List of hoarded rentry urls
Exactly what it says on the tin. I separated everything into individual sections. Below is the markdown key.
No markdown = Not particularly attached to, will trade.
Italics = Attached to, will not trade unless it's a really good deal.
= will not trade at all/saved for somebody.
Spite saves: greedstw
, projectfeargarden, feargardenproject, permanentlyexhuastedpigeon
, justreallytired, yellowrosesystem
Personal saves: ocean_
, midnightstreetlight
, m1dn1ghtstreetl1ght
, m1dnightstr33t71ght
Vietnam saves???: bunrieucua, bundaumamtom, bunbohue, botchien, banhday, dalat, tphochiminh
My silly illness: bitchwithdid, autisticpoet, schizopod, bpdnetzach
, SCH1ZO, chronicallydid, dissociativelightbulb, yanderebitch, meniere
, anemicomical, obsessionpossession
Medical: medicalbaby, radioactivesyringe, mriscan, hospitalangel, bloodinfusion, sleepynurse, narcolepsys, psychoactivecandy, lobotomybarbie
, lobotomychic, clinicalz
Bunny urls: clinicalbunny, sleepybunny
, bunnydoll_z, bunnyboy_, absinthebunny
, medicalbunny, bunnydreams, yanderebunny, eepybunny, bunnypawz, bleedbunny, bunnyp0p, slimebunny, abyssalbunny, bundrop, proshipbunny
Profic urls: lolico, proshitterbitch
, loliconincoporated, nonconeater, profictioner, fanpols, deaddoveeater, proficdolly
Anti-endo urls: endofaker, fuckoffendos, fucktulpas, actuallydissociative
,dniendo, antiendoinc, syshopper,
Slurs: faggotcorporation
Fandom: thesilentorchestra
, priceofsilence
, thanatosgaze, netzachlobotomycorp
, callofishmael, mayyoufindyourbookinthisplace, renjianshige, 0000ff, sustainplusplus, worldexecuteyou, blubberingtoad
, bongy, nnetzach
, yyesod
, cchesed
, yisangg, jesterofnihil
Misc: caligo, teary_eyed, loverboy_, uraniumgreen, egofallacy
, teessehominem, chronical, painteasel, ujm, uio
NSFW: fuckdiction, sexdoll4rent, _cuntboy, sexctasy, cockslut_, cumrat, subbybunny
I'm currently unavailable to trade, I'll make an account on something somewhere soon for trading.