kud wafter's lovemail!

⌓⌓   ౨ৎ   ashe  pix  our beloved boyfriend ahhh!!! we absolutely love you soso much we're ready to spend the rest of our lives with you!! you're so funny, nice, and match energy soso well! we've never had a single argument and ERUFHUFDSIW i cant put into words how much i love you its frustrating, but long story short i adore you and want to live happily together!! we had so much fun when we saw each other and being in your hold brings me endless comfort and sweet dreams that i've genuinely never had before. seeing how different yet similar we are makes everything so much fun!! our system anthem, "summer party" is something we associate with you now and it makes me so happy that we're able to share everything we love with you and vice versa. we love making playlists based off of you, playing games with you, and just sitting and talking about anything. sitting in silence is also fun too! i know we're more of listeners than talkers, but im glad you don't think we're weird when we have our hyper moments of nonstop talking. speaking of, we love hearing you talk about anything and everything and that includes your projects and art! we adore you soso much and we're ready to devote our lives to you. thank you for being the best boyfriend possible, nobody can ever compare to you and we don't ever need to bat an eye in any other direction other than yours. we're safe and truly in love with you. thank you. you're my prince charming. my chuuya, my saihara, my asmodeus, my everything.

⌓⌓   ౨ৎ   aamna  pix  HAYAMI'S TWIN ALERT!!!!!!!!! we love you sososo much!!!! /fam you make everything better and understand us on a level we dont think is really possible. we're thrilled to hear about your day or anything you have to say, and we always make sure to take anything you tell us into account. you matter to us a lot more than most could muster. we've been through two friend groups and we're the last two standing. i know it sucks to think about the gbz and cmc, but i'm glad if anything else, that we're the last two standing. we wake up genuinely excited to learn something new about you! from sunflower cottage until now, we're so glad you've gotten to know our system so well as you do. we trust you with so much its insane HELP. hayami especially would be horribly lost without you, so thank you also for being an amazig rolemodel to sweet. pup, miki, and gregory specifcally adore you and talk about you all the time, they just won't stop! we know having favorite people can suck when dealing with bpd but we're proud to say we've never snapped or pushed and isolated from you. you tell us the truth and nothing but the truth and you're such a couragous woman! we fucking adore you and look forward to talking to you at any point of the day! you MATTER. PERIOD. keep looking towards the future, it'll be worth it.

⌓⌓   ౨ৎ   cocomina  pix  OUR BIRTHDAY TWINNNSSSSS!!! WE'RE SOSO GIDDY TO TYPE THIS!!! you guys are utterly amazing and we're so glad we met, even if ti was through such a terrible server like sunflower cottage. we've had our ups and downs and moments of not talking because of our misunderstood beef,, but i'm glad we both matured and came back stronger than ever. you guys our birthday twin for now and forever, and we cannot wait to see where you go in life! we're so happy whenever we get a text from you guys, it's absurd! we're the two best doll princesses in the world! october 16th for the win!! we know bpd sucks and dealing with fps especially, but knowing the fact we're both each others fps is honestly comforting for some reason. we're more mature and controlled and we won't do any harm to one another, it's the best feeling in the world really. we get so happy to wake up and recieve any messages form you guys and we'll always do our best to help you all withwhatever we can! we just really like bonding and calling.. speaking of we should do that more often.. please don't give up and keep working at it! you guys are so silly and amazing to talk to, anyone who comes across you guys would absolutely adore you! /srs

⌓⌓   ౨ৎ   orian  pix  our big sibling...... the best big sibling tbh. i know we came from such a terrible place (queen's ugly ass shadow force server) but im so glad we met!! it's funny how we thought we hated each other and stayed away from one another before talking about hoe bad queen was! we've been through a lot, and honestly? im glad we're still standing strong today and that you're apart of the wan4. it's soso fun to talk to you about anything and everything and hearing about your hair chronicals honestly makes me laugh so bad i start tearing up LMFOAOOOOOOOOOO. being in any of your servers make us SOSO HAPPY AND OVERJOYED BECAUSE WE GET TO HELP YOU WITH EVERYTHING WE CAN!!! please never think for one second that you're terrible at anything because you're such a quick learner and can turn nothing into something! it's such an amazing skill and we look up to you a ton! we're so glad to call you family. when you finish cosmetology, i already know you'll be the BEST at cutting hair and dyeing it!! we'd LOVE to get our hair professionally dyed by you! it'd be amazing time to spend with our big sibling!!

⌓⌓   ౨ৎ   ventus  pix  vennnn!! i know we dont talk as often as we used to but im super duper glad you're apart of the wan4 as well! i remember being casted as komugi in cure up dubs and being so happy to revamp your server and make it pretty! helping you find out your works as a system will always be special to me and i know whenever we have a misunderstanding we can talk through it without any blow outs happening. you're mature, funny, amazing, and a great person to be around, please never think otherwise! i also adore your auditions as when you put them out i know i'm going to go through a good video! everything you make, process, edit, and create is amazing and we're so glad we've gotten so close over the few couple of months! you hold a special place in our heart and we hope you move forward to do amazing things!! our adoration will never run out when it comes to you guys!! you're amazing and worth it, never forget that.

⌓⌓   ౨ৎ   tdrr  pix  i literally cannot separate you both it's like whatever i write i have to write to the other, so im just going to go ahead and combine roland and mika into one! TWOMADS TOXIC TWIN TOWERS FOR THW WIN BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can i just come out and admit that honest to god we're going STRAIGHT TO HELL FOR THE SHIT WE GENUINELY SAY ON A DAILY BASIS AND WE MEAN EVERY PART OF THE WORDS WE TYPE BRO. we cannot be nice to save our lives and we're so glad we share similar humor and sorta the same interests!!! no day is dull when the tdrr group chat is active!!! i rlly gotta admit and say we're the best trio out there LMFAOOOO like nobody understands tdrr like us, mika, and roland do!!!!!! WE'RE GOING STRAIGHT TO HELL AND SUCKING SATAN'S COCK BUT ITS ALRIGHT BECAUSE WE'LL DO IT TOGETHER LMFAOOOOO. tdrr genuinely cheers us up when we're having a terrible day and honestly without mika and roland we'd probably be cancelled on twitter already. thank god we can get cancelled together instead of being by myself! hallelujah praise god! LAST STOMP FOR THE TWOMADS TOXIC TWIN TOWERS GROUP CHAT

⌓⌓   ౨ৎ   ivy  pix  IVYYWANNNNN!!! ivykins we're soso happy to call you our friend!!! our one sided beef before was hilarious back when we were bellarie, but i'm glad we worked it out and got super close! you're such an amazing artist and firend to have, and we'll always have your back when you need it! you matter a lot to us, you're like a little sister and we deeply care for you. you really shine when it comes to knowledge of the shows you like, and you're just a fashionable and interesting girl in general! we love being able to hold a conversation with you whenever possible, and your ideas are always the best!! i know we've traumabonded over a shared abuser, but i genuinely wouldn't change what happened for anything. i'm glad we're still close and don't resent each other from the past! i'm glad you and i stood up to star and abyss the way we did. banding together like that really made us understand you more than we did before back then. you're strong, please never give up.

⌓⌓   ౨ৎ   alien  pix  DAISY-MAE!!!!!!!!!!!!! HII!!!!!!!! the silliest haruno haruka we know!! you're very hyperactive and your stories are all so interesting when we sit down and listen to them. your cosplays, oc stories, fandubs, and voice dubs are utterly amazing and you're honestly one of our inspirations when it comes to being happy and upbeat most the time, because we can admit where we fall and that's usually on happiness or showing it anyways!! anytime you dm and ask for things regaurding our cultutre we feel a little closer every time, because we're learning about each other no matter what it is! whenever you need us, please know you can always ping or dm and we'll do our best to assist when we can, even if it's not right away. we care and adore you, and being your friend has changed our outlook on a lot of precure related things that you have no idea about! you're an amazing and uplifting person, never forget that!

⌓⌓   ౨ৎ   clementine  pix  APATHY????? APATHY JILL WILKINS. lets fucking go, heh. honestly, if i never messaged you during the whole confessionals shit with silly society?? i feel like everything would be so fucking different honestly HELPME. the two of us make the junglehouse and that's on that. NIGGAS4LYFE AND THATS ON GOD. you're seriously one of the funniest people we've ever met, and good lord help me i'm so sorry that you're a main target of gregory's little rambles!! she does think very fondly of you though, so im glad you're not annoyed by it or anything! you're just another person we think of as a younger sibling and im glad we can consider you a close friend!! anything you talk or ramble about we always make sure to look through because learning about you is super fun! AQUANON FOR THE WIN AND WE CARE ABOUT YOU TENFOLD!!! you got us into rentry and graphic making and honestly a big inspiration when it comes to our symbol usage, so thank you for that ohmygosh. thank you for just being you! you're amazing clem!!

⌓⌓   ౨ৎ   pia  pix  PIANOTEEEEEEEEEEE BIG SISTER HAIIIIIII!!!! oh my god can we say we enjoy hearing you infodump whenever possible??? it's super fun to sit through and hearing you explain every detail you know, specifically when it comes to cookie run or wizard101!!! you know your stuff and pay close attention to detail!! you're the cure scarlet in my heart and you're also so good at singing and music creation wtf??? we need to learn from you one day because you're truly a talented person and you'll go the mile to make anything perfect! thank you for being so nice and understanding when it comes to us and being on our side when confronting star and abyss in the past with their corrupt behaviours and server running styles. you're genuinely a good person with a heart of gold and we want to see more from you! we love you piapia!!! /fam

⌓⌓   ౨ৎ   yuwon  pix  oh my god yuwon. THE "BEEF" WE HAD BACK THEN WAS SO INSANE AND I STILL REMEMBER PAPAYA FANDUBS WHEN I WAS BANNED AND BLACKLISTED LMFOAOAOAO im soso glad that you finally heard us out and was able to see the truth about star and abyss as we started coming out about stuff. i remember being intimidated by you back then because i thought you'd forever hate me after you apologized to me about the ban and shit what was said after Q and such, but i'm glad we could band together and hate her together after a couple conversations, and look how close we are now!!! you're a very funny and upbeat girl and we love whatever you have to say whenever you appear in any chats!!! helping in future fandubs and checking it daily whether i talk or not makes me smile because i know you're treating your members and the server well! you're a talented voice actress and we cannot wait to see where you go in the future! YUWON FOR THE WIN!!!!

⌓⌓   ౨ৎ   loui  pix  loui!! i know we dont talk as much and i dont frequent as much in precure chamber as much as i used to but we really enjoy it when you come around and talk with us! you're very nice to chat with and we have a big smile everytime you mention something you're into!! being invited to precure chambers and being a mod was honestly one of the best things to happen so we could protect you from the icks of the precure fandubbing community! you're a very nice girl and one day i hope we can talk more in depth because you're such a nice person to hang around! we enjoy your company when you give us the time of day! thank you for being our friend and we'll cherish you for as long as we live! you're one of the brightest stars we've seen!

⌓⌓   ౨ৎ   sahra  pix  GIRL WE LOVE U ON GOD LMFAOOOO you're absolutely hilarious and we're glad we've gotten so close over the months we've been friends!! your voice is amazing and you are a well spoken good person to be around. you sell your jokes too well and we cant help but laugh at them over and over because you're genuinely funny! we mean every word we say and you're a great person and an even better friend! you're just super cool overall and i knew as soon as i saw you and talked to you a couple times that you HAD to be in the wanhouse with the rest of us because i knew you'd thrive and mesh well with everyone! we care for you like a sister and it wouldn't be the same without you stepping into the chats going "I HOLLERED" ... we'd be a true sahara dessert.... dry and yearning for the moisture of humor... thank you for being such a kind person. you'll make it a long way! trust us!

⌓⌓   ౨ৎ   the wanhouse  pix  this goes for the server and EVERYONE in it that i haven't personally wrote to. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! we're so happy that this big friend group turned into such an active success and no matter what drama's we go through (staroba,,, abyss,, nasty ass leakers,, literal abusers,,) we know Y'ALL HAVE OUR FUCKING BACKS!!!!!!!! you all are so different and hilarious to talk to and get closer with! wanhouse is my serious pride and joy. we love checking it every day to see what people come up with next. to see what everyone is talking about and share moments that back then would've just been a dream to young ruwa. please never stop shining. you all mean a lot to us! you guys genuinely saved us from such a dark spot in our lives and we cannot thank each and every one of you included in this server enough for helping us get out of such a dark hole. you'll all forever be with us in our hearts. WE'RE THE BEST EVER!!

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Pub: 04 Apr 2024 00:04 UTC
Edit: 03 Sep 2024 05:34 UTC
Views: 972