7 November 2024 // Thur.
[Adoredly] was too cute. I wanted to make mine cute too... But you can see I went a bit overboard. Even now, I'm still finishing up some details...
Afternote: of course, [.cc/duh] is still up...
8 November 2024 // Fri.
I'm finally done the war is over. Time to kill myself. Kidding... But I'm so glad I'm finally done... I hope you like it. I spent a lot of time on it.
In reponse to 5 November 2024...
I'm going to be honest, the more you express such reverence for me, the more unsettled I feel. I don't want to be praised so much because I have my faults too. Let's be equals, ok? Both of us are only human. Insert Shakespeare's Sonnet 21.
In any case, I'm happy that I can support you... I hope that you can grow used to this love thing. I hope I will too. Let's learn to love and be loved together! Yeah.
28 November 2024 // Thur.
Happy Thanksgiving. I meant to write here much more often but, well. Better late than never.
I've been feeling high strung lately, so I'm taking a bit of time away from the internet. I might pop in sometimes to talk to you though. Anyway, it's Thanksgiving... I'm grateful for you. Or something. I'm really bad at talking about these things because they're corny and it makes me cringe.
I'm thankful for your kindness. I'm thankful for those nights you stayed up talking to me long past your bedtime. I'm thankful for your patience when I'm so wishy-washy about my feelings. I'm thankful for your honesty. I'm thankful for how you listen to me when I accidentally ramble. I'm thankful for you thinking of and associating random things with me. I'm thankful for you letting me talk about piss... I'm thankful for when you try. I'm thankful for you sending me Fyolai fanart and trying to cheer me up right now. And I'm thankful for you sticking with me for over 6 months... How do I end this? Happy Thanksgiving.
05 December 2024 // Thur.
I tend to write these on Thursdays. How are you? Are you having a good day? Thursdays tend to be weird for me. But this whole week has been pretty weird for me...
I burned my left index finger a little the other day. It's still healing. Is your head okay? Don't bang it on walls anymore. Idiots aren't worthy of your time, let alone of affecting your mood, right?
Have you drank water today? To be honest, I haven't yet. I tend to forget.
11 December 2024 // Wed.
Wait for me. If it makes you feel better, I'm not talking to Fedenka either. I'll be back. I still love you okay. Don't do anything stupid. Remember to take care of yourself
16 January 2025 // Thur.
Sorry for always being a jerk to you why are you still dating me. I'm gonna die. You deserve someone better who'll treat you well and wouldn't bottle stuff up and lash out at you. I'm so sorry. Then you @ me in a post about us being mizurui and mafuemu and mizumafu I'm going to KILL YOU
Sorry this is so negative. Thanks for staying with me even though it hurts you sometimes. You're so kind and understanding and you never get mad at me for anything and you're so sweet and so, so patient I just feel awful for even thinking of saying mean things to you, let alone saying them at all. It makes me cry. Stop making me cry. I never ever deserved you, not with the person I am currently, and here you are anyway. Thank you. I love you. I'll try harder to be the person you deserve. I love you
02 February 2025 // Sun.
I love love love you. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. I love you so much. You have to stay with me forever and ever or I'll do drastic things (cry a lot). I want to live a good long life with you. I'm going to write poems about you. They will be awful and amateurish but I'll write them anyway because I love you. I'm so happy you're mine and no one else's. You're like a nice little flower. I want to water you with pretty feelings and care for you gently. I love you so bad okay. Stay with me forever
08 February 2025 // Sat.
Highkey when that strawpage nonnie said you were croomf it pissed me off. Who the hell do they think they are. I'm not normally possessive or jealous or anything but when they said they could "treat you better" like. Excuse you. Get out? That's my girlfriend? It genuinely made me. Like! Again I'm not like competitive normally but if we lived closer together I'd be getting you a lot more gifts and things than usual uhm... Yeah. Dog coded boyfriend
03 March 2025 // Mon.
Okay but actually. I love you so much. Oh my goodness. Sorry. The whole situation with anon kind of shook me up just a little bit but thank you for :-( being kind to me and. Being by my side. Always and always. You make me feel so much less alone. It's scary how much less alone I feel with you. Thank you for sticking up for me even though I'm a coward who probably couldn't do the same if you needed it. Sorry. I love you. I'll make it up to you somehow.
I will never stop apologizing for being the most uncool useless sack of dirt boyfriend ever. You deserve someone so sooooo much better than me and it's sad because maybe if your exes didn't treat you so horribly you'd know how subpar I am. You're so good to me it genuinely makes me sad. There is literally no universe where I deserve someone as good as you. Whatever. This is. Ugh. Thank you for being my boyfriend I'll do my best as ever to treat you well. I'm sleepy now I'll go to sleep I hope you always have good nice dreams