𓆩♱𓆪 dante! ꒦꒷ WHO THE FUCK IS DANTE !? ꒷꒦
• Please read on desktop if possible... ♱

border pixel 01. Hello , and welcome to my extended Rentry ! You may know me as Light , Eva
Dante or any of the names I refer to myself as. Any of the above are fine ; I encourage
you to use whichever name you think fits me best! I am bodily twenty-two years old,
but I identify as closer to two-hundred. You may refer to me as spite , he , dae or any prns I
have listed. Truly, I'm not selective. I am a transneumasc intersex anfisian bisexual, but I
use many terms to describe my relationship with gender. I'm also butch !
𓆩♱𓆪 pixel 02. I am the host of a system, although my alters tend to be quite shy, and often prefer
to mask as Light instead of being upfront as themselves. Please, be patient with them! I also
experience episodic delusions & severe anxiety ; I may lash out or become irritable when I'm
stressed due to this. I am a diagnosed autistic ADHDer, which comes to no surprise. I try not
to discuss my other issues in public for personal reasons - if I speak about an issue, it's
because it affects me! ^_^
𓆩♱𓆪 pixel 03. I have a lot of interests and I am very passionate about them! I don't believe in gate-
keeping, but please don't say you like any of my interests more than me. My current biggest
interests are MegaTen, Devil May Cry, Trigun & Project Sekai, but I have a general
interest in idol media, shounen animanga & JRPGs - most media in this genre fits
into my faves! I'm always interested in recommendations for any of these !
𓆩♱𓆪 pixel 04. Tropes that I feel might help you to gain insight on me as a being.
Affably Evil ﹒All-Loving Hero﹒Big Brother Mentor ﹒Brilliant but Lazy﹒
Brusier with a Soft Center ﹒Beware the Nice Ones ﹒Blood Knight ﹒ Broken
Ace﹒Cool Big Sis﹒Casanova Wannabe ﹒Conman ﹒Crouching Moron, Hidden
Badass ﹒Charmer﹒Deadpan Snarker﹒Dissonant Serenity﹒Friendly Rival
Fearless Fool﹒Genki Guy﹒Gunslinger﹒Hidden Depths﹒Human-Demon
Hybrid ﹒Idealist ﹒Jerk with a Heart of Gold ﹒Jerkass Facade ﹒Large
Ham﹒Lovable Rogue ﹒Obfuscating Stupidity﹒Papa Wolf ﹒ Phantom
Thief﹒Protectorate﹒Red Oni ﹒ Team Dad﹒Tall, Dark and Snarky﹒
Villain Protagonist ﹒ Well-Intentioned Extremist ﹒Wild Card

Pub: 14 Aug 2023 12:09 UTC
Edit: 15 Dec 2023 09:33 UTC
Views: 598