
this is an account for project sekai lesbian fans to submit their hcs and to have fun ! inspired by @lesbostars !!

non-lesbians can interact and submit as well as long its nothing offensive!

byf: you can send your reqs through dms/ccat, ships are allowed, no 1st year x 3rd year or incest. specify if you want ships to be romantic or platonic!

dni: toothpaste flag users or its supporter, mspec lesbians, labrys or lipstick flag users, terfs, radfems, proshipper/ neutral on proship, anti he/him or they/them or neo lesbians.

admin ☁️ mika/ciel, 15, mew/void/love/it, syshost, white muslim, genderfluid lesbian. i run @otdautistic as well! ^_^

admin 🐢 moe, 17, it+neos, syshost, mixed (black+white), pangender polyam lesbian! other lesbian alters in the sys will also post ^__^

Pub: 17 Oct 2021 15:42 UTC
Edit: 31 Oct 2021 12:59 UTC
Views: 419