kuchinashi katou (加藤梔子)
a childhood friend 幼なじみ
the childhood friend of rei, keito and eichi who moved back to yumenosaki and transferred to the producer's course whilst they began executions.
In Ensemble Stars!, he joined about midway through the first year and tended to help units from the sidelines and produce with them if Anzu couldn't.
voiceclaim - matsuri - fujii kaze
Age: 18-19
School: Yumenosaki Gakuen Academy
Clubs: Tea Club
Circles: Keito Lecture Circle, BIBLION
Height: 176cm
Weight: 56kg
Birthday: December 12th
Roommates: Keito Hasumi, Hokuto Hidaka, Hajime Shino
Handedness: Right-handed
Blood Type: B
Likes: Ink bottles
Dislikes: Having his hands dirty
Favourite Food: Miso Soup
Hobby: Learning japanese history
Specialty: Caligraphy
- short purple hair with coloured strands <- red, light purple, blue, black?
- glasses <- obtained just after the end of crossroads, helped distance himself from rei/keito/eichi
- prefers baggy clothing and/or hand-me-downs -> used to ask keito/rei/eichi for their clothes when they were younger
- i feel like his personality is very childish but not in the traditional way
- he acts mature most of the time but i feel like he's alot more like a 8-14y/o when he's comfortable and alone with someone
- he steals peoples things but its only to mildly inconvenience them like pens
加藤 (katou)- wysteria, to add/increase
梔子 (kuchinashi) - gardenia -> symbolises secret love
His family are above the middle class but below the likes of the Tomoe family. His father isn't particularly present at home but sends money home.
- in keito lecture hes a nightmare he'll just stop working every five minutes n sigh dreamily
- still steals keitos clothes now theyre back being friends (maybe sometimes also eichi and reis he just likes baggy clothes n is too lazy to buy new ones)
- he constantly checked up on rei ritsu and eichi's health conditions when they were friends + he still does now that they've reconciled since he still knows the boundaries their illnes has
i do not proofread these, they are literally the same as how i wrote them at 1am
- fatherless or wealthy family
- keito n him are chioldhood friends -> keito used to be like a brother to him - with rei + eichi? - absence causes the heart to grow fonder with the implication of further underlying feelings
- moves away
- comes back during the execution period- specifically crossroads <- helped chiaki free eichi
- can't really see keito, rei or eichi the same due to the events of crossroads/exfine/5 eccentrics
- becomes more generally distant with them <- stops attending fine, UNDEAD or 紅月 shows
- starts producing units
- after a unit he produces opens for akatsuki he does the eichi thing where he walks past keito whilst 紅月 go on and he's like "was nice to see you again, hasu-chan."
- keito realises he fucked up because he didn't really notice how he had come to the school <- the only time they had interacted was during crossroads, and of course keito had seen his name through papers in the student council but he hadn't really realised this was his childhood friend
- they properly unite and go over everything and come to the understanding that things have definitely changed between them but they still want to remain friends
- there's a reunion between rei keito n eichi n him -> understanding what truly happened in that time period in yumenosaki, choosing not to support any side or actively partake in any of the executions
- by the time they reach third year, him and keito are much closer and a lot more similar to how they were in childhood -> there's a somewhat reformed friendship between eichi and rei but the tension between them all is too high for him to ever interact with all of them in the room together
- ES!! era him n keito dorm together
- theres a form of underlying feelings between them which is mutual but cannot be expressed
Keito Hasumi - Keito-kun, Keito-san, Hasumi-san, Hasumi-kun, Hasu-chan/Kei-chan (when they were children)
Eichi Tenshouin - Eichi-kun, Eichi-san, Tenshouin-san, Tenshi-chan/Ei-chan (when they were children)
Rei Sakuma - Rei-san, Rei-kun, Sakuma-kun, Rei-chan/Recchan (when they were children)
Ritsu Sakuma - Ritsu-kun, Ritsu-san, Saku-san