general behavior: i am extremely capricious and indecisive. my thoughts, decisions, and moods shift constantly. i am extremely ambivalent. im impulsive and straightforward at times. i dont have the best memory but i still like to observe and try to keep that in mind. im mature and composed, yes, but im not without my flaws. ive been worse before, which isnt gone entirely as i might subtly act like that occasionally. i refrain from using slurs and making self harm jokes, but a remark like that might slip out time to time. every slur i say are always reclaimable. im self aware and i know i am mentally ill + disabled so it does affect my behavior in general. i dont typically use tone tags, so let me know if its needed beforehand. i observe and overthink, i like to think im pragmatic. i can be optimistic and pessimistic.
interactions: i usually match energy and dont text first with people im not close with. i struggle with holding conversations, especially when its with someone new. i find it easier to bond over shared interests, specifically playing games. i typically have tons of typos and bad grammar as i dont care to communicate formally (with an exception to some situations). i tend to be clingy, overwhelmingly affectionate and caring but it doesnt mean i cant be an asshole at times. i try to mask my moods, specifically negative ones, but if we're close enough then i dont care to be considerate with how i act at that moment. the closer we get, the more parallel i tend to be from you. i believe opposites attract so i unconsciously behave in a way that contrasts you, as if maintaining a balance between us without even trying. i am flirtatious and overly affectionate in various ways, even if i seem to do it in a way thats different from everyone elses.
tldr: im a complicated and paradoxical person