XION . . he/him + they/them

a guy that REALLY loves red. his room? red. his ink colour? red. his eyes? red. (theyre actually eye contacts but nobody needs to know......) everything is red. his life is red. ok enough abt red.. xion is a confident but clumsy dualies squelcher main. hes a very extroverted and would be seen around the plaza talking to people a lot! hes mainly near the battle lobby because he usually talks to his opponents and teammates. xion also has a sister SHION!!!!! (coming soon in another rentry :33) he likes to tell awful jokes jst to annoy her. it usually works.. its mainly the chicken butt jokes that annoys shion a lot. last thing abt xion, they have braces!!! pretty cool right :3

Pub: 09 Sep 2023 08:18 UTC
Edit: 09 Sep 2023 08:52 UTC
Views: 233