in progress to get my bachelors in environmental conservation
associate's in fisheries & aquaculture PLEASE talk to me abt bugs/fish
(but also abt all life on earth and how everything is interconnected)

practicing hellenic polytheist (slow practice, i am struggling)
i have mostly worked with apollo, hypnos, dionysus, and artemis
(wip digital shrines coming soon)

nb/agender but i got a job so idrc abt all that rn
sapphic/bi & mentally ill (myob) infp-t

i like sushi, stuff that is dragonfruit flavored, early summer,
those haribo cherry gummies, maximalism, slightly desaturated
rainbow color schemes, idle/farm/tycoon games, and trying to draw

idk blinkie/stamp collection

stamps stamp stamp stamps
stamp stamp stamp stamp
blinkie blinkie blinkie
blinkie blinkie blinkie
blinkie blinkie blinkie

bloo bloo bloo bloo
gif gif gif

Pub: 14 Mar 2024 03:21 UTC
Views: 77