heart hiii heart italics = fav . bold = yume / yumeship other yumes are on thin ice (unless specified)

HYPMIC moon rmjk, nkrmjk, ramuda (sharing!), jakurai, yotsutsuji, mtc, jyushi KAGEPRO moon kanoshin, azami, marry, the entire mekakushidan CORPSE PARTY moon seinao, seiko, inumaru haruyuki, kibiki, ran kobayashi, yoshiki 2HU moon mokeine, eirinkagu, reisen, tewi, hata no kokoro, flan, remilia, patche, yuyuko EXTRA moon yui saikawa, rokuta, chuchu, wish me mell

if you want the full list just ask me for it star

flower back flower

Pub: 22 Jan 2023 05:07 UTC
Edit: 01 Jan 2024 22:43 UTC
Views: 423