HE♡RT to HE♡RT ! ! 07.28.21 ♡

I have bpd (diagnosed), and I possibly have adhd + autism. If the server/gc allows it, I will use slurs I can reclaim. I'm very sensitive, and I require tone-tags if we are not close. I'm uncomfortable with nicknames, unless we're close/you're my bf. Please don't flirt with me either! I also prefer to speak in GCs, as I'm heavily uncomfortable with 1 on 1 convos, unless we're close. Please ask to rant in my DMs before doing so.

DNI if you... ⨾ Fit the DNI Criteria, under 13/over 24, are a part of cancel culture, or a part of the DR/DSMP fandom. please tag domestic abuse, cheating, suicide, and self harm. spiders as well, please and thank you! IF YOURE MY BF DNI VICTOR.

i . ii . iii

Pub: 11 Sep 2023 16:50 UTC
Edit: 22 Dec 2023 02:04 UTC
Views: 192