˚ · • . ° . それでも前に進んだの ˚ · • . ° .
transneu she/fog/it 𖦹
neu terms only
DID sys ☆ intrj of 1
DNI weird ppl, niggas who think they r a character IRL, ppl who want 2 b oppressed so bad, ppl who claim 2 b every race under the sun, tfem afab & tmasc amabs idc if u r intrsx, sensitive niggas, has 10 different pds while being 13yo, uses aave while being nb, misuses aave, lies abt everything, ppl who claim 2 b mixed w blk but dont present it @ all and still try 2 reclaim the nword (girl u dont pass as blk stop tryna reclaim slurs u r never gonna get called), non jp mfs who go by jp names (idc if u r asian u r not jp) this applies 2 every other cultural name btw, endo systems, thinks fictives are delulu, says slurs that dont apply 2 u bodily, believes in alter race, "i like this ship im so delulu" mfs, (if i find u annoying ill prob jus block u)
BYI i'm mean and thats jst how i am, i say slurs i can reclaim/affect me, i make racist jokes abt my own race, i have rlly bad memory, i dont use tonetags, im a fakeclaimer (w proof ofc), im bad @ making friends & idk how 2 set boundaries, im dry 80% of the time n i wont empathize w u, i make fun of everyone idgaf if they did nothing wrong its not my problem if u get offended, i might be an asshole sometimes but srsly tell me if i make u uncomfortable