terms and conditions byi what have you whatever fuck:

  • feel free to get in contact with me whatever whatever. if you ask me to join in roblox no matter our status with each other i would accept.
    message me via leadshower on discord also/ its my ALTERNATIVE!!! account but if i like you enough i will givr you my main since i am obviously going to be more activeon my main account you lunatic.
  • i like to talk a lot. but i also like when people make comments when i am talking a lot. please do not give me a "yeah" or "right" because i will feel awkward and embarrassed and sad. and then stop talkinh to you for an undecided amount of time.
  • do not become friends with me or do not talk to me if you do will not accept the fact that because i am mentally ill i am going to have mentally ill traits. its just common sense.. i fear.. i very most likely have bipolar (and/or/,) bpd, and autism, and will often say i do have these things (or at least have many traits). i am medically diagnosed with depression, adhd, and pica. i am very queer and very leftist. i do not particularly enjoy conformity or normality. if you expect me to act a certain way or mask around you just because we know each other or may be close you are WRONG!!!!! i will have as many mood swings as i want and i will be as mean as i want. seriously, i do not mean to be this way, but if you expect me to be any other way i am going to kick you out. i do not actually want to be mean and have mood swings
  • im into a lot of "weird" media and topics. ex: politics, subliminals (surf, mg, and ug), shifting, etc. i can be very passionate about a lot of things. i usually try to stay away from.. you know.. bad media.. like racist media, you know.. fucking.. sneako.. whatever the hail..
  • ask me to use tone tags/clarification/meaning/what have you, and so on. i automatically use they/them prns on people if i do not know their pronouns. please correct me. sometimes if i see prns on a profile and then instantly forget afterwards so pretty PLEAAASEEEE correct me.
Pub: 23 Jun 2024 22:18 UTC
Edit: 12 Aug 2024 07:51 UTC
Views: 34