It don't matter if it's raining!

Hi i'm Lemi! This is my secret message: Take a breath and smile! You are exactly who and where you need to be <3 Hi, I'm Lemonade! You can call me Lemi if you want!
13-15 years old! bambi lesbian and lemongirl !
she/her ; sweet/sweets ; sour/sours ; fizz/fizzys ; bubble/bubblys

reading ! singing ! cooking !
positivist ; fatigue limit breaker ; anxiety diffuser !
I have high amnesic barriers, please be kind if I ask questions!
pings, FRQs, compliments, nicknames, hugs are ok! ask to flirt pls <3
my playlist!

I make my own sunshine! ©

Pub: 05 Apr 2023 03:57 UTC
Edit: 17 Aug 2023 01:49 UTC
Views: 178