Easy to read rules

Using any of our layouts without asking permission is an immediate ban ! Get creative ! Genuinely , it's annoying . .

Profanity is allowed , but slurs are a ban ! Even if you can reclaim them . Please keep any slurs out of our server , including in pictures !

Please do not self promote ! If you'd like to partner with our server , you can open a ticket in #tickets ! Or , you can promote your commissions in our commission channel !

Keep any drama out of our server ! Please do not come in here just to start an argument with a member you dislike ! Thank you !
This includes dragging out an argument whenever a staff or member asks you to stop

We allow fonts as long as it . . .
— Is a single word replacement
— Is used for decoration
— Not used for an entire username !
We do not allow language symbols unless the person is apart of the culture , but even if you are , please do not upload any layouts that have langs in them !

Nsfw includes, but not limited to;
— Sexually pornographic photos, videos, or topics
— Gore (Mild is okay, art forms are allowed)
— "I'm gonna touch you" jokes
— "I'm edging to this" jokes

Pub: 22 Mar 2022 23:14 UTC
Edit: 12 Mar 2024 15:24 UTC
Views: 903