Were you hoping that I just might die now? /lyr

Fandom Specific


  • Basic DNI criteria
  • Mspec Lesbian / Mspec Gay + their supporters
  • Proshippers
  • Zionist / Pro Israel
  • Fakeclaimers (man fuck off)
  • Anti self diagnosis (this includes being anti self diagnosed intersex people)
  • Endo systems + their supporters
  • Percy Hynes White (actor) supporters
  • Labrys flag users
  • Misandry + transmisandry believers
  • Against people hating their oppressors (lesbians hating men, autistic ppl hating allistics, disabled ppl hating ablebodied ppl, etc.)
  • Edtwt and shtwt (let me recover in peace)
  • Fancy font users (I can't read that shit)


  • Please use tone tags around me
  • We don't rlly care what fandoms ur in
  • Cat gore / cat harm is one of the few things that makes me both sick to my stomach and paranoid. I'd appreciate tagging it, or at least not bringing it up in convos with me
  • We see all of our moots as friends so don't be afraid to dm us!
  • I will not understand some things because my brain runs like 10x slower than usual /hj my apologies
  • We will NOT remember to tag stuff unless we write it down somewhere so kindly let us know if you need something tagged
  • I can't read very well so I apologize if I rt anything dumb
  • I am very VERY retweet heavy
  • I am extremely critical of my interests
  • I block people VERY freely so if I've blocked you and you don't know why, dm @nightcordz on Twitter (or you can ask abt it through retrospring)
  • I use that one "follow all" feature that sometimes comes up after following someone so if I fit your dni or you fit mine, kindly let me know so I can unfollow!
  • I rt art w pretty artstyles and occasionally ignore what media it's from
  • If any of you are rude to anyone in the system for no good reason, you're blocked.
  • I'm incredibly stupid (/hj) and I can't tell if some things I say are bad. If I say anything bad, please let me know
  • We won't like tweets with slurs we can't reclaim
  • We're recovering from an ED, so pls don't complain if we post about eating on our dpriv too much. It helps us note that we're improving


Pub: 01 Apr 2023 03:11 UTC
Edit: 23 Apr 2024 16:19 UTC
Views: 2582