Hey !

You can follow my tumblr and make art requests or ask me stuff over there or on my retrospring ! (.❛ ᴗ ❛.)

This account is on mute, unless we are mutuals i might not see your comment/qrt but i still appreciate it :')

Please do not interact if you're a nsfw account !!
I do NOT support proshipping and i won't engage in any drama regarding it (if i follow anyone that's problematic please dm me !)

I use blockchains, if you're blocked ITS NEVER PERSONAL, i invite you to follow my tumblr instead ^_^

If you're interested in art prints please visit my shop !

Wishing you a great day and thank you for your support ! (♡°▽°♡)

Image description

Pub: 06 Apr 2023 20:33 UTC
Edit: 12 Nov 2023 15:55 UTC
Views: 8211