Untitled Doughnut

One minute you were having a nice stroll through a foggy forest, enjoying the sights and only occasionally having to avoid a spider cat or two... and before you knew it, you were being swarmed by a horde of little armless vegetable bulb things, captured and brought to a big pink castle.

At the moment, you're sitting in a cell in the dungeon of said castle, waiting for something to happen. Were you going to be tortured? Executed? The thought sends a lead weight of dread into your gut. Just as you're about to go to the bars and attempt to beg your captors for freedom, one of those little vegetable things walks up to the door of your cell.

"The beautiful and powerful Lady Sweetheart wants to see you. Come with us, prisoner!"

The cell door opens (you find it impressive that they managed to accomplish this without hands), and you're escorted out by the little things. They lead you out of the dungeon and down the massive, winding hallways of the castle until you get to an elevator. After a surprisingly short ride, you're let out into what you assume is Lady Sweetheart's bedroom. It's lavish, luxurious, and... extremely pink. Garishly, overwhelmingly so. Considering the rest of the castle, it shouldn't come as a shock to you, but you're still taken aback by the sheer excess of it all. So taken aback that you failed to notice the person sitting on the ornate bed in front of you until she speaks.

"Thank you for bringing the prisoner to me, my loyal subjects. Now go, begone! I wish to speak with her alone." The woman dismisses the vegetables with a wave of her hand. You look behind you to watch them stumble into the elevator, and when you turn back around, you're startled by Sweetheart suddenly being right in front of you, nearly invading your personal space. How had she moved that fast!?

"My Sprout Moles told me that you were wandering around the forest." Sprout Moles? Is that what those things were called? You got the "sprout" part, but nothing about them stuck out to you as mole-like. "What were you even doing out there?"

You open your mouth to explain, but she cuts you off. "Actually, nevermind, I don't care. It doesn't really matter. All that matters is that you're here now..." What the hell was that supposed to mean?

Sweetheart suddenly turns away from you and begins pacing dramatically, a needlessly theatric flair in her tone. "You see, it has been an unfortunately long time since I've been able to enjoy the company of someone else, so I've been searching for a suitable partner."

Wait, she was just lonely? Honestly you could relate to that, but that was still no reason to kidnap someone! You're about to say as much when you're interrupted yet again.

"And as luck would have it, a cute stranger just so happened to be strolling around outside my castle!" She punctuates this statement by whirling around and pointing at you. A bit of color comes to your cheeks when she calls you cute. "Truly fortune has smiled upon me!"

( * )

Your frenzied stammering peeters out as Sweetheart begins giggling behind her hand. "Oh dear, it seems you don't understand." She looks down at you with an expression that somehow conveys both pity and eager anticipation. At this moment, you also notice that she stands more than a full head taller than you.

"You see, sweetie, I am royalty, which means I always get what I want! Ohohohoho!"

You let out an embarrassing yelp as, with a startling amount of speed and ease, Sweetheart scoops you up into her arms. She princess carries you to the bed, where you're unceremoniously laid down on your back. The sight of the imposing woman staring down at you with desire so plainly written on face makes your heart leap in your chest.

( * )

"You were basically asking for it anyway, what with the way you're dressed. Nobody goes out wearing an outfit like that unless they want someone to have their way with them."

She isn't wrong, you are somewhat scantily clad. The only things you're currently wearing are your panties, a pair of kneesocks, and a t-shirt just barely long enough to give the illusion of decency. You have a feeling that illusion isn't going to last much longer, though.

"Looks like you're already excited, too, if these are anything to go by." You squeak in surprise as Sweetheart suddenly reaches out both hands to grasp your chest. You whimper as her thumbs run over your nipples, which had become hard enough to freely show through your thin shirt.

"Hmmm." Sweetheart hums to herself as she gropes you, kneading your chest thoroughly and shamelessly. "Not bad, I suppose. They're not as good as mine, of course, but still not bad."

You think you should take offense at that, but at the moment you're too busy getting felt up to care. Sweetheart lightly pinches one of your hardening nipples, and you can't stop the moan that escapes your lips. You squeeze your thighs together to try to relieve some of the burgeoning heat between your legs, which doesn't go unnoticed by Sweetheart.

"Getting hot and bothered down here, huh?" Sweetheart teases, pulling your shirt up to reveal your nearly soaked-through panties. She takes her hands off your chest and pries your legs apart.

Pub: 26 Jun 2022 16:35 UTC
Views: 539