as Their words shake you to your core, "Opkas lyraan yeni!"

You think to yourself: Love and Will and Love and Will and Nobody has more Will than Them, Nobody has more Will than Them--.

You glance askance at Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart.

Whispering, you ask Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart, "A-are you O-K?"

You think to yourself: a mental slap - are they doubting too much? are -they- O-K? they themselves - who knows, heart racing too fast to know - perhaps they are covering up their own worry by distracting themselves with the others'.

A rumble like a growl of contentment rises within your chest, overriding a sudden weariness that threatens to sap what life can be found within your limbs.

You shiver violently.

(Veiled): Mysrai says, "It...is time."

You perk your ears up as an errant topic catches your interest.

(Veiled): Mysrai says, "To Me."

The world seems a little less pleasant as Aschwar departs to the northeast.
You sense the passage of Naralis to the northeast with a fluffy pair of ursine ears.
You follow Sultan Tonatiuh al-Saaoud, Oracle Thousandfold northeast to a darkened, solemn corner.

With much of Their figure fading in and out of shifting realities draped around Them, there is little that can distinguish the gender of this small figure. It is only certain that They are a radiant immortal. Where Their body is visible, small tufts of short-cropped fur can be seen in intermittent patches, the flesh beneath visible pulsing with colourful hieroglyphics of a dead language. Set deep into an elongated, canid head are twin vortexes of inky black Void, stars and constellations spinning and swirling through the depths in nonsensical, hypnotic patterns. Atop Their head sit two peculiar ears, like cones that have been flipped upside down, swivelling constantly to capture more of the world around Them. Occasionally appearing from behind Their back is a thick tail that tapers to a thin point just above Their ankles. In the area just beyond Them, enormous limbs of black sand and forked red lightning twitch in restless anticipation to cause untold destruction through the strange and alien realities barely glimpsed through the chaotic sandstorm.
They are wearing:
a swirling crown of saffron hieroglyphs that sears the air in a scarlet halo about Their head
an ivory pair of Divine silk harem pants that reveal Their furry calves and digitigrade paws
a simple tunic of gold-trimmed ebon that is nearly lost within the depths of Their fur

A seamless rise from the mosaic below, the hungering mouth of the Dreadform of Iklara rises like the jaw of some great beast breaching the ocean, bulging and warping the floor surrounding it to uncomfortable, distended extremes. Obvious is the object of its hunger, as lithe nacre gleams even in the darkness here; sculpted into a perfect reconstruction of the opalescent skin of Ashtariel, the Thousand-Hued, who desperately struggles to rise upward from the slavering maw of Her pursuer and the manifold tentacle-like tongues wrapped about Her waist. Stained glass is deftly woven into and through the mother-of-pearl She is formed of, spilling radiant motes of colour across Her flesh as She is observed. Her slim hands grasp for something, or perhaps Someone, in the distance - the golden dust throughout the room drawn to Her fingertips where the dying essence of what was stolen paints Her flesh in renewed stains of kaleidoscopic pigment that spill down Her countenance.

You quickly bend at the waist to offer a polite half-bow.

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart practically sprints the last few feet to Mysrai's side, stumbling to a halt and looking Them over with childlike concern evident in every drawn line of their face.

A horrible feeling of guilt washes over you as inky black tendrils snake across the statue's wrist. It's all your fault. All your fault.

Tonatiuh dips his low in reverence. "Most Beloved," he murmurs as the bells hung between his horns jangle with strange harmonies.

A searing pain behind your eyes sends starbursts dancing across your vision as you hear a mantra repeated in your head. "ALLMYFAULTALLMYFAULTALLMYFAULTALLMYFAULTALLMYFAULTALLMYFAULT"

You have emoted: Gurashi frowns as they rise from their bow before Mysrai, attention drawn between both the Divine at the statue, then to the tae'dae as they rush over to be at their Divine's side. "Most Beloved..." They whisper. "We're here..."

Mysrai's face briefly narrows in a grimace, Their canid snout curling up to reveal vicious fangs as They reach out and brush something away from the statue. "No more, My Love. No more shall such plague you."

You tilt your head, gaze softening as you frown.

Naralis' scarlet eyes shift towards the statue briefly.

Golden shades radiate from your chest and your heart beats faster with newly-appeared determination.

You close your eyes and inhale deeply, absorbing the scent of your surroundings.

You think to yourself: Love and Will.....

You shiver violently.

Mysrai turns Their statuesque head towards the Beloved gathered, what nuisance and anger had filled Them moments before absent as They offer you a stoic gaze. Approval washes over you despite Their impassive features, and They simply state, "These past few months, your offerings have accelerated the rate at which My magic might see this work repaired and return Her to Me. You have done well."

With a ripple of copper sparks through his tiny, triangular scales, Sultan Tonatiuh al-Saaoud, Oracle Thousandfold says, "Can we do more?"

You think to yourself: the words gently tick in the back of their mind, chanted over and over even as the Most Beloved speaks: Love and Will, don't forget.

Mysrai's eyes flicker briefly towards Naralis, and then back to Tonatiuh and you. Stepping forward, Their paws tread softly against the surface of the Dreadform mosaic, the sceptre in Their grasp glittering with power and light. "You shall, but first, your rewards."

You nod your head at Tonatiuh.

You blink.

Mysrai flips the Jackal's sceptre in a complicated motion. Sharp noises of metal sliding upon metal resound as a deadly looking blade emerges from the bottom of the Jackal's sceptre. The Jackal's sceptre's shaft extends as well to double its length, the single silk-wrapped grip of the scepter splitting to become two separate grips of a formidable staff. Completing the transformation, the obsidian jackal ahead at the top opens its snout into a vicious snarl, its eyes briefly glowing red.

"Oracle Mine, approach." Mysrai instructs calmly, loosing the Jackal's staff from Their paw and allowing it to float at Their side.

You have emoted: Gurashi's lips finally twitch into a semblance of a smile, and they look up at the Divine in awed confusion before looking to Tonatiuh, lips forming a little 'o' of surprise.

Two of Tonatiuh's bright yellow eyes drift towards the statue as he takes a step toward Mysrai but the rest remain firmly upon the divine.

The Mantle of Starlight flows gently against your form, twinkling stars shifting across its surface as the starry infinity continues its eternal motion.

Sultan Tonatiuh al-Saaoud, Oracle Thousandfold thinks to himself: Reward... reward.. for what? Their Will is mine, in all things. Always.

"Sacrosanct of the Beloved. Oracle Thousandfold. Instructor. Brother. Friend." Mysrai's deep baritone rumbles deeply Their gaze lingering upon Tonatiuh impassively as They look up at him. "Appellations earned, given, and birthed. Yet ever in My Will have you offered your service, ever seeking the dreams of another fulfilled. For this, I shall fulfill yet another wish of one so dear to your heart, and relieve your burden."
You look at Tonatiuh hopefully.

There is a snap in the aether surrounding you, the Shofet reaches out a paw to snatch away what appears to be little more than a glowing speck of light that manifests.

You tilt your head curiously.

Tonatiuh shudders softly, the words come out in a whisper, "Nothing done in Your service is a burden, Most Beloved."

Raising Their paw, Mysrai steps forward and gently presses Their palm flat against Tonatiuh's chest, Their voice resounding in your bones as They dictate, "Entombed within the heart of another, the secrets of Indigo slumbered that should the worthy rise: Dreams and Guidance might once more breathe life and offer aid to shape that which Saffron Wills. Today, the seed is planted within you, My Oracle in Indigo."

You have emoted: Gurashi lifts a hand to their own heart, fingers curling against the fabric of their tunic as they watch and listen, the tears that had welled up earlier in their eyes still present and threatening to spill over at any moment.

A look of wonder crosses Tonatiuh's bare features, understanding settling upon him like the warmth of an embrace. "The Indigo shall dream once more," he whispers, throat tight with emotion.

"Nirsaad, one day, shall return to you, and you may embrace in Love for through faith and trial have you made manifest the deepest desire of his heart. Those who seek Me shall ever seek My Sacrosanct's guidance, and your Dreams shall ever serve you in this place." Mysrai says, withdrawing Their paw and gesturing idly towards the staff, which rotates forward slowly to butt ends with Tonatiuh's own staff.

An explosion of brilliant indigo glyphs fills the air, swirling around you in joyous rapture.

At the mention of Nirsaad, the bright gleam in Tonatiuh's eyes dims, only to rekindle brighter than ever at Their promise.

Unable to help themselves, their voice high and faint, you whisper, "Ahh..."

Once the staff has withdrawn and the explosions of glyphs has faded, Mysrai's paw is once more outstretched towards Tonatiuh, a meaningful look upon Their face. "I shall now take what is yours, and Mine, and relieve you your burden. It serves to heal My Ash."

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart's face drops for the first time since Mysrai began speaking, sudden realisation crossing their face before it is gone again, replaced by a gentle smile full of warmth and grace.

Tonatiuh reaches into his satchel without hesitation, slapping away the over-eager fang-toothed lock as it attempts to snap closed instead.

Tonatiuh takes a blackened mortal heart dripping green blood from a courier satchel with a menacing fang-toothed lock.

Tonatiuh gives a blackened mortal heart dripping green blood to Mysrai, the Shofet of Abyssal Scales.

Tonatiuh flashes Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart a joyous smile.

<Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart holds a blackened mortal heart dripping green blood before Them, smiling darkly at it...> <-- oops wrong person
Mysrai holds a blackened mortal heart dripping green blood before Them, smiling darkly at it. A sneer splits Their face and reveals Their teeth again, scarlet lightning flashing between them as They wave Their hand and send it floating towards the statue.

You saw nothing. <-- lmfao PLEASE

Turning Their head, Mysrai, the Shofet of Abyssal Scales says, "Gurashi."

You have emoted: Gurashi watches the entire exchange in as much silence as they can muster, a bundle of anxious anticipation convincingly guised as a human as they watch the entire exchange, their hand still at their heart. As they are addressed they let out an embarrassingly high-pitched "Yes!" before coughing and letting out a much more normal sounding, "Y-yes! Most Beloved!"

You think to yourself: *their attention focuses fully on the Divine before them despite their still-racing heart - cAlm DoWN heaRtBeaTs".

Mysrai gestures for Tonatiuh to depart even as They reach out and grasp the Jackal's staff once more and twirl it around in Their grip, the tip pointed at their knees as They inspect them carefully. "Secret secrets," says carefully, the words strange emerging from Their gruff, deep voice, "...are hardly worth keeping. They ache, and bend, and ferment that which should otherwise remain hale and whole. Yet in the hours you are called upon, you will not hesitate to invite such pain upon yourself, that others may be free of it."

You have emoted: Gurashi forces their mouth to be as neutral as they can muster, though their lips twitch at the corners, uncertain whether to become a smile or a frown. They knit together their brow again, head canting to the side Mysrai speaks.

Having handed over the heart, Tonatiuh glances with clear relief at his empty, ichor-stained hand. The slender fingers close into a tight fist. "Your Will is mine, Most Beloved," he bows his head. A quick smile for you and he departs.
<-- he runs off and definitely doesn't take me with him no siree;;;;; (Don't worry he came right back)

"Though My Sancrosanct shall still see you progress through My Beloved at the pace they believe shall best suit you," Mysrai comments, gesturing with a paw towards the departing dracnari and nodding Their head slightly at Their own proclamation. "Yet I believe at last, you have defined yourself. What once was an empty insect's shell now stands before Me a bastion of Will and Love. A holder of that which might pain others, and soother of hearts."

You sense the passage of Tonatiuh to the southwest with a fluffy pair of ursine ears.
Plumes of resinous smoke swirl through the air in spiraling tongues of coppery light and shadow as Tonatiuh, riding a black phoenix, enters from the southwest.

You have emoted: Gurashi's lips now twist into a little smile as their head straightens upon their neck, the tears they had been working so hard to keep from shedding now spilling over their cheeks. They continue to listen mutely, gray eyes scanning over Mysrai's face as They speak.

You think to yourself: they want to speak but they can't, for fear if they do they will just blubber endlessly - gratitude, waves of embarrassed gratitude - why can't they talk.

Mysrai raises the Jackal's staff high into the air before pointing it at your throat. A quick movement, a single flick, and there is a small nick on their throat, trickling warm blood down their neck. "To My Heart, you have been a friend. To My Beloved, a companion. I name you now My Confidant in Saffron," The blood upon Their blade boils and glows a brilliant orange as They then direct the blade to trace an incomprehensible glyph upon your forehead. "May the burdens you bear never overwhelm your Will."

You will now be known as Herald Gurashi, Confidant in Saffron, by order of Mysrai, the Shofet of Abyssal Scales. <-- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

As the name settles over you, the sigil traced upon your head suddenly clicks into place. It is not incomprehensible at all, but your name. Your TRUE name, etched in your own blood upon the Shofet's staff, crackling with Their power.

Mysrai suddenly snaps Their wrist wielding the Jackal's staff. With the audible noise of metal upon metal, the staff's segments retract until the silk-wrapped grips merge to form one. Simultaneously, the thin, wickedly-sharp blade tracts until just the tip is evident as the jackal head atop it closes its snarling mouth. What was once a staff is now a sceptre.

As the last of the saffron blood still drips from the end of Their sceptre, Mysrai turns next to Naralis, eyeing him over carefully. "Are you deserving of further accolades and praise, My Beloved?"

You have emoted: As their throat is pricked, Gurashi does little more than gawk, watching the glyph then slide to their forehead. Tears still streaming down their face, they let out a faint whimper, then utter out a trembling, "...Conf...i... dant...?" A little louder they warble, "S-Saffron? Ah--!"

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart's eyes water and tear up as they place their hands over their heart, staring at you with a soft smile.

Herald Gurashi Skydrifter, Confidant in Saffron (Non-Binary Kindly Demigod Changeling).

You look at Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart hopefully.

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart tells you, "Is a goodly name, Friend Gurashi."

Tonatiuh clacks his jaws with an eerie rattle, the sound closer than ever to a deep, guttural purr of satisfaction aimed squarely towards you.

You have emoted: Gurashi lifts a hand to wipe at their cheeks, letting out a shaky laugh and bowing their head to Mysrai. "T-thank you, Most Beloved, I-I am... ah..."

Blurting out, you exclaim, "I will continues to do my bests! A-and go i-in Love! In all things! I promise!" They point eagerly towards Tonatiuh. "We will work hards to-gether!"

Though the Shofet's attention is solely for Their Knight, you yet feel a flicker of warmth brush through the link you share with Them, skipping a beat in your heart and flooding your chest.

You beam broadly at Tonatiuh.

Simply, Mysrai, the Shofet of Abyssal Scales says, "Were I to doubt this, I would not have named you."

You think to yourself: excitement and admonishment - so many FEELIES how do they even cope - they must be patient! they must listen now!.

A single, dark brow arches as Mysrai continues to stare at Naralis for several long moments before nodding. "Then with future deeds, such shall be awarded."

Sultan Tonatiuh al-Saaoud, Oracle in Indigo thinks to himself: -- within swirls of voidcopper clouds bloom Indigo and Saffron, overlaid by softly chanted words -- One is Two and Two are One.. Twinned together, They become..

A dust devil of dark sand whirls around Mysrai as They turn and gracefully rise through the air, ascending to be face to face with the statue of Ashtariel. Gently, They reach up a paw to intertwine with Her hand, and place Their forehead against Her own. "Soon, now, My Love. My sweet Ash..."

You have emoted: Gurashi looks towards Tonatiuh, still fighting off their tears, offering the dracnari a teary smile before they follow Mysrai's movements back to the statue, their expression of concern returning.

Green blood sizzles and squirts in protest, sending the rancid smell of burning fur rising into the air as power courses through Mysrai's grip into the heart which struggles wildly, attempting yet to beat underneath Their vice-like grip. Their claws dig in and puncture the flesh, gouts of blood spurting out in all direction as They withdraw from the statue before such may stain its delicate, opalescent flesh.

A shock of primal fear runs through your spine, rooting you to the spot as though you were but a hare facing a hawk swooping towards it as Mysrai directs Their full attention to the withered and bruised organ yet fluttering beneath Their grasp.

As the aether about Their paw churns and warbles, the heart responds in kind, torn to shreds and tatters as though trapped within a sandstorm, soon little more than ragged pieces of blackened flesh which orbit Their paw in a dizzying display.

You have emoted: Gurashi watches in quiet awe, side-stepping to be directly beside Tonatiuh, their arms wrapping around their instrument, no longer stemming off the flow of their falling tears.

All seven of Tonatiuh's bright eyes blink in unison, whipcord muscles tensing beneath the ivory scales. Gaze captured by the heart while his own gallops on with a skipped beat.

A shifting, living poppy of beige petals displays a myriad of brilliant colours before its petals explode with a bright flash coalescing into the shade of scarlet blood in the blink of an eye.

With a bright flash and an explosion of chromatic glyphs that spill out about Them, the tattered remains orbiting Mysrai's hand withdraw to a small point floating just above Their paw, pulsing and beating with the slow, steady rhythm of a heart and whispering verses of alien prayer. Even as you watch, Their arm trembles with the force of each beat, Their power manifesting fully as They offer it in purpose to Their great Love.

Naralis continues to watch silently.

The golden light sparkles through the mother-of-pearl and stained glass as Mysrai gently presses it closer and closer to the statue's chest, slowly allowing it to pass through the material and sink within.


Tonatiuh glances between Aschwar and the statue and blinks all seven eyes once more.

You have emoted: Gurashi sets their jaw as they watch with bated breath.

Sultan Tonatiuh al-Saaoud, Oracle in Indigo thinks to himself: Ash... Ash....


You think to yourself: Love...


You think to yourself: And Will ... We loves You so ....




. . . . .

. . . ba-dump . . .

You think to yourself: their heart skips a beat in tandem - was it their heart?.

Though Mysrai's face remains passive and stoic, through the link in your chest to Them you feel an outpouring of relief, and of gratitude.

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart's eyes widen as their mouth drops open in a perfect 'o' of surprise.

You have emoted: Gurashi sniffles softly, attention drawn to Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart as their mouth pops open.

You tilt your head curiously.

... ba-dump ... ba-dump ... ba-dump ...

You think to yourself: ...a heartbeats...

Tonatiuh's head twists sharply at the first sound of a heart beat, jangling the bells from the dreamcatcher strung between his horns. The noise is loud and the dracnari immediately stills, caught with a tilt in almost canine-fashion.

A majestic golden falcon with dusky sunset wings's feathered head perks up with interest as she watches.

Though the heartbeat is slow in pace, it yet emanates, and you soon realise -- BA-DUMP -- that it is growing in power, emerging from somewhere -- BA-DUMP -- beneath the floor, the distending bulges of the mosaic quivering with each -- BA-DUMP!

You have emoted: Gurashi continues to hold their hand over their heart, watching on curiously.

You look at Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart hopefully.

Mysrai's voice is soft and tender, their deep baritone husky and raw with fear and anticipation as They whisper a silent prayer in but a single word. "Please..."

You think to yourself: the word sends an aching shockwave through their own heart - They are so desperate for this ... they cannot help but echo the sentiment: please please, please.

Amid the heartbeat's unsteady pulses, Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart gently raises their paws together before their chest and bows their head in a familiar motion as they begin to pray quietly, mouth moving silently.

You have emoted: Gurashi squeezes their instrument to themselves, puffing their cheeks in intense concentration, teary eyes watching Mysrai work.

BA-DUMP! .... BA-DUMP! .... BA-DUMP! . . . . BA-dump! . . . . Ba-dump! . . . . ba-dump . . . .

Tonatiuh's slender fingers twist into a complex mudra of hope and protection, a prayer for the Thousand Hued upon his tongue.

You think to yourself: Please ... we are here for You! They have worked so hard and, is nothing Love and Will cannot do! We Will this, to go well - it will...

Mysrai's eyes, but hollow pits of starfields, warp and churn with scarlet tones as They gaze on, glowing with power as They press Their paws against the shoulders of the statue.

Bizirik, the leothin lets out the faintest of whines, coming to rest upon the ground beside the Beloved, its long tail oddly still behind it.

Naralis' eyes flickering, he joins the others in focusing his energies towars the Shofet, his grip vise-like upon his axe.

You think to yourself: Power...! Ah--.

"You stand before the Shofet of Abyssal Scales. The Manifold Adjudicator. The Thrice-Crowned Empress. A thousand appellations which answer to but one Will, and ONE Love. Before Dynara, Magnora, and Yudhe Himself I swear that you will not take HER from Me a second time. SHE is MINE, and I will have HER!!" Mysrai's voice is now shaking with anger, the Vaults about you quivering and filling the air with the sound of precious treasures from the Reliquary beyond crashing to the ground in a glorious melody of shattering glass and crystal. "SHE IS MINE!!"

Granules of black sand scour your skin as they shoot past you, soaring to Mysrai's side and surrounding Them in a storm that seethes with Their power and Their rage both, avoiding naught but the statue as blood flies through the air alongside strips of ribbon as They howl out with primal fury.


You have emoted: Gurashi flinches but remains steadfast in their spot, gasping at the sound of the resounding crack.

At once the power which had hung about Mysrai fades, the fury which had threatened to overwhelm but a moment before now leaving you dizzy in its absence as sand falls to the ground in a great clattering FWUMP! Across the statue's face, stretching from cheek to cheek, a visible splinter can be seen, spilling forth golden light.

Tonatiuh flinches, startled, heart pounding in his chest.

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart trembles in fear, daring to open but a single eye as they bunch their shoulders tight.

Golden shades radiate from your chest and your heart beats faster with newly-appeared determination.

You think to yourself: their heart suddenly soars at the light - it looks like when they shapeshift! that is a good light - right? a good sign - it is working, it -is- working, yes - they are here together and they will Will it to go right--.

You close your eyes and inhale deeply, absorbing the scent of your surroundings.

The light within the mouth of the statue flickers, a weak sound like the gusting of wind spilling forth briefly.

Tonatiuh untangles his fingers for a moment, touching the voidcopper mark upon his forehead and then the poppy as it shifts, before reforming the complex mudra.

The light within the mouth of the statue flickers, what can barely be described as a whispered gasp escaping.

The light within the mouth of the statue flickers, and you hear, "...mmmmm...."

You think to yourself: It is O-K! Don't be afeared - it is O-K! It is us! Just us - just us ...

You think to yourself: hopeful and anxious - it is O-K, it is O-K.

The light within the mouth of the statue flickers, and you hear, "...mmmmiiiiiihhhh...."

The light within the mouth of the statue flickers, and you hear, "...sssssssssss...."

You think to yourself: Most Beloved...!

The light within the mouth of the statue flickers, and you hear, "...rrrruuuuuuhhhh...."

The light within the mouth of the statue flickers, and you hear, "...aiiiiiii...."

The light within the mouth of the statue flickers, like the gentle, dying exhalation of one who has passed through slumber.

KRSH! CRK! The sounds of stone, marble, and bone cracking can be heard as the statue begins to shudder and shake, colour flaring wildly across the flesh of the statue.

Tonatiuh's balance shifts forward unconsciously, as if the fraction of forward movement would somehow give him a better view.

The Mantle of Starlight flows gently against your form, twinkling stars shifting across its surface as the starry infinity continues its eternal motion.

You have emoted: Gurashi lets out the faintest of shuddering gasps at the voice, their surprise clear to see and twisting into joy as the statue continues to fracture, now too leaning forward onto the balls of their feet to watch.

A sudden beam of energy escapes the eyes of the statue like sunlight through a prism, brilliantly refracting colour that nearly engulfs the Shofet's head but for Their Divine reflexes. Searing the nearby wall of the Vaults, the beam is joined by another, and another, and another, all threatening to burn away and crack the foundation of what surrounds it.

Barking the order harshly, Mysrai, the Shofet of Abyssal Scales exclaims, "Get back!"

Mysrai flips the Jackal's sceptre in a complicated motion. Sharp noises of metal sliding upon metal resound as a deadly looking blade emerges from the bottom of the Jackal's sceptre. The Jackal's sceptre's shaft extends as well to double its length, the single silk-wrapped grip of the scepter splitting to become two separate grips of a formidable staff. Completing the transformation, the obsidian jackal ahead at the top opens its snout into a vicious snarl, its eyes briefly glowing red.

Naralis takes a few strides backwards as commanded, his eyes never faltering.

You have emoted: Gurashi obediently slides backward, bumping into Tonatiuh as they do, grabbing onto the dracnari's arm reflexively.

You think to yourself: Most Beloved--!

Mysrai launches Themselves backwards, grasping the Jackal's staff and extending its blade in one fell motion as the light continues to shine and refract. A beam quickly escapes towards Tonatiuh, but They raise a paw and a flowing wall of shifting sand rises to absorb the impact, hardening immediately to crystalline glass that allows you to see the statue yet beyond.


Like a moth drawn to a flame, Tonatiuh takes a mesmerised step back, slow and lingering.

You grab protectively at Tonatiuh.

Tonatiuh stumbles a further few steps back, jostling with Naralis and you behind the wall of glass.

Climbing with unnatural, jerky movements, the statue of Ashtariel slowly pulls from the maw of the Dreadform before crumpling to the ground in a heap. Flesh bubbles across its skin, whatever beauty it once possessed gone as it desperately attempts to rise to its feet, loosing further beams of destructive light as it does. "Myysssss....raaaa...iiiii..." Its voice is a piercing soprano, that of a young girl, moaning in pain and torment.

A misshapen rise from the mosaic below, the hungering mouth of the Dreadform of Iklara once rose like the jaw of some great beast breaching the ocean, bulging and warping the floor surrounding it to uncomfortable, distended extremes. The victim of some assault, a clean slice has carved into the marble body of the Dreadform, curving upward at the last to leave a sloped line of jagged tentacle to bisect teeth and probuscis. The interior of the statue is entirely hollow, with only faint traces of opalescent dust to show that anything once lay within.

A darkened, solemn corner.
Throughout the location, small dancing flames flicker and spark. Its bulbous body cruelly disfigured, a statue of the Dreadform of Iklara bulges out from the centre of the floor. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. Holding an enormous scabbard of living poppies at their side, Aschwar stands here with a soft, determined smile. A majestic golden falcon with dusky sunset wings stands here regally. A selcouth sand djinn languidly levitates in mid air, liquid gold pouring from his eyes while incandescent sparks trace chaotic orbits around his floating form. A black phoenix perches here, his fiery plumage illuminating the area with black fire. Perpetually in a dramatic pose, the inflated silken form of Avechna the Avenger towers here, ebony muscles gleaming. A massive storm of black sand swirls around Mysrai, the Shofet of Abyssal Scales, scouring away the very fabric of reality about Them. They wield the Jackal's staff in Their left hand. A voidcopper-chapleted hierophant chants quietly here, thick plumes of smoke rising languorously from the strands of resinous incense bundles that sway hypnotically from his wrists.
You see a single exit leading southwest.

What was once a perfect recreation of the Goddess Ashtariel, this monstrosity holds its limbs and head as though unsure of what to do with them, twitching and lolling every which way as she struggles to hold herself upright. Her mother-of-pearl skin pulses and squirms as it attempts to settle around the stained glass which emerges from within like shattered bones, their beautiful colour offput by the dark tones of vivid, multihued blood which seep out from the places where they emerge. Colour spills across her body like oil across water, the swirling, natural beauty of each jewel tone twisted and warped into cruel designs that drip like blood and shiver before bursting in a panoply of temporary, bulging pustules that stretch her skin and weep further colour where they do. Only her eyes retain any semblance of true beauty, shifting through an endless spectrum of impossible colours that shine with a youthful countenance and hope. A horrible sound escapes from within her mouth, which is little more than a downturned gash ripped open across her face - somewhere between a moan and a sob in a spine-chilling soprano.
A pearlescent monstrosity of stained glass almost glows with nearly god-like power.

You blanch suddenly.

A pearlescent monstrosity of stained glass slowly stumbles to its feet, clutching at what remains of a disfigured statue of the Dreadform of Iklara. Each laboured breath is an accusation, spilling further light from her mouth that sears the air and walls alike even as Mysrai deflects them to scatter against the Vaults surrounding Them.

Bright and clear, you whisper, "... oh my Gods..."

Mysrai's eyes are wide, if the shifting starfields which encompass them can be described as such, Their grip loose on the staff in Their hand as They quietly mutter, "No...nononono, this cannot be..."

A pearlescent monstrosity of stained glass takes a tottering step forward, nearly spilling across the ground as yet another beam of light escapes a hand outthrown for balance. The glittering emerald sears the crystalline wall of glass, and this shocks the Shofet back into action, Their paw rising and another layer of protective force encompassing the wall and sealing you within its protective embrace. "You will not hurt My Beloved, Ash. You are just...confused...please, to your senses."

Tonatiuh exhales sharply, expelling twin plumes of cinder-filled ash as he stares, all seven of the bright yellow eyes fixed upon the twisted glass.

You have emoted: Gurashi looks utterly shaken by now, gazing upon a pearlescent monstrosity of stained glass in disbelief. Their grip on Tonatiuh's arm tightens, drawn only out of their shock by Mysrai's voice. The protective barrier shudders, and they flinch, hissing through their teeth as they return their gaze to the scene before them.

"MYS....rai...." The voice is twisted, wracked with agony as a pearlescent monstrosity of stained glass takes yet another step forward, reaching towards the Divine with sorrow in her eyes - the last vestige of true beauty upon her body. She repeats this accusatory name over and over again as she attempts to approach the Thousandfold.

Cheery daffodil sears the fur of the Shofet as the statue stumbles forward, drawing an agonised cry from Them as They face the blowback of Their own power.

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart exclaims, "Shofets!!"

You give a horrified gasp.

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart emerges from where they had nearly gone unnoticed behind the Shofet, trembling hands holding an enormous scarlet katana before them towards the statue. "IS NOT HER! IS BADLY, PLEASE!"

Tonatiuh instinctively tries to reach out but the barricade of glass still stands. His indigo-stained palm spreads across it.

You have emoted: Gurashi's attention all at once is drawn to Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart's voice, honing in on the priest. Their own hand flies to the barrier, hand balling to a fist against it. "Beloved!"

Mysrai's mouth is hanging open, Their tongue lolling out of the side of Their mouth as They tenderly raise a paw to the seared and bloody flesh which starbursts out of Their sternum - still smoking with all the destructive force which escapes unhindered through the prismatic shards embedded within her flesm.

You give a horrified gasp.

Naralis tightens his grip upon his klangaxe, the mechanical goggles that had previously been perched above his brow now falling into place over his eyes.

There is the loud clang of metal against crystal and the wicked sound of impacted flesh as the tae'dae priest coincides with a pearlescent monstrosity of stained glass , the monstrosity's arm piercing through the shoulder of the enormous priest even as their katana embeds itself solidly into her side. A horrifying screech waters your eyes and threatens to burst your eardrums as she throws her head back in agony before whipping her arm to the side and sending the priest toppling to the ground near the bulbous shell of the Dreadform.

Crying out, you exclaim, "Aschwar!!"

Tonatiuh glances desperately towards the tae'dae. "No no no..." the syllable echoes uselessly against the glass.

You have emoted: Gurashi's hands drop from their instrument, flying to a wooden training katana instead. They grip the weapon tightly in their hand and, after failing to find purchase in scrambling over the barrier that keeps them and their fellow Beloved safe, strikes at it, grimacing at the sound it produces.

You cease wielding a peacock psalterium lyre in your left hand.
You begin to wield a wooden training katana in your hands.

Though their voice is weak, Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart gently raises their head long enough to plead, "Shofets...is...not..." But whatever ends the sentence is too soft as their eyes flutter and they slump over heavily. Caring not for this, the monstrosity reaches down to yank the oversized, nine foot blade from its side and sends it clattering to the floor. "MYYYSSSSS....RAIIIIIII!!!!"

Time seems to slow as you watch, horrified, a beam of light escaping a particularly jagged chunk of stained glass within the statue's flesh. With deadly accuracy, it flies towards the canid head of the Divine, drawing closer, closer, and closer to impact as They stare stupefied at that which They have created.

Yelling as they hit the barrier again, you exclaim, "ASCHWAR!!!" They grimace at the terrible, hollow crack their weapon produces. "Most BeLOVED--!"

But no sooner has the bloody scarlet impacted the wall than is Mysrai gone, and an explosion of force rips through the air.

Naralis's blazing eyes now turn upon the monstrosity.

Naralis opens his stocking and pulls out a group of 136 marble blocks. <-- lmfao please

"Damascene, forged in the Blood of My Beloved, from the dreams of those who pledge themselves to Me. To protect is its purpose, never to kill," Mysrai's voice reaches you and shows you Their position, embracing the statue tenderly. There is a loud crack, and a slow jerking movement shakes the monstrosity's head.

Their baritone shaking the Vaults as They speak, Mysrai, the Shofet of Abyssal Scales says, "My Hand of Hands, protector of My Heart. A fitting epitaph, that it would be her Will, forged in steel."

Naralis visibly relaxes as he steps back once more.

Tonatiuh glances between the staff and the stained-glass monstrosity. A subtle flinch mirrors the loud crack.

Naralis' eyes blink once as understanding seems to come to him.

"...mys...rai...." a pearlescent monstrosity of stained glass quietly pleads, her childish voice barely audible over further cracks. Jerking backwards, she lunges away from Mysrai, reaching down to grab at the blade which has been embedded within her stomach. "...why..."

You have emoted: Gurashi gasps for air between their tears as they watch, no longer attacking the barrier, their hands balled into fists against it as they watch, shaking from head to toe.

Sir Naralis Siarani, Illuminated Knight thinks to himself: ...Altrea...

There is no mercy in Mysrai's voice as Their head hangs low, eyes hidden, "Weighed upon the Scales are the sins of pride. Of wanton destruction. The casual disregard of Creation. Succumbing to temptation." They extend a paw to the side, and the Jackal's staff flickers and shifts from its position, dropped on the floor, to fly to Their waiting palm.

"And worst of all, the debasement of My Heart and My Love both." Mysrai snarls out as Their eyes glow with a scarlet wrath that sparks crackles of electricity about Their fangs. "Weighed, and found wanting, I sentence you, Mysrai, and your punishment shall be swift." Angrily They gesture a paw and the Jackal's staff flies forward to, in one swift motion, slice through the neck of the monstrosity.

Tonatiuh's eyes, all seven of them, widen in disbelief.

You think to yourself: their insides are a maelstrom of emotion, so happy, now so dashed - all they can see is everything else, Aschwar on the ground, the Most Beloved's judgement - so many things, concern driving them to the madness of a caged animal.

A pearlescent monstrosity of stained glass staggers, almost as if she were unaware of the fatal blow dealt to her. Blood trickles from her neck, the muted rainbow which stains her skin dripping slowly and steadily down to encompass the stained glass as well. "...love...you..." she offers, the final words of a small child who perishes but a moment after, toppling to the ground as her head separates from her body.

You think to yourself: Oh--!

As the monstrosity rapidly disintegrates into motes of dust that flare with the remnants of the Thousandfold's power, blood yet stains the mosaic as They quietly whisper, "...I know. It is all I ever wanted you to do."

You have emoted: Gurashi's breath fogs the barrier before them as their forehead rests upon it, tears continuing to stream down their cheeks, katana shaking in their grasp.

Sultan Tonatiuh al-Saaoud, Oracle in Indigo thinks to himself: -- a heart-wrenching yank of emotion rips free, like a damn bursting, spilling not in rage but in despair --.

Another negligent gesture sends the Jackal's staff careening through the air, slicing through the barrier as though it were naught but gelatin, and the glass likewise dissolves and begins to flow upward to join the rest which swirls purposefully in the centre of the room above Mysrai .

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart's chest can barely be seen rising and falling as they lay unconscious on the floor, paw yet reaching out towards where the Shofet had stood dumbstruck against the wall.

The glass wall gone, Tonatiuh stumbles to his knees, copper sparks skittering across the floor. He rushes to Aschwar's side. "Ash.. Ash.." the words a chant, clutched like a talisman.

You have emoted: The moment the barrier falls, Gurashi flies forward, rushing towards the downed priest. Their boots skid across the floor at the speed at which they come to a halt, falling to their knees. "Aschwar! Beloved!"

Mysrai slowly, numbly steps forward to where Damascene, an enormous scarlet katana still lies, and hefts the oversized weapon as though it weighed nothing to run a paw along its gleaming edge.

Tonatiuh's indigo-stained palm presses against the tae'dae's shoulder, and the dracnari's feverish yellow gaze lifts to Mysrai. "Thousandfold," he whispers, "Shofet.."

You have emoted: Gurashi looks to the wound upon Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart's shoulder, then drops their katana, producing their lyre, starting to pluck at the strings, producing as best of a healing majorthird that they are able to produce. Sweat breaks out on their forehead, cracking open an eye as they play with trembling hands.

Jostled by the movement, Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart's eyes flicker weakly as they open their eyes, blood spilling from their open shoulder wound as they grit their teeth in pain. "S-see? ...bad...stuff..." The notes of the majorthird slow the bleeding, yet the gaping hole remains, revealing tendon and muscle beneath twitching and spasming unseemly beneath the open air.

Their voice cracking, you whisper, "Y-yeah ... bad stuff... oh, Aschwar ..."

Their voice trembling, Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart says, "Tried...hoping, though. Did best. Promise."

Voice warbling over their tears as they continuing to play, you say, "It will be O-K! A-ah, it is just," They grimace, "we will fix you right up O-K? It is O-K, w-we are with you! A-ah--."

With a hiccup, you say to Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart, "You did so good! The best!! You saved Thems!!" They sniff. "Y-you are a hero! R-really!"

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart laughs and turns their head to look at the wound on their chest, wincing before averting their gaze. "...no, was...was sloppy. Bad footworks. Gonna have to train lots harder..."

The wound pulses, blood refusing to spill further as the major third continues to thrum the aether surrounding the priest's shoulder. Yet the gaping wound remains, quivering without treatment.

You have emoted: Gurashi finally stops playing so that they may reach out, their hand resting upon the side of Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart's face. "You did your -best-," They insist softly, fiercely, their voice wavering but not cracking. Quickly they reach out to grasp their vial, offering it now to the priest. "Drink this," They insist as they offer the healing potion.

Slowly, almost mechanically, Mysrai raises Their paw and slashes forward with Damascene, ripping something imperceptible in the air that They then step through, vanishing from sight entirely.

With a clattering thud, Damascene's metal rings against the ground as it bounces from the mosaic to lie on the floor.

Tonatiuh murmurs to Aschwar in a tone that attempts comfort, falling flat despite the earnest inentions. He glances away as Mysrai departs before his attention is once more rivetted to the ragged wound. "This might need more than just healing potion," the dracnari murmurs with an eerie clatter of his jaws.

You think to yourself: aching confusion - why are They leaving? Why aren't They helping? Aschwar needs Them--!.

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart leans into the support of both Tonatiuh and you, drinking deep the healing draught. Though the wound flushes, it does naught to close it, and they wince carefully. "Where'd the...Shofets?"

You have emoted: Gurashi holds out their hand to retrieve the vial as Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart drinks from it, frowning at the wound, attention returning to Tonatiuh. "We need a healer," They whisper hoarsely.

"Home...gotta go...home..." Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart requests quietly, their eyes now lingering upon what remains of a disfigured statue of the Dreadform of Iklara.

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart begins to follow you.

Tonatiuh's indigo-stained palm hovers just above the wound, and though he's no healer, there is power there still in the gesture, infused with his Will. A coruscant halo of hieroglyphic suns flashes into existence around the ragged wound,.

Tonatiuh begins to follow you.

You have emoted: Gurashi does their best to help Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart sit upright, moving underneath them to give the tae'dae all of their support. They look to the Beloved present with them, nodding. "We're gonna get to your house, stay with me, yes. C'mon, Beloved, shuffle along. One steppy at a time."

Tonatiuh glances around, spotting the enormous katana on the ground.

Tonatiuh scoops up Damascene, an enormous scarlet katana.

The cheerful light of the suns dance across the wound, and it slowly beggins to knit together muscle and sinew, though the patch of bare skin which slowly emerges is as bare as a baby's buttock.

<-- shuffle shuffle shuffle

You close your eyes and inhale deeply, absorbing the scent of your surroundings.

You have emoted: Gurashi tightens their grasp on Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart as they turn their gaze upward.

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart winces with each step, but takes the pain in stride, refusing to complain further.

<-- Esei ruining my life with a walnut door /s
You reach out and touch a pair of broad copper doors.
The cold air of the city infiltrates the monastery as the doors to the outside creak open.

You sense the passage of Tonatiuh to the west with a fluffy pair of ursine ears.
Tonatiuh follows you west.
A lush sandstone courtyard before a grand villa.
Throughout the location, small dancing flames flicker and spark. Aesthetically geometric sandstone tiles lead the way towards the grand, multi-tiered villa rising ahead. Lush, long-bladed sedge grasses envelop the sand-strewn path, tall clusters of woody bamboo parting nearer the abode where the avenue opens into a large courtyard. Nestled within the grasses are a number of abstract statues depicting noble hawks and cobras, clear water pouring from their beaks and fanged mouths into basins cradled below. Surrounded by an intricate arrangement of small pools and complex fountains, pale stone benches and narrow monoliths of dark marble circle the courtyard, offering opportunities for tranquil rest and reflection. Beyond the yard rise the golden-wood columns of the villa, each supporting wide mahogany eaves from which hang chimes of miniature golden bells interspersed with bright crimson metal poppies that lend their delicate tintinnabulation to the music elicited by even the smallest stirrings of air. The immense statue of a proud jackal rests upon its haunches at the top of the wide sandstone stairs rising before the towering archway that marks the threshold of the villa, the dark animal's triangular ears and snout held high as its scarlet eyes watch over all who pass. A selcouth sand djinn languidly levitates in mid air, liquid gold pouring from his eyes while incandescent sparks trace chaotic orbits around his floating form. A black phoenix perches here, his fiery plumage illuminating the area with black fire.
You see exits leading east and in.

Tonatiuh murmurs something unintelligible to Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart.

You have emoted: Gurashi takes their time on the stairs, moving up each one slowly.

You sense the passage of Tonatiuh to the in with a fluffy pair of ursine ears.
Tonatiuh follows you in.
Within a comforting, rosy solarium.
An enormous, rectangular space, this solarium is spacious while still managing to offer a comforting sense of home with a number of beige-cushioned mahogany divans in a variety of sizes arranged strategically throughout the airy room. Columns hewn from honey-coloured wood line the area on all sides, their surfaces painted with freehand brushstroke visuals loosely depicting sky-blue cranes, seafoam dragons, black jackals and other mystical creatures amongst orange bamboo and palm fronds. In the centre of the solarium is a wide, golden basin filled with red sand, a number of standing kyphi sticks filling the air with serene aromas as the incense smokes peacefully within its vessel. Above, the ceiling is formed of nothing but pieces of stained glass assembled in complex geometric patterns which combine and divide to form shapes reminiscent of the natural world - fragments of bright blue, soft yellows and pale oranges intersperse throughout a predominance of rosy pinks, their forms melding into patterns eliciting images of flowers, eddies of sand and suns. There is something about the designs which conjures sensations of peace, amicability, comfort and safety, delicately colouring the light passing through the segments of glass. A selcouth sand djinn languidly levitates in mid air, liquid gold pouring from his eyes while incandescent sparks trace chaotic orbits around his floating form. A black phoenix perches here, his fiery plumage illuminating the area with black fire.
You see exits leading north, northeast, northwest, and out.

Panting lightly, you whisper, "Here - we are here!"

"The...the plants..." Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart says as they carefully stumble over to a nearby cabinet, grasping it firmly to support their weight as they pant quietly.

You have emoted: Gurashi sets their face, shuffling forward determinedly. "Yes! To the atriums!" They cry, leading the small group ahead.

Tonatiuh follows you north.
Strange poppies within a verdant atrium.
Myriad stone planters, raised rock-wall gardens and hanging pots overflow with a variety of flora within this revivifying atrium, the vibrant petals of peonies, orchids, azaleas and chrysanthemums providing magnificent drops of colour amongst the greenery. Areca palms spread their narrow-leaved fronds from tall standing pots, shading the various benches and asymmetrical travertine paths that wind through the arrays of plantlife while glassless windows overlooking the villa's environs offer a view of the flower-bedecked trees, pools and towering statues relieving the desert sands that span as far as the eye can see. Before these windows splash fresh waters within an ornate limestone fountain, chaotic carvings decorating its surface while gold leaf spirals around them. Surrounding this fountain are raised tiers lined with a collection of wide-mouthed, soil-filled vases, each nestling its own assortment of curious poppies: among the traditional red, white, yellow and pink blooms are others shaded different hues of the rainbow, some even being composed of entirely different materials altogether. Iridescent chitin, cotton-like fibre, translucent crystal and even a few feathery species gather in clusters, their lofty position suggesting that they are undoubtedly the muse of the garden's caretaker. The centre of the atrium is dominated by a robust spiral staircase of gilded gold railings and cream-hued stone that circles up towards the higher floors of the villa, the structure well-supported upon reinforced pillars. A selcouth sand djinn languidly levitates in mid air, liquid gold pouring from his eyes while incandescent sparks trace chaotic orbits around his floating form. A black phoenix perches here, his fiery plumage illuminating the area with black fire.
You see exits leading southeast, south, southwest, and up.

Bowls and urns dash against the tiles of the solarium as Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart sweeps them off of the next cabinet they approach, pulling forward a mortar and pestle that they attempt, and fail, to pick up with shaking paws.

You have emoted: Gurashi follows Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart, aiding the priest, sensing their subtle leaning. As they follow them to the counterspace, they collect the pestle in-hand, wide-eyed. "What do you needs us to make?" They ask. "Just point. Sit, we will do it."

Entirely ungracefully, but gratefully, Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart thumps down to the ground on the spot, chest heaving with the effort of the trek as they quietly intone, "Juniper...wormwood...marjoram...flax...sage in kitchens."

Having pulled it behind him this entire time, Tonatiuh takes a moment to carefully lean the tall katana against a nearby wall.

Tonatiuh drops Damascene, an enormous scarlet katana.

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart carefully uses their good paw to point out plants in turn, the plants only baring passing similarities to the herbs you know of which they named.

You have emoted: Gurashi shuffles about the atrium, the pestle in their hands as they begin to scour over the plants, scrunching their face near to some and sniffing others. "Juniper juniper--" They start to collect the berries as they find them, fumbling. "I know this one - sage, we need sage."

You thank Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart profusely.

Through a pained grimace, Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart says, "Kitchens. Sage for...cooking.""

You have emoted: Gurashi bolts for the stairs, then returns, crashing into the counterspace with all their might, grimacing as they do. "Igotit!" They exclaim, slapping down a handful of the leaves.

You look at Tonatiuh hopefully.

You flail about helplessly.

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart turns to Tonatiuh and points to a piece of the wall which looks no different than the other. "Push...for waters, mixes and mash plants...make goop."

Tonatiuh winces as you gallop into the counter and turns to follow Aschwar's direction.

Golden shades radiate from your chest and your heart beats faster with newly-appeared determination.

Tonatiuh prods at the wall, tilting his head in concentration.

As the stone is pushed, the fountain within the centre of the atrium sputters before losing some force behind its flow, a bamboo pipe unfolding from a seam in the wall through some clever engineering trick to pour out a steady trickle of water that quickly drains down onto the steps leading to the grounds to the south.

You have emoted: Gurashi carefully collects the aforementioned herbs into the mortar, then prod at the plants inside with the pestle, lifting their head to watch Tonatiuh at the wall. "Oh! How clever!" They cry as the water comes out, then quickly put back on their post serious face, pre-emptively squishing the berries as they await the water's arrival to the mix. "We got this, Beloved Aschwar, don't you worry. Will be feeling better in -no times-."

As their eyes close, chest rising and falling in slow, measured marks, Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart says, "...will be cold...when done...likes ice..."

You look at Tonatiuh hopefully.

Tonatiuh clacks his jaws in an eerie rattle, somehow managing to echo your upbeat words. He pulls his palm away from the wound for a moment to check before replacing. The halo twins and twins again, a tripled line of indigo suns now weaving in a complex pattern. "Hope it doesn't take too long to chill," as he watched you mix the pultice.

You have emoted: As the water finally joins the mixture, Gurashi begins to mix and churn, their expression scrunched in utmost determination. THey stop only once they have produced a thick colorful goop that causes them to wrinkle their nose, lifting their brow. "It doesn't -smell- bad," They grunt, shuffling closer to Tonatiuh and Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart, holding the mortar between their hands. "Is this enoughly?"

The steady crush soon sends up a strange spicy scent which burns your nose yet leaves it feeling refreshingly cold, like a sprig of fresh winter mint. The scent immediately is familiar, as you realise you have made a single batch of restorative ice. <-- we are not smart lmfao

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart's nose twitches ever-so-slightly, and they weakly nod, pointing a golden claw towards the bald patch of raw, pink skin outlined by the tripled halo of of indigo suns.

Tonatiuh sniffs at the stone bowl, exhaling a cloud of cinders. "Looks like just what is needed," the dracnari says, lifting his palm away while the suns continue their tangled revolutions.

Weakly, Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart says, "Just gots to rubbing. Please be gentles."

(Order): Tonatiuh says, "Shofet, Thousandfold, our Most beloved.. we care for Aschwar but.. but what of You?"

Only silence greets you at the call over the Beloved's aethers, the tumultuous, alien mind of the Shofet as distant as a storm looming on the horizon.

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart winces in pain.

You wince in pain.

Holding out the mortar helpfully, you say, "I thinks I made enough - O-K." They grunt, tightening their grip on the mortar, switching to hold it in one hand between themselves and the dracnari. They dip their fingers into the mixture and frown, then carefully reach out, touching the priest's raw skin with a little grimace. "S-sorry - it is only going to get better, now."

You tilt your head, gaze softening as you frown.

Their voice wavering, you ask, "They ..." They shake their head, returning their atttention to the present. "Is this O-K?"

As the ice seeps into the wounded skin, fresh fur quickly begins to sprout and the tension held in their shoulder slowly relaxes as whatever agony which had been inflicted upon them is mercifully lifted.

A dazzling flash of gold and indigo ripples through Tonatiuh's tiny triangular scales like lightning caught in aeon, leaving your vision filled with ghostly silhouettes. "It worked, it worked," the dracnari murmurs. A small motion of his hand gathered up the floating glyphs but a few remain to sink into the tae'dae's fur.

Quietly, their voice straining but growing stronger, Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart says, "It...is...goodly, y-yes."

You have emoted: Gurashi continues to apply the restorative ice, some of their earlier hardened determination softening. They continue to work but there is something somber about their expression as they work, lips curled into a focused frown.

Sure enough as the last of the poultice is applied, the only indication that there were ever a wound upon Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart's shoulder is that the fur there is shorter than across the rest of their body, only even perceptible due to your close distance and familiarity.

Tenderly, you ask, "Is O-K? How does it feel?"

With a weak laugh, Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart says, "Like the Shofets got me in trainings."

A wry smile spreads across Tonatiuh's face.

You have emoted: Gurashi smiles weakly.

Reality buckles and warps as though some great form is smashing down upon the ground, only ceasing when a storm of chaos energy begins to rage and Mysrai steps from its depths.

With much of Their figure fading in and out of shifting realities draped around Them, there is little that can distinguish the gender of this small figure. It is only certain that They are a radiant immortal. Where Their body is visible, small tufts of short-cropped fur can be seen in intermittent patches, the flesh beneath visible pulsing with colourful hieroglyphics of a dead language. Set deep into an elongated, canid head are twin vortexes of inky black Void, stars and constellations spinning and swirling through the depths in nonsensical, hypnotic patterns. Atop Their head sit two peculiar ears, like cones that have been flipped upside down, swivelling constantly to capture more of the world around Them. Occasionally appearing from behind Their back is a thick tail that tapers to a thin point just above Their ankles. In the area just beyond Them, enormous limbs of black sand and forked red lightning twitch in restless anticipation to cause untold destruction through the strange and alien realities barely glimpsed through the chaotic sandstorm.
Long black fur, shot through with strands of deep crimson, extends in a mohawk that stretches down Their spine to the small of Their back.
They are wearing:
a swirling crown of saffron hieroglyphs that sears the air in a scarlet halo about Their head
an ivory pair of Divine silk harem pants that reveal Their furry calves and digitigrade paws
a simple tunic of gold-trimmed ebon that is nearly lost within the depths of Their fur

With a startled gasp, their hand still drippling with restorative ice, you exclaim, "O-oh! Most Beloved!"

Tonatiuh lowers his head, long bony chin to chest.

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart's eyes light up and their face splits in a happy smile at Mysrai's emergence, exclaiming, "Shofets!" They quickly scramble to their feet, losing their balance and having to stumble against the counter to regain it.

With a small gasp, you say, "O-Oh, Beloved Aschwar, b-be careful--!"

"Sloppy," Mysrai addresses quietly, all the force and power from Their voice gone. Of the packs in Their hands, one is vanished away even as They throw another to Aschwar, letting it land with a thump on the countertop. "We shall have to address your thrust, and your charge."

Tonatiuh offers a shoulder to lean on to the tae'dae priest. Though whipcord thin, there is strength there beneath the slender dracnari's ascetic frame.

You tilt your head curiously.

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart's paw closes around the bag with confusion, the clanking of supplies within, and they graciously accept Tonatiuh's aid to rise to their feet. "...what is...?"

You have emoted: Gurashi quietly moves to flank Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart's opposite side, setting down the mortar where it is most unobtrusive, wiping their fingers on the bottom of their tunic.

"It is time for Me to go," Mysrai simply says, the untold aeons of Their life audible at once in Their voice and the sagging of Their shoulders. Looking entirely spent, you can almost discern dark bags in the ebon fur beneath Their eyes. "You may stay here, with your friends, or accompany Me."

You think to yourself: all at once - quiet surprise - Go?.

Worry is instantly visible in Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart's countenance and they take a tentative step forward, asking, "G-go?"

Tonatiuh looks from Mysrai to Aschwar, the same word forming in this mind yet he dares not give it breath.

You have emoted: Gurashi opens their mouth but no sound comes out, and they look up at the towering tae'dae beside them, then back to Mysrai, shoulders sagging.

"The execution was but part of My sentence, My Heart." Mysrai says softly, Their face as still as the statue on the other side of the bridge. "There is something I have lost, and a wound that I must heal from. I have hurt My Beloved enough."

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart hugs the pack quietly to their chest, running a claw over the canvas as they quietly ask, "C-can't stay? No one will be mads. Will forgives you."

You think to yourself: though their throat is closed, they can only agree We forgive You, we forgive You, we Love--.

Mysrai's exhale is gentle, carrying the harsh scent of star anise to your nostrils as They shake Their head once. "As I wandered to find My Silkenhand, and wandered to find Her, and stumbled across you, it is time for Me to depart again." There is a small pause, and They reiterate, "You may stay, if it is your Will."

You think to yourself: their heart further sinks, then jumps into their throat, seizes there tightly: They are going away?.

There is an audible pop as Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart sets their jaw and turn to you, asking, "Remember promise? Will look after, till I come back?" The cheer which normally accompanies their voice is absent, as though they are attempting very hard to avoid spilling into tears.

Mysrai's posture shifts, almost taken aback, as though They had not expected such a statement.

You have emoted: At Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart's question, Gurashi can only let out the faintest of croaks before they swallow hard, nodding several times over. Their own tears return full force, spilling silently over their cheeks as they squeak out a strained: "O-Of course... t-the plants, and the... sweeping..."

You think to yourself: a dawning realization that makes their knees shake - and they are going with Them...?!.

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart carefully turns and reaches out both arms, pulling Tonatiuh and you into a tight hug as they quietly whisper, "Every time Shofets is alone...gets hurt. Needs someone to Love Them, and to knows plants. Loves you, too, but am Their Heart. Would never wants to be without a heart."

You reach out, pulling Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart into a tight embrace.

You have emoted: Gurashi throws their arms around Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart with all they can muster, their eyes squeezing shut. "I-is no one better for the jobs," They hiccup at last, muffled by the priest's ebongold fur. "Y-you are a-a goodly Hearts."

Mysrai's paw rises, as though to object, but then They withdraw the motion and turn away, lending privacy to the tender, gentle display of Love as though They cannot bare to stand it.

Tonatiuh barely dares to breathe as the impact of the words truly hits. "As long as it takes.." the words are barely a whisper.

You look at Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart hopefully.

Quietly, carefully patting the shoulders of their friends, Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart says, "Will take goodly cares. Nothing bads will happen to Shofets, promise. And you will be so goodly, and make the Beloveds so happy and big for when come back."

Their voice breaking again, you say to Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart, "I loves you, Beloved - p-please be really, really," They inhale, "really really really s-safe!"

You nod your head emphatically.

You think to yourself: what else do they say - what else can they do?.

With a heartbreaking crack of their voice as the scent of honey rises powerfully to still the tears brimming in their eyes, Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart says, "How does a Beloveds go?"

Far more reserved, Tonatiuh touches Aschwar's healed shoulder, a soft pepper of static sparks sinking into the tae'dae's fur.

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart asks again, with a second, tearful crack of the voice, "C-comes on. How does a Beloveds go?"

Tonatiuh exhales slowly, allowing a long fluid breath to creep from his lungs.

With a hiccup, you say, "I-in Love, in a-all things."

You bring your fingertips together in the shape of a heart.

Sultan Tonatiuh al-Saaoud, Oracle in Indigo says, "In Love, Beloved Aschwar, in Love in all things."

You have emoted: Gurashi takes in another shuddering breath, then closes their jaw tight to keep from making more embarrassing noise.

Aschwar, the Ebongold Heart nods, even the glowing of their eyes and the scent of honey not enough to prevent the fat tears which roll down their cheeks, and they quickly turn, rushing to Mysrai's side and looking down at Them. "Am...am readies."

Mysrai spares but one glance over Their shoulder, nodding in approval - or perhaps apology - to Their Beloved before reaching up to take Aschwar's paw tightly in their own. "Go in Love, in all things," They echo, though it is hollow and rote.

A swirling sandstorm of chaos energy engulfs Mysrai, scouring the area around Them before fading to leave reality whole and safe once more.

You think to yourself: their heart swells, their throat clenches, their stomach is aching - so many churning emotions, the bittersweet wave that comes before the precipice of loss--.

Sultan Tonatiuh al-Saaoud, Oracle in Indigo thinks to himself: We are not, not ever ready..

Bright and clear, you say, "Be...."

As the two vanish, a streak of light pierces towards the heavens, seeking to escape even the Shifting City as it soars ever skyward.

(OOC Clan): You say, "Sobbing noooooo."

Tonatiuh's gaze lifts to follow the departing light.

<A burst of energy arises from Mt. Zoaka, soaring higher and higher into the firmament like a bloody star, trailing streaks of ebon energy that discolour even the darkness of night.

Hanging for but a moment, the overwhelming scent of anise is briefly visible as the presence of the Shofet of Abyssal Scales is briefly felt. Then, shooting into the heavens, it abruptly vanishes and leaves nothing in its passing but the memory of the scent and a warm wind in its passing.>

You have emoted: Gurashi is unable to summon any further words as they finally collapse in their spot, sinking to their knees heavily, like a marionette who's strings have snapped. They watch the ascending light, their tears continuing to fall.

Tonatiuh folds to his knees beside you, wrapping them in the warmth of an embrace. "They will return," he says quietly, seven eyes still staring skyward long after the light has vanished.

You have emoted: Gurashi does little more than openly weep for a time, turning towards Tonatiuh and wrapping their arms in turn around the dracnari, their head finding his shoulder, their own shaking. Behind them, their leothin snorts softly, then hangs its head, letting out a pitiable whine.

Tonatiuh wraps a comforting arm around you.

Sultan Tonatiuh al-Saaoud, Oracle in Indigo thinks to himself: -- thoughts in turmoil, a dark storm cloud shifts across a pin point of light, but as it moves, there is hope yet that it will reappear on the other side --.

You have emoted: Gurashi finally manages to stem off the falling of their tears, though their breath continues to hiccup from time to time, their cheeks red and flushed, eyes puffy and tearful. "S-sorry," They say at last, pulling back a tiny amount. They look up, scanning the sky miserably. "...w..."

You close your eyes and inhale deeply, absorbing the scent of your surroundings.

Tonatiuh squeezes your shoulders. "They will return," he repeats, and the next words crackle with power and memory of a time that seems now so long ago. "It starts with light and ends in light," the dracnari chants softly. "And in between there is a darkness."

Doing their best not to start weeping all over again, you say, "...w-when things end, can, re-builds." They stare at Tonatiuh beside them, sniffling. "We will do our best... to d-do like they asked." Their eyes begin to fill with tears once more. "W... we're going to makes the Beloved ... will see it become..." They shakily correct, "...-stay-, a goodly, happy family."

Tonatiuh nods his head at you.

You have emoted: Gurashi looks around the atrium quietly, their chin quivering again. "...I will have to water it. Every months," They promise. "I will come, and, clean. So it never gets dusty..."

Bright and clear, you say, "Or dirty or ..."

Warbling sadly, you say, "Times is flies ... w-will be back before knows it."

Sultan Tonatiuh al-Saaoud, Oracle in Indigo says, "Flies indeed."

Golden shades radiate from your chest and your heart beats faster with newly-appeared determination.

You sniffle softly.

You look at Tonatiuh hopefully.

Tonatiuh takes a shifting, living poppy of copper petals close to him and, closing his eyes, inhales deeply to absorb its scent.

Tonatiuh's eyes fade to black as he focuses his gaze upon you. A vast galaxy of light suddenly blooms in your vision, a rapturous moment of ecstasy accompanying it that fades as quickly as it came.

At last, dazed, you say to Tonatiuh, "You unlocked Indigo, Beloved... a... am proud of you..."

Sultan Tonatiuh al-Saaoud, Oracle in Indigo says, "And it shall flourish, right alongside Saffron."

You have emoted: Gurashi looks down at themselves, then back up at Tonatiuh, sniffling. Their lips turn into a shaky smile, and they laugh. "Y-yeah. At last..."

Tonatiuh leans close to you and gently lays a kiss upon your forehead.

Sultan Tonatiuh al-Saaoud, Oracle in Indigo says, "In Love, Gurashi, in all things."

You have emoted: Gurashi gently squeezes Tonatiuh's shoulders as their forehead is kissed. "In all..." They trail off, exhaling.

Sultan Tonatiuh al-Saaoud, Oracle in Indigo murmurs, "Things."

Tonatiuh grows still and his lips begin to move silently.

You sniffle softly.

Tonatiuh is enveloped in translucent fire for a moment and is gone, his soul safe until he returns to Lusternia.

You nod your head emphatically.

<-- the saddest timequake thus followed this and then the saddest washing of blood off of clothes with birbwife aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAA

Pub: 03 Oct 2021 01:49 UTC
Edit: 03 Oct 2021 01:50 UTC
Views: 134